Now showing items 4-23 of 961

  • Liu, Liquan; Varghese, Peter; Weidemann, Gabrielle (Journal article / Tidsskriftartikkel / PublishedVersion; Peer reviewed, 2019)
    Behavioural studies report differences in monolingual and bilingual infants’ non-native lexical tone perception [1]. The current study explored the degree to which infants’ linguistic experiences alter their pitch processing ...
  • Kesling, Emily (Journal article / Tidsskriftartikkel / AcceptedVersion; Peer reviewed, 2021)
    The Royal Prayerbook (British Library MS Royal 2.A.XX) contains several related prayers for staunching a flow of blood. One of these entries contains several portions of Greek text written in Greek characters. This paper ...
  • Rees, Ellen (Journal article / Tidsskriftartikkel / PublishedVersion; Peer reviewed, 2023)
  • Faarlund, Jan Terje (Journal article / Tidsskriftartikkel / PublishedVersion; Peer reviewed, 2021)
    Among the syntactic changes that can be observed in the transition from Old Norwegian to Modern Norwegian are the following word order changes: loss of OV order, object shift from a VP containing a verb (non-finite verb ...
  • Johannessen, Janne Bondi (Journal article / Tidsskriftartikkel / PublishedVersion; Peer reviewed, 2009)
    The paper describes the new Corpus of Spoken Faroese. While the corpus is still under development with respect to content (number of informants, dialects and words), it is included in the larger ...
  • Stausland Johnsen, Sverre (Journal article / Tidsskriftartikkel / AcceptedVersion; Peer reviewed, 2012)
    Norwegian retroflexion exhibits some phonetic properties that do not seem to ‘make sense’. In Standard East Norwegian, an alveolar /ɾ/ causes a following alveolar coronal to become postalveolar, and in the Frogner and ...
  • Lindberg, Annika Büchert; Kærsgaard, Jens Laurs; Thostrup, Rune; Strandgaard, Liza; Bennedsen, Jens; Deinum, Jan Folkert; Noben, Ine; Douwes-van Ark, I.M.E.; Bentall, Clare; Harper, Harriet; Smidt, Sam; Standen, Alex; Valcke, Martin; Adams, Britt; Thomas, Laura; Garbacz, Piotr; Tomson, Annely (Research report / Forskningsrapport, 2022)
  • Li, Peng; Baills, Florence; Alazard-Guiu, Charlotte; Baqué, Lorraine; Prieto, Pilar (Journal article / Tidsskriftartikkel / PublishedVersion; Peer reviewed, 2023)
    This paper reports the pedagogical decisions in Li et al. (2023) “The effectiveness of embodied prosodic training in L2 accentedness and vowel accuracy” published in Second Language Research. The study revealed that embodied ...
  • Grosz, Patrick Georg; Greenberg, Gabriel; De Leon, Christian; Kaiser, Elsi (Journal article / Tidsskriftartikkel / PublishedVersion; Peer reviewed, 2023)
    This paper presents an analysis of face emoji (disc-shaped pictograms with stylized facial expressions) that accompany written text. We propose that there is a use of face emoji in which they comment on a target proposition ...
  • D'Amico, Giuliano (Journal article / Tidsskriftartikkel / PublishedVersion; Peer reviewed, 2023)
  • Rees, Ellen Rebecca (Journal article / Tidsskriftartikkel / AcceptedVersion; Peer reviewed, 2021)
  • Svennevig, Jan; Landmark, Anne Marie (Journal article / Tidsskriftartikkel / PublishedVersion; Peer reviewed, 2019)
    The article identifies and describes conversational practices used by persons with dementia and their interlocutors to account for the former’s lack of knowledge in cases where information about their personal experiences ...
  • Svennevig, Jan; Djordjilovic, Olga (Journal article / Tidsskriftartikkel / AcceptedVersion; Peer reviewed, 2015)
    This article analyzes how meeting participants account for their right to assign a work-related task to a colleague in meeting interaction. It focuses on accounts which appeal to benefactive effect, that is, the benefits ...
  • Lødrup, Helge (Journal article / Tidsskriftartikkel / PublishedVersion; Peer reviewed, 2019)
    Norwegian allows an unergative verb to take an external DP/NP possess or with a body part noun, as in Hun tråkket ham på føttene ‘she stepped him on feet.DEF’. This construction is both similar to ...
  • Snipstad, Vilde Johanne (Master thesis / Masteroppgave, 2023)
    I denne oppgaven undersøker jeg fremstillingen av jødiske karakterer i Holbergs komedier. Holberg skrev en rekke komedier som portretterer jøder, men disse jødiske karakterene er lite problematisert i Holberg-forskningen. ...
  • Moen, Inger; Becker, Frank; Günther, Live; Berntsen, Mari (Chapter / Bokkapittel / AcceptedVersion; Peer reviewed, 2007)
    In 2005 a middle aged Norwegian man became aphasic as a result of a left hemisphere stroke. After a few months his aphasic condition had improved. He was mildly agrammatic with word finding problems and what sounded like ...
  • Ragnarsdóttir, Hrafnhildur; Simonsen, Hanne Gram; Plunkett, Kim (Journal article / Tidsskriftartikkel / PublishedVersion; Peer reviewed, 1999)
    Icelandic and Norwegian past tense morphology contain strong patterns of inflection and two weak patterns of inflection. We report the results of an elicitation task that tests Icelandic and Norwegian children's knowledge ...
  • Urbanik, Pawel; Svennevig, Jan (Journal article / Tidsskriftartikkel / PublishedVersion; Peer reviewed, 2021)
    The current study examines the role of action-depicting gestures in conversational turns by focusing on their semantic characteristics and temporal position in relation to their verbal affiliates (action verbs or more ...
  • D'Alessandro, Roberta; Natvig, David Albert; Putnam, Michael T. (Journal article / Tidsskriftartikkel / PublishedVersion; Peer reviewed, 2021)
    The substantial uptick in research on heritage languages over the past three decades has enhanced our understanding of the development of bilingual grammars throughout the lifespan. This interest has been accompanied by a ...
  • Lind, Marianne; Moen, Inger; Simonsen, Hanne Gram (Journal article / Tidsskriftartikkel / AcceptedVersion; Peer reviewed, 2007)