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dc.contributor.authorMoen, Thomas Bergland
dc.identifier.citationMoen, Thomas Bergland. When Screens Meet Screens. Master thesis, University of Oslo, 2022
dc.description.abstractThis thesis explores the second screen phenomenon. The practice of using a second screen when watching television has increased in the digital era of modern society. It can take the form of intended usage, by interacting with apps specifically created for engaging with televised content. The use can also be of a more random character, where the viewer picks up a second screen to perform tasks, engage in social media or play games while watching television. In this thesis, the dynamic between a primary and a secondary screen was researched through a focus group discussion, in which the candidates revealed details about their own practice and habits. They elaborated on five programs that represent different genres. Each program has unique qualities, thus revealing several tendencies for second screen use. For the analysis, I apply an emphasis on “why” they pick up the second screen. I seek to find out the reasons for the use of a secondary device. The argument I make is that the causes of second screen practice depend on the content that is displayed on the primary screen. Whether one has chosen the given program or if one is watching randomly affect the frequency of second screen use. The situation that the viewers find themselves in will also determine their usage. Further findings include that the audience tend to pick up their phone when they are not entertained enough with the primary program, or it can be that they want to discuss the content on social media, effectively creating a transnational community.eng
dc.subjectcompanion apps
dc.subjectsecond screens
dc.subjectsocial media
dc.titleWhen Screens Meet Screenseng
dc.typeMaster thesis
dc.creator.authorMoen, Thomas Bergland
dc.rights.termsDette dokumentet er ikke elektronisk tilgjengelig etter ønske fra forfatter. Tilgangskode/Access code A
dc.identifier.fulltextFulltext https://www.duo.uio.no/bitstream/handle/10852/96288/1/When-Screens-Meet-Screens.pdf

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