Now showing items 1364-1383 of 4955

  • Dalby, Tor Erik (Master thesis / Hovedoppgave, 2005)
    When designing webpages for e – commerce it is benefitial to have the users in mind. Users act differently according to their previous experiences with the web. Trying to find out what kind of common denominators users of ...
  • Pesaljevic, Aleksandra (Master thesis / Masteroppgave, 2016)
  • Fjogstad, Vegard (Master thesis / Masteroppgave, 2015)
    In this thesis, the author attempt to design a process that will help web application development companies produce more secure services. This is achieved by using a security standard relevant to the services these ...
  • Koch, Dirk; Beckhoff, Christian; Tørresen, Jim; Wold, Alexander (Chapter / Bokkapittel / AcceptedVersion; Peer reviewed, 2013)
    In this paper, we present an open source partial reconfiguration (PR) system which is designed for portability and usability serving as a reference for engineers and students interested in using the advanced reconfiguration ...
  • Culén, Alma Leora; Eilertsen, Ingeborg; Lægreid, Lone; Pandey, Sumit; Søyland, Magnus; Smørgrav Viddal, Ingrid (Chapter / Bokkapittel / AcceptedVersion; Peer reviewed, 2016)
    The paper describes experiences with Eco-A, an interactive installation for children and youth. The installation was designed to engage children and youth in active conversation around environmental and climate issues. It ...
  • Kongsgård, Ingvild Wahl (Master thesis / Masteroppgave, 2022)
    The possibility of growth through external resources in a platform is almost boundless. This makes network effects in a platform ecosystem highly desired. To get network effects, companies must attract both platform ...
  • Lauvland, Marius (Master thesis / Masteroppgave, 2023)
    Plattformar og økosystem revolusjonerar heile industriar ved å skifte dei frå tradisjonelle vertikale verdikjedar til horisontale organisasjonar sentrerte om økosystem med plattformar i kjerna. Energisystemet blir meir ...
  • Myklebust, Erik Bryhn (Doctoral thesis / Doktoravhandling, 2022)
    The assessment of the health of ecosystems is of great concern to gain insight into the impact of human activities. The health of an ecosystem can be looked as the sum of the impact on organisms occupying this ecosystem. ...
  • Jenssen, Astrid; Fjuk, Annita (Master thesis / Hovedoppgave, 1990)
    Målet med oppgaven var å undersøke hvordan fjernundervisning og datakonferansesystemer (DKS) kan kombineres, og danne et nytt fjernundervisningskonsept. Utfordringer her lå i å finne ut hvilke tilpasninger som bør gjøres ...
  • Vatne, Nicolai (Master thesis / Masteroppgave, 2022)
    Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief (HADR) operations are needed to alleviate the effects of natural disasters on the local population. In HADR operations, multiple branches of government and non-government ...
  • Ferreira, Paulo; Zavgorodnii, Constantin; Veiga, Luìs (Journal article / Tidsskriftartikkel / PublishedVersion; Peer reviewed, 2020)
    Automatic human activity detection, mainly transport-wise, is very relevant for architects and urban planners (among many others) when designing cities, roads, public transportation systems, etc. Such detection allows to ...
  • Bordin, Chiara; Mishra, Sambeet; Safari, Amir; Eliassen, Frank (Journal article / Tidsskriftartikkel / PublishedVersion; Peer reviewed, 2021)
    Contemporary energy research is becoming more interdisciplinary through the involvement of technical, economic, and social aspects that must be addressed simultaneously. Within such interdisciplinary energy research, the ...
  • Sveli, Jørgen Hvamb (Master thesis / Masteroppgave, 2008)
    Traditionally, genome browsers have been targeted at researchers in biology and medicine. The goal of this project is to explore a novel utilisation of such software. Can a genome browser be used for educational purposes ...
  • Stikbakke, Jørgen; Molnes, Eirik (Master thesis / Masteroppgave, 2008)
    Educational computer games have been around for a long time. However, the work that is being done on educational computer games is mainly focused on an elementary school level. We feel that it is high time that educational ...
  • Hovind, Espen (Master thesis / Masteroppgave, 2012)
    E-bøker har de siste årene etablert seg som et alternativ til de tradisjonelle papirbøkene. Samtidig har digitale bibliotek som Prosjekt Runeberg vokst frem og kan tilby litteratur som har "falt i det fri". Prosjekt Runeberg ...
  • Woldegiorgis, Yared Berhanu (Master thesis / Masteroppgave, 2013)
    Wireless body area networks (WBAN) are networks of low-power sensing objects which do collects and sends vital signs of a patient using low-rate communication media. To test and evaluate the real-world behavior of protocols ...
  • Portilla, Thomas (Master thesis / Masteroppgave, 2013)
    Construal-level theory (Trope & Liberman, 2010)⁠ states that people use increasingly higher levels of abstraction to represent a mental object, as the psychological distance to the object increases. Kanten (2011)⁠ investigated ...
  • Paulsen, Joar Wisth (Master thesis / Masteroppgave, 2008)
    Every large groupware project includes by necessity many different users. The top-down approach of the 80s and 90s is changing towards a more user centered approach. What implications does a focus on user involvement have ...
  • Hannisdal, Espen (Master thesis / Masteroppgave, 2009)
    Huge amounts of data, like nucleotide and amino acid sequences, are regularly added to the biological databases. These data are then being used by researchers in various ways depending on needs. A common task for many ...
  • Hamang, Nicklas Mortensen (Master thesis / Masteroppgave, 2019)
    This thesis focuses on studying characteristics of Norwegian passwords as a means to find the best way of attacking them. This was done by using a password-cracking tool to attack offline copies of several password data ...