Now showing items 3548-3567 of 3782

  • Üstünel, Ali Süleyman; Zakai, Moshe (Research report / Forskningsrapport, 1993)
  • Kettler, Paul C. (Research report / Forskningsrapport, 2007)
    The paper proposes a new method, called the Fast Quadratic Transform (FQT), to solve the general indefinite two-variable quadratic equation in integers. The paper presents the new approach, discusses its properties, and ...
  • de Jong, Klaas (Master thesis / Masteroppgave, 2015)
    In classic mathematical finance, a trader's actions have no direct influence on the asset price. For small trades this is a reasonable assumption, but large trades fire back at the underlying price. We consider a transient ...
  • Fauli, Richard Andre (Master thesis / Masteroppgave, 2019)
    In this thesis, results from numerical simulations and experiments on drops squeezing through constricted capillaries are presented. The purpose is to understand how the capillary number changes how drops are deformed as ...
  • Larsen, Ronald (Research report / Forskningsrapport, 1974)
  • Janssen, Mathijs Adriaan (Journal article / Tidsskriftartikkel / AcceptedVersion; Peer reviewed, 2021)
    I discuss the strong link between the transmission line (TL) equation and the TL circuit model for the charging of an electrolyte-filled pore of finite length. In particular, I show how Robin and Neumann boundary conditions ...
  • Kuznetsov, Nikolay (Research report / Forskningsrapport, 1992)
  • Qureshi, Asmaa (Master thesis / Masteroppgave, 2011)
    I denne oppgaven skal vi studere traseringen til endelig-dimensjonale representasjoner av den ikke-kommutative k-algebraen k<x,y>, generert av to elementer. Vi skal se på traser til elementer i ringen generert av to generiske ...
  • Huseby, Arne Bang (Research report / Forskningsrapport, 2005)
    When analyzing flight accident data over some period of time, it is clear that the rates of serious accidents per year show a steady decline. For a recent analysis of this see e.g., Landsberg [2]. However, by focusing only ...
  • Yang, Qiao Jie; Hayman, Brian; Osnes, Harald (Research report / Forskningsrapport, 2012)
  • Yang, Qiao Jie; Hayman, Brian; Osnes, Harald (Research report / Forskningsrapport, 2012)
    Revised version July 2014
  • Dahl, Geir (Journal article / Tidsskriftartikkel / AcceptedVersion; Peer reviewed, 2004)
    An Elsevier Open Archive article. NOTICE: this is the author’s version of a work that was accepted for publication in Linear Algebra and its Applications. Changes resulting from the publishing process, such as peer ...
  • Kastner, Lars; Shaw, Kris; Winz, Anna-Lena (Journal article / Tidsskriftartikkel / PublishedVersion; Peer reviewed, 2023)
    Abstract We describe a canonical compactification of a polyhedral complex in Euclidean space. When the recession cones of the polyhedral complex form a fan, the compactified polyhedral complex is a subspace of a tropical ...
  • Ottem, John Christian; Nicaise, Johannes (Journal article / Tidsskriftartikkel / AcceptedVersion; Peer reviewed, 2022)
    We use the motivic obstruction to stable rationality introduced by Shinder and the first-named author to establish several new classes of stably irrational hypersurfaces and complete intersections. In particular, we show ...
  • Markwig, Hannah; Markwig, Thomas; Shaw, Kris; Shustin, Eugenii (Journal article / Tidsskriftartikkel / AcceptedVersion; Peer reviewed, 2022)
  • Aksnes, Edvard (Doctoral thesis / Doktoravhandling, 2024)
    Since the early 2000s, tropical geometry has emerged as a field connecting combinatorics and algebraic geometry in novel ways. Matroids are combinatorial structures which capture and generalize multiple notions, such as ...
  • Maclagan, Diane; Rincon, Felipe (Journal article / Tidsskriftartikkel / AcceptedVersion; Peer reviewed, 2018)
    We introduce and study a special class of ideals, called tropical ideals, in the semiring of tropical polynomials, with the goal of developing a useful and solid algebraic foundation for tropical geometry. The class of ...
  • Aksnes, Edvard (Master thesis / Masteroppgave, 2019)
    Certain polyhedral fans can be constructed from matroids, and these serve as the local model of tropical manifolds. Such matroidal fans satisfy a tropical version of Poincaré duality [JRS17]. In this thesis, we give ...
  • Aksnes, Edvard (Journal article / Tidsskriftartikkel / PublishedVersion; Peer reviewed, 2023)
    Abstract The tropical fundamental class of a rational balanced polyhedral fan induces cap products between tropical cohomology and tropical Borel–Moore homology. When all these cap products are isomorphisms, the ...
  • Hannisdal, Sasha Endestad (Master thesis / Masteroppgave, 2023)