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dc.identifier.citationAcharya, Shreyasi Adamová, D. Adler, Alexander Adolfsson, Jonatan Aglieri Rinella, Rinella Agnello, M. Agrawal, N. Ahammed, Z. Ahmad, S. Ahn, S.U. Akbar, Z. Akindinov, A. Al-Turany, M. Albuquerque, D.S.D. Aleksandrov, D. Alessandro, B. Alfanda, H.M. Alfaro Molina, Molina Ali, B. Ali, Y. Alici, A. Alizadehvandchali, N. Alkin, A. Alme, Johan Alt, T. Altenkaemper, Lucas Altsybeev, I. Anaam, M.N. Andrei, C. Andreou, D. Andronic, A. Angeletti, M. Anguelov, V. Antičić, T. Antinori, F. Antonioli, P. Apadula, N. Aphecetche, L. Appelshäuser, H. Arcelli, S. Arnaldi, R. Arratia, M. Arsene, Ionut Cristian Arslandok, M. Augustinus, A. Averbeck, R. Aziz, S. Azmi, M.D. Badalà, A. Baek, Y.W. Bai, X. Bailhache, R Bala, R. Balbino, A. Baldisseri, A. Ball, M. Banerjee, D. Barbera, R. Barioglio, L. Barlou, M. Barnaföldi, G.G. Barnby, L.S. Barret, V. Bartels, C. Barth, K. Bartsch, E. Baruffaldi, F. Bastid, N. Basu, S. Batigne, G. Batyunya, B. Bauri, D. Bazo Alba, Alba Bearden, I.G. Beattie, C. Belikov, I. Bell Hechavarria, Hechavarria Bellini, F. Bellwied, R. Belokurova, S. Belyaev, V. Bencedi, G. Beole, S. Bercuci, A. Berdnikov, Y. Berdnikova, A. Berenyi, D. Bergmann, L. Besoiu, M.G. Betev, L. Bhaduri, P.P. Bhasin, A. Bhat, I.R. Bhat, M.A. Bhattacharjee, B. Bhattacharya, P. Bianchi, A. Bianchi, L. Bianchi, N. Bielčík, J. Bielčíková, J. Bilandzic, A. Biro, G. Biswas, S. Blair, J.T. Blau, D. Blidaru, M.B. Blume, C. Boca, G. Bock, F. Bogdanov, A. Boi, S. Bok, J. Boldizsár, L. Bolozdynya, A. Bombara, M. Bonomi, G. Borel, H. Borissov, A. Bossi, H. Botta, E. Bratrud, L. Braun-Munzinger, P. Bregant, M. Broz, M. Bruno, G.E. Buckland, M.D. Budnikov, D. Buesching, H. Bufalino, S. Bugnon, O. Buhler, P. Buncic, P. Buthelezi, Z. Butt, J.B. Bysiak, S.A. Caffarri, D. Cai, M. Caliva, A. Calvo Villar, Villar Camacho, J.M.M. Camacho, R.S. Camerini, P. Canedo, F.D.M. Capon, A.A. Carnesecchi, F. Caron, R. Castillo Castellanos, Castellanos Casula, E.A.R. Catalano, F. Ceballos Sanchez, Sanchez Chakraborty, P. Chandra, S. Chang, W. Chapeland, S. Chartier, M. Chattopadhyay, S. Chattopadhyay, S. Chauvin, A. Cheshkov, C. Cheynis, B. Chibante Barroso, Barroso Chinellato, D.D. Cho, S. Chochula, P. Christakoglou, P. Christensen, C.H. Christiansen, P. Chujo, T. Cicalo, C. Cifarelli, L. Cindolo, F. Ciupek, M.R. Clai, G. Cleymans, J. Colamaria, F. Colburn, J.S. Colella, D. Collu, A. Colocci, M. Concas, M. Conesa Balbastre, Balbastre Conesa Del Valle, Del Contin, G. Contreras, J.G. Cormier, T.M. Cortese, P. Cosentino, M.R. Costa, F. Costanza, S. Crochet, P. Cuautle, E. Cui, P. Cunqueiro, L. Dahms, T. Dainese, A. Damas, F.P.A. Danisch, M.C. Danu, A. Das, D. Das, I. Das, P. Das, P. Das, S. Dash, S. De, S. De Caro, Caro De Cataldo, Cataldo De Cilladi, Cilladi De Cuveland, Cuveland De Falco, Falco De Gruttola, D. De Marco, Marco De Martin, Martin De Pasquale, Pasquale Deb, S. Degenhardt, H.F. Deja, K.R. Delsanto, S. Deng, W. Dhankher, P. 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Van Der Kolk, Der Van Doremalen, Doremalen Van Leeuwen, Leeuwen Vande Vyvre, Vyvre Varga, D. Varga, Z. Varga-Kofarago, M. Vargas, A. Vasileiou, M. Vasiliev, A. Vázquez Doce, Doce Vechernin, V. Vercellin, E. Vergara Limón, Limon Vermunt, L. Vértesi, R. Verweij, M. Vickovic, L. Vilakazi, Z. Villalobos Baillie, Baillie Vino, G. Vinogradov, A. Virgili, T. Vislavicius, V. Vodopyanov, A. Volkel, B. Völkl, M.A. Voloshin, K. Voloshin, S.A. Volpe, G. Von Haller, Haller Vorobyev, I. Voscek, D. Vrláková, J. Wagner, Boris Weber, M. Wegrzynek, A. Wenzel, S.C. Wessels, J.P. Wiechula, J. Wikne, Jon Christopher Wilk, G. Wilkinson, J. Willems, G.A. Willsher, E. Windelband, B. Winn, M. Witt, W.E. Wright, J.R. Wu, Y. Xu, R. Yalcin, S. Yamaguchi, Y. Yamakawa, K. Yang, Shiming Yano, S. Yin, Z. Yokoyama, H. Yoo, I.-K. Yoon, J.H. Yuan, Shiming Yuncu, A. Yurchenko, V. Zaccolo, V. Zaman, A. Zampolli, C. Zanoli, H.J.C. Zardoshti, N. Zarochentsev, A. Závada, P. Zaviyalov, N. Zbroszczyk, H. Zhalov, M. Zhang, S. Zhang, X. Zhang, Y. Zherebchevskii, V. Zhi, Y. Zhou, D. Zhou, Y. Zhu, J. Zhu, Y. Zichichi, A. Zinovjev, G. Zurlo, N. Skaali, Toralf Bernhard Tveter, Trine Spedstad . Λc+ production in pp and in p -Pb collisions at sNN =5.02 TeV. Physical Review C. 2021, 104(5), 1-26
dc.publisherAmerican Physical Society
dc.rightsAttribution 4.0 International
dc.titleΛc+ production in pp and in p -Pb collisions at sNN =5.02 TeV
dc.typeJournal article
dc.creator.authorAcharya, Shreyasi
dc.creator.authorAdamová, D.
dc.creator.authorAdler, Alexander
dc.creator.authorAdolfsson, Jonatan
dc.creator.authorAglieri Rinella, Rinella
dc.creator.authorAgnello, M.
dc.creator.authorAgrawal, N.
dc.creator.authorAhammed, Z.
dc.creator.authorAhmad, S.
dc.creator.authorAhn, S.U.
dc.creator.authorAkbar, Z.
dc.creator.authorAkindinov, A.
dc.creator.authorAl-Turany, M.
dc.creator.authorAlbuquerque, D.S.D.
dc.creator.authorAleksandrov, D.
dc.creator.authorAlessandro, B.
dc.creator.authorAlfanda, H.M.
dc.creator.authorAlfaro Molina, Molina
dc.creator.authorAli, B.
dc.creator.authorAli, Y.
dc.creator.authorAlici, A.
dc.creator.authorAlizadehvandchali, N.
dc.creator.authorAlkin, A.
dc.creator.authorAlme, Johan
dc.creator.authorAlt, T.
dc.creator.authorAltenkaemper, Lucas
dc.creator.authorAltsybeev, I.
dc.creator.authorAnaam, M.N.
dc.creator.authorAndrei, C.
dc.creator.authorAndreou, D.
dc.creator.authorAndronic, A.
dc.creator.authorAngeletti, M.
dc.creator.authorAnguelov, V.
dc.creator.authorAntičić, T.
dc.creator.authorAntinori, F.
dc.creator.authorAntonioli, P.
dc.creator.authorApadula, N.
dc.creator.authorAphecetche, L.
dc.creator.authorAppelshäuser, H.
dc.creator.authorArcelli, S.
dc.creator.authorArnaldi, R.
dc.creator.authorArratia, M.
dc.creator.authorArsene, Ionut Cristian
dc.creator.authorArslandok, M.
dc.creator.authorAugustinus, A.
dc.creator.authorAverbeck, R.
dc.creator.authorAziz, S.
dc.creator.authorAzmi, M.D.
dc.creator.authorBadalà, A.
dc.creator.authorBaek, Y.W.
dc.creator.authorBai, X.
dc.creator.authorBailhache, R
dc.creator.authorBala, R.
dc.creator.authorBalbino, A.
dc.creator.authorBaldisseri, A.
dc.creator.authorBall, M.
dc.creator.authorBanerjee, D.
dc.creator.authorBarbera, R.
dc.creator.authorBarioglio, L.
dc.creator.authorBarlou, M.
dc.creator.authorBarnaföldi, G.G.
dc.creator.authorBarnby, L.S.
dc.creator.authorBarret, V.
dc.creator.authorBartels, C.
dc.creator.authorBarth, K.
dc.creator.authorBartsch, E.
dc.creator.authorBaruffaldi, F.
dc.creator.authorBastid, N.
dc.creator.authorBasu, S.
dc.creator.authorBatigne, G.
dc.creator.authorBatyunya, B.
dc.creator.authorBauri, D.
dc.creator.authorBazo Alba, Alba
dc.creator.authorBearden, I.G.
dc.creator.authorBeattie, C.
dc.creator.authorBelikov, I.
dc.creator.authorBell Hechavarria, Hechavarria
dc.creator.authorBellini, F.
dc.creator.authorBellwied, R.
dc.creator.authorBelokurova, S.
dc.creator.authorBelyaev, V.
dc.creator.authorBencedi, G.
dc.creator.authorBeole, S.
dc.creator.authorBercuci, A.
dc.creator.authorBerdnikov, Y.
dc.creator.authorBerdnikova, A.
dc.creator.authorBerenyi, D.
dc.creator.authorBergmann, L.
dc.creator.authorBesoiu, M.G.
dc.creator.authorBetev, L.
dc.creator.authorBhaduri, P.P.
dc.creator.authorBhasin, A.
dc.creator.authorBhat, I.R.
dc.creator.authorBhat, M.A.
dc.creator.authorBhattacharjee, B.
dc.creator.authorBhattacharya, P.
dc.creator.authorBianchi, A.
dc.creator.authorBianchi, L.
dc.creator.authorBianchi, N.
dc.creator.authorBielčík, J.
dc.creator.authorBielčíková, J.
dc.creator.authorBilandzic, A.
dc.creator.authorBiro, G.
dc.creator.authorBiswas, S.
dc.creator.authorBlair, J.T.
dc.creator.authorBlau, D.
dc.creator.authorBlidaru, M.B.
dc.creator.authorBlume, C.
dc.creator.authorBoca, G.
dc.creator.authorBock, F.
dc.creator.authorBogdanov, A.
dc.creator.authorBoi, S.
dc.creator.authorBok, J.
dc.creator.authorBoldizsár, L.
dc.creator.authorBolozdynya, A.
dc.creator.authorBombara, M.
dc.creator.authorBonomi, G.
dc.creator.authorBorel, H.
dc.creator.authorBorissov, A.
dc.creator.authorBossi, H.
dc.creator.authorBotta, E.
dc.creator.authorBratrud, L.
dc.creator.authorBraun-Munzinger, P.
dc.creator.authorBregant, M.
dc.creator.authorBroz, M.
dc.creator.authorBruno, G.E.
dc.creator.authorBuckland, M.D.
dc.creator.authorBudnikov, D.
dc.creator.authorBuesching, H.
dc.creator.authorBufalino, S.
dc.creator.authorBugnon, O.
dc.creator.authorBuhler, P.
dc.creator.authorBuncic, P.
dc.creator.authorButhelezi, Z.
dc.creator.authorButt, J.B.
dc.creator.authorBysiak, S.A.
dc.creator.authorCaffarri, D.
dc.creator.authorCai, M.
dc.creator.authorCaliva, A.
dc.creator.authorCalvo Villar, Villar
dc.creator.authorCamacho, J.M.M.
dc.creator.authorCamacho, R.S.
dc.creator.authorCamerini, P.
dc.creator.authorCanedo, F.D.M.
dc.creator.authorCapon, A.A.
dc.creator.authorCarnesecchi, F.
dc.creator.authorCaron, R.
dc.creator.authorCastillo Castellanos, Castellanos
dc.creator.authorCasula, E.A.R.
dc.creator.authorCatalano, F.
dc.creator.authorCeballos Sanchez, Sanchez
dc.creator.authorChakraborty, P.
dc.creator.authorChandra, S.
dc.creator.authorChang, W.
dc.creator.authorChapeland, S.
dc.creator.authorChartier, M.
dc.creator.authorChattopadhyay, S.
dc.creator.authorChattopadhyay, S.
dc.creator.authorChauvin, A.
dc.creator.authorCheshkov, C.
dc.creator.authorCheynis, B.
dc.creator.authorChibante Barroso, Barroso
dc.creator.authorChinellato, D.D.
dc.creator.authorCho, S.
dc.creator.authorChochula, P.
dc.creator.authorChristakoglou, P.
dc.creator.authorChristensen, C.H.
dc.creator.authorChristiansen, P.
dc.creator.authorChujo, T.
dc.creator.authorCicalo, C.
dc.creator.authorCifarelli, L.
dc.creator.authorCindolo, F.
dc.creator.authorCiupek, M.R.
dc.creator.authorClai, G.
dc.creator.authorCleymans, J.
dc.creator.authorColamaria, F.
dc.creator.authorColburn, J.S.
dc.creator.authorColella, D.
dc.creator.authorCollu, A.
dc.creator.authorColocci, M.
dc.creator.authorConcas, M.
dc.creator.authorConesa Balbastre, Balbastre
dc.creator.authorConesa Del Valle, Del
dc.creator.authorContin, G.
dc.creator.authorContreras, J.G.
dc.creator.authorCormier, T.M.
dc.creator.authorCortese, P.
dc.creator.authorCosentino, M.R.
dc.creator.authorCosta, F.
dc.creator.authorCostanza, S.
dc.creator.authorCrochet, P.
dc.creator.authorCuautle, E.
dc.creator.authorCui, P.
dc.creator.authorCunqueiro, L.
dc.creator.authorDahms, T.
dc.creator.authorDainese, A.
dc.creator.authorDamas, F.P.A.
dc.creator.authorDanisch, M.C.
dc.creator.authorDanu, A.
dc.creator.authorDas, D.
dc.creator.authorDas, I.
dc.creator.authorDas, P.
dc.creator.authorDas, P.
dc.creator.authorDas, S.
dc.creator.authorDash, S.
dc.creator.authorDe, S.
dc.creator.authorDe Caro, Caro
dc.creator.authorDe Cataldo, Cataldo
dc.creator.authorDe Cilladi, Cilladi
dc.creator.authorDe Cuveland, Cuveland
dc.creator.authorDe Falco, Falco
dc.creator.authorDe Gruttola, D.
dc.creator.authorDe Marco, Marco
dc.creator.authorDe Martin, Martin
dc.creator.authorDe Pasquale, Pasquale
dc.creator.authorDeb, S.
dc.creator.authorDegenhardt, H.F.
dc.creator.authorDeja, K.R.
dc.creator.authorDelsanto, S.
dc.creator.authorDeng, W.
dc.creator.authorDhankher, P.
dc.creator.authorDi Bari, Bari
dc.creator.authorDi Mauro, Mauro
dc.creator.authorDiaz, R.A.
dc.creator.authorDietel, T.
dc.creator.authorDillenseger, P.
dc.creator.authorDing, Y.
dc.creator.authorDivià, R.
dc.creator.authorDixit, D.U.
dc.creator.authorDjuvsland, Øystein
dc.creator.authorDmitrieva, U.
dc.creator.authorDo, J.
dc.creator.authorDobrin, A.
dc.creator.authorDönigus, B.
dc.creator.authorDordic, Olja
dc.creator.authorDubey, A.K.
dc.creator.authorDubla, A.
dc.creator.authorDudi, S.
dc.creator.authorDukhishyam, M.
dc.creator.authorDupieux, P.
dc.creator.authorEder, T.M.
dc.creator.authorEhlers, R.J.
dc.creator.authorEikeland, Viljar Nilsen
dc.creator.authorElia, D.
dc.creator.authorErazmus, B.
dc.creator.authorErhardt, F.
dc.creator.authorErokhin, A.
dc.creator.authorErsdal, Magnus Rentsch
dc.creator.authorEspagnon, B.
dc.creator.authorEulisse, G.
dc.creator.authorEvans, D.
dc.creator.authorEvdokimov, S.
dc.creator.authorFabbietti, L.
dc.creator.authorFaggin, M.
dc.creator.authorFaivre, J.
dc.creator.authorFan, F.
dc.creator.authorFantoni, A.
dc.creator.authorFasel, M.
dc.creator.authorFecchio, P.
dc.creator.authorFeliciello, A.
dc.creator.authorFeofilov, G.
dc.creator.authorFernández Téllez, Tellez
dc.creator.authorFerrero, A.
dc.creator.authorFerretti, A.
dc.creator.authorFestanti, A.
dc.creator.authorFeuillard, V.J.G.
dc.creator.authorFigiel, J.
dc.creator.authorFilchagin, S.
dc.creator.authorFinogeev, D.
dc.creator.authorFionda, Fiorella Maria Celeste
dc.creator.authorFiorenza, G.
dc.creator.authorFlor, F.
dc.creator.authorFlores, A.N.
dc.creator.authorFoertsch, S.
dc.creator.authorFoka, P.
dc.creator.authorFokin, S.
dc.creator.authorFragiacomo, E.
dc.creator.authorFuchs, U.
dc.creator.authorFurget, C.
dc.creator.authorFurs, A.
dc.creator.authorFusco Girard, Girard
dc.creator.authorGaardhøje, J.J.
dc.creator.authorGagliardi, M.
dc.creator.authorGago, A.M.
dc.creator.authorGal, A.
dc.creator.authorGalvan, C.D.
dc.creator.authorGanoti, P.
dc.creator.authorGarabatos, C.
dc.creator.authorGarcia, J.R.A.
dc.creator.authorGarcia-Solis, E.
dc.creator.authorGarg, K.
dc.creator.authorGargiulo, C.
dc.creator.authorGaribli, A.
dc.creator.authorGarner, K.
dc.creator.authorGasik, P.
dc.creator.authorGauger, E.F.
dc.creator.authorGay Ducati, Ducati
dc.creator.authorGermain, M.
dc.creator.authorGhosh, J.
dc.creator.authorGhosh, P.
dc.creator.authorGhosh, S.K.
dc.creator.authorGiacalone, M.
dc.creator.authorGianotti, P.
dc.creator.authorGiubellino, P.
dc.creator.authorGiubilato, P.
dc.creator.authorGlaenzer, A.M.C.
dc.creator.authorGlässel, P.
dc.creator.authorGonzalez, V.
dc.creator.authorGonzález-Trueba, L.H.
dc.creator.authorGorbunov, Sergey
dc.creator.authorGörlich, L.
dc.creator.authorGotovac, S.
dc.creator.authorGrabski, V.
dc.creator.authorGraczykowski, L.K.
dc.creator.authorGraham, K.L.
dc.creator.authorGreiner, L.
dc.creator.authorGrelli, A.
dc.creator.authorGrigoras, C.
dc.creator.authorGrigoriev, V.
dc.creator.authorGrigoryan, A.
dc.creator.authorGrigoryan, S.
dc.creator.authorGrøttvik, Ola Slettevoll
dc.creator.authorGrosa, F.
dc.creator.authorGrosse-Oetringhaus, J.F.
dc.creator.authorGrosso, R.
dc.creator.authorGuernane, R.
dc.creator.authorGuilbaud, M.
dc.creator.authorGuittiere, M.
dc.creator.authorGulbrandsen, K.
dc.creator.authorGunji, Taku
dc.creator.authorGupta, A.
dc.creator.authorGupta, R.
dc.creator.authorGuzman, I.B.
dc.creator.authorHaake, R.
dc.creator.authorHabib, M.K.
dc.creator.authorHadjidakis, C.
dc.creator.authorHamagaki, H.
dc.creator.authorHamar, G.
dc.creator.authorHamid, M.
dc.creator.authorHannigan, R.
dc.creator.authorHaque, M.R.
dc.creator.authorHarlenderova, A.
dc.creator.authorHarris, J.W.
dc.creator.authorHarton, A.
dc.creator.authorHasenbichler, J.A.
dc.creator.authorHassan, H.
dc.creator.authorHatzifotiadou, D.
dc.creator.authorHauer, P.
dc.creator.authorHavener, L.B.
dc.creator.authorHayashi, S.
dc.creator.authorHeckel, S.T.
dc.creator.authorHellbär, E.
dc.creator.authorHelstrup, Håvard
dc.creator.authorHerman, T.
dc.creator.authorHernandez, E.G.
dc.creator.authorHerrera Corral, Corral
dc.creator.authorHerrmann, F.
dc.creator.authorHetland, K.F.
dc.creator.authorHillemanns, H.
dc.creator.authorHills, C.
dc.creator.authorHippolyte, B.
dc.creator.authorHohlweger, B.
dc.creator.authorHonermann, J.
dc.creator.authorHong, G.H.
dc.creator.authorHorak, D.
dc.creator.authorHornung, S.
dc.creator.authorHosokawa, R.
dc.creator.authorHristov, P.
dc.creator.authorHuang, C.
dc.creator.authorHughes, C.
dc.creator.authorHuhn, P.
dc.creator.authorHumanic, T.J.
dc.creator.authorHushnud, H.
dc.creator.authorHusova, L.A.
dc.creator.authorHussain, N.
dc.creator.authorHutter, D.
dc.creator.authorIddon, J.P.
dc.creator.authorIlkaev, R.
dc.creator.authorIlyas, H.
dc.creator.authorInaba, M.
dc.creator.authorInnocenti, G.M.
dc.creator.authorIppolitov, M.
dc.creator.authorIsakov, A.
dc.creator.authorIslam, M.S.
dc.creator.authorIvanov, M.
dc.creator.authorIvanov, V.
dc.creator.authorIzucheev, V.
dc.creator.authorJacak, B.
dc.creator.authorJacazio, N.
dc.creator.authorJacobs, P.M.
dc.creator.authorJadlovska, S.
dc.creator.authorJadlovsky, J.
dc.creator.authorJaelani, S.
dc.creator.authorJahnke, C.
dc.creator.authorJakubowska, M.J.
dc.creator.authorJanik, M.A.
dc.creator.authorJanson, T.
dc.creator.authorJercic, M.
dc.creator.authorJevons, O.
dc.creator.authorJin, M.
dc.creator.authorJonas, F.
dc.creator.authorJones, P.G.
dc.creator.authorJung, J.
dc.creator.authorJung, M.
dc.creator.authorJusko, A.
dc.creator.authorKalinak, P.
dc.creator.authorKalweit, A.
dc.creator.authorKaplin, V.
dc.creator.authorKar, S.
dc.creator.authorKarasu Uysal, Uysal
dc.creator.authorKaratovic, D.
dc.creator.authorKaravichev, O.
dc.creator.authorKaravicheva, T.
dc.creator.authorKarczmarczyk, P.
dc.creator.authorKarpechev, E.
dc.creator.authorKazantsev, A.
dc.creator.authorKebschull, U.
dc.creator.authorKeidel, Ralf
dc.creator.authorKeil, M.
dc.creator.authorKetzer, B.
dc.creator.authorKhabanova, Z.
dc.creator.authorKhan, A.M.
dc.creator.authorKhan, S.
dc.creator.authorKhanzadeev, A.
dc.creator.authorKharlov, Y.
dc.creator.authorKhatun, A.
dc.creator.authorKhuntia, A.
dc.creator.authorKileng, Bjarte
dc.creator.authorKim, B.
dc.creator.authorKim, D.
dc.creator.authorKim, D.J.
dc.creator.authorKim, E.J.
dc.creator.authorKim, H.
dc.creator.authorKim, J.
dc.creator.authorKim, J.S.
dc.creator.authorKim, J.
dc.creator.authorKim, J.
dc.creator.authorKim, J.
dc.creator.authorKim, M.
dc.creator.authorKim, S.
dc.creator.authorKim, T.
dc.creator.authorKim, T.
dc.creator.authorKirsch, S.
dc.creator.authorKisel, I.
dc.creator.authorKiselev, S.
dc.creator.authorKisiel, A.
dc.creator.authorKlay, J.L.
dc.creator.authorKlein, J.
dc.creator.authorKlein, S.
dc.creator.authorKlein-Bösing, C.
dc.creator.authorKleiner, M.
dc.creator.authorKlemenz, T.
dc.creator.authorKluge, A.
dc.creator.authorKnospe, A.G.
dc.creator.authorKobdaj, C.
dc.creator.authorKöhler, M.K.
dc.creator.authorKollegger, T.
dc.creator.authorKondratyev, A.
dc.creator.authorKondratyeva, N.
dc.creator.authorKondratyuk, E.
dc.creator.authorKonig, J.
dc.creator.authorKonigstorfer, S.A.
dc.creator.authorKonopka, P.J.
dc.creator.authorKornakov, G.
dc.creator.authorKoryciak, S.D.
dc.creator.authorKoska, L.
dc.creator.authorKovalenko, O.
dc.creator.authorKovalenko, V.
dc.creator.authorKowalski, M.
dc.creator.authorKrálik, I.
dc.creator.authorKravčáková, A.
dc.creator.authorKreis, L.
dc.creator.authorKrivda, M.
dc.creator.authorKrizek, F.
dc.creator.authorKrizkova Gajdosova, Gajdosova
dc.creator.authorKroesen, M.
dc.creator.authorKrüger, M.
dc.creator.authorKryshen, E.
dc.creator.authorKrzewicki, M.
dc.creator.authorKučera, V.
dc.creator.authorKuhn, C.
dc.creator.authorKuijer, P.G.
dc.creator.authorKumaoka, T.
dc.creator.authorKumar, L.
dc.creator.authorKundu, S.
dc.creator.authorKurashvili, P.
dc.creator.authorKurepin, A.
dc.creator.authorKurepin, A.B.
dc.creator.authorKuryakin, A.
dc.creator.authorKushpil, S.
dc.creator.authorKvapil, J.
dc.creator.authorKweon, M.J.
dc.creator.authorKwon, J.Y.
dc.creator.authorKwon, Y.
dc.creator.authorLa Pointe, Pointe
dc.creator.authorLa Rocca, Rocca
dc.creator.authorLai, Y.S.
dc.creator.authorLakrathok, A.
dc.creator.authorLamanna, M.
dc.creator.authorLangøy, Rune
dc.creator.authorLapidus, K.
dc.creator.authorLarionov, P.
dc.creator.authorLaudi, E.
dc.creator.authorLautner, L.
dc.creator.authorLavicka, R.
dc.creator.authorLazareva, T.
dc.creator.authorLea, R.
dc.creator.authorLee, J.
dc.creator.authorLee, S.
dc.creator.authorLehrbach, J.
dc.creator.authorLemmon, R.C.
dc.creator.authorLeón Monzón, Monzon
dc.creator.authorLesser, E.D.
dc.creator.authorLettrich, M.
dc.creator.authorLévai, P.
dc.creator.authorLi, X.
dc.creator.authorLi, X.L.
dc.creator.authorLien, Jørgen André
dc.creator.authorLietava, R.
dc.creator.authorLim, B.
dc.creator.authorLim, S.H.
dc.creator.authorLindenstruth, V.
dc.creator.authorLindner, A.
dc.creator.authorLippmann, C.
dc.creator.authorLiu, A.
dc.creator.authorLiu, J.
dc.creator.authorLofnes, Ingrid Mckibben
dc.creator.authorLoginov, V.
dc.creator.authorLoizides, C.
dc.creator.authorLoncar, P.
dc.creator.authorLopez, J.A.
dc.creator.authorLopez, X.
dc.creator.authorLópez Torres, Torres
dc.creator.authorLuhder, J.R.
dc.creator.authorLunardon, M.
dc.creator.authorLuparello, G.
dc.creator.authorMa, Y.G.
dc.creator.authorMaevskaya, A.
dc.creator.authorMager, M.
dc.creator.authorMahmood, Sohail Musa
dc.creator.authorMahmoud, T.
dc.creator.authorMaire, A.
dc.creator.authorMajka, R.D.
dc.creator.authorMalik, Qasim Waheed
dc.creator.authorMalaev, M.
dc.creator.authorMalik, Q.W.
dc.creator.authorMalinina, L.
dc.creator.authorMal'Kevich, D.
dc.creator.authorMallick, N.
dc.creator.authorMalzacher, P.
dc.creator.authorMandaglio, G.
dc.creator.authorManko, V.
dc.creator.authorManso, F.
dc.creator.authorManzari, V.
dc.creator.authorMao, Y.
dc.creator.authorMarchisone, M.
dc.creator.authorMareš, J.
dc.creator.authorMargagliotti, G.V.
dc.creator.authorMargotti, A.
dc.creator.authorMarín, A.
dc.creator.authorMarkert, C.
dc.creator.authorMarquard, M.
dc.creator.authorMartin, N.A.
dc.creator.authorMartinengo, P.
dc.creator.authorMartinez, J.L.
dc.creator.authorMartínez, M.I.
dc.creator.authorMartínez García, Garcia
dc.creator.authorMasciocchi, S.
dc.creator.authorMasera, M.
dc.creator.authorMasoni, A.
dc.creator.authorMassacrier, L.
dc.creator.authorMastroserio, A.
dc.creator.authorMathis, A.M.
dc.creator.authorMatonoha, O.
dc.creator.authorMatuoka, P.F.T.
dc.creator.authorMatyja, A.
dc.creator.authorMayer, C.
dc.creator.authorMazzaschi, F.
dc.creator.authorMazzilli, M.
dc.creator.authorMazzoni, MA
dc.creator.authorMechler, A.F.
dc.creator.authorMeddi, F.
dc.creator.authorMelikyan, Y.
dc.creator.authorMenchaca-Rocha, A.
dc.creator.authorMeninno, E.
dc.creator.authorMenon, A.S.
dc.creator.authorMeres, M.
dc.creator.authorMhlanga, S.
dc.creator.authorMiake, Y.
dc.creator.authorMicheletti, L.
dc.creator.authorMigliorin, L.C.
dc.creator.authorMihaylov, D.L.
dc.creator.authorMikhaylov, K.
dc.creator.authorMishra, A.N.
dc.creator.authorMiśkowiec, D.
dc.creator.authorModak, A.
dc.creator.authorMohammadi, N.
dc.creator.authorMohanty, A.P.
dc.creator.authorMohanty, B.
dc.creator.authorMohisin Khan, Khan
dc.creator.authorMoravcova, Z.
dc.creator.authorMordasini, C.
dc.creator.authorMoreira De Godoy, De
dc.creator.authorMoreno, L.A.P.
dc.creator.authorMorozov, I.
dc.creator.authorMorsch, A.
dc.creator.authorMrnjavac, T.
dc.creator.authorMuccifora, V.
dc.creator.authorMudnic, E.
dc.creator.authorMühlheim, D.
dc.creator.authorMuhuri, S.
dc.creator.authorMulligan, J.D.
dc.creator.authorMulliri, A.
dc.creator.authorMunhoz, M.G.
dc.creator.authorMunzer, R.H.
dc.creator.authorMurakami, H.
dc.creator.authorMurray, S.
dc.creator.authorMusa, L.
dc.creator.authorMusinsky, J.
dc.creator.authorMyers, C.J.
dc.creator.authorMyrcha, J.W.
dc.creator.authorNaik, B.
dc.creator.authorNair, R.
dc.creator.authorNandi, B.K.
dc.creator.authorNania, R.
dc.creator.authorNappi, E.
dc.creator.authorNaru, M.U.
dc.creator.authorNassirpour, A.F.
dc.creator.authorNattrass, C.
dc.creator.authorNayak, R.
dc.creator.authorNazarenko, S.
dc.creator.authorNeagu, Alexandra
dc.creator.authorNellen, L.
dc.creator.authorNesbo, S.V.
dc.creator.authorNeskovic, G.
dc.creator.authorNesterov, D.
dc.creator.authorNielsen, B.S.
dc.creator.authorNikolaev, S.
dc.creator.authorNikulin, S.
dc.creator.authorNikulin, V.
dc.creator.authorNoferini, F.
dc.creator.authorNoh, S.
dc.creator.authorNomokonov, P.
dc.creator.authorNorman, J.
dc.creator.authorNovitzky, N.
dc.creator.authorNowakowski, P.
dc.creator.authorNyanin, A.
dc.creator.authorNystrand, Joakim Ingemar
dc.creator.authorOgino, M.
dc.creator.authorOhlson, A.
dc.creator.authorOleniacz, J.
dc.creator.authorOliveira Da Silva, Da
dc.creator.authorOliver, M.H.
dc.creator.authorOnnerstad, B.S.
dc.creator.authorOppedisano, C.
dc.creator.authorOrtiz Velasquez, Velasquez
dc.creator.authorOsako, T.
dc.creator.authorOskarsson, A.
dc.creator.authorOtwinowski, J.
dc.creator.authorOyama, K.
dc.creator.authorPachmayer, Y.
dc.creator.authorPadhan, S.
dc.creator.authorPagano, Davide
dc.creator.authorPaić, G.
dc.creator.authorPan, J.
dc.creator.authorPanebianco, S.
dc.creator.authorPareek, P.
dc.creator.authorPark, J.
dc.creator.authorParkkila, J.E.
dc.creator.authorParmar, S.
dc.creator.authorPathak, S.P.
dc.creator.authorPaul, B.
dc.creator.authorPazzini, J.
dc.creator.authorPei, H.
dc.creator.authorPeitzmann, T.
dc.creator.authorPeng, X.
dc.creator.authorPereira, L.G.
dc.creator.authorPereira Da Costa, Da
dc.creator.authorPeresunko, D.
dc.creator.authorPerez, G.M.
dc.creator.authorPerrin, S.
dc.creator.authorPestov, Y.
dc.creator.authorPetráček, V.
dc.creator.authorPetrovici, M.
dc.creator.authorPezzi, R.P.
dc.creator.authorPiano, S.
dc.creator.authorPikna, M.
dc.creator.authorPillot, P.
dc.creator.authorPinazza, O.
dc.creator.authorPinsky, L.
dc.creator.authorPinto, C.
dc.creator.authorPisano, S.
dc.creator.authorPłoskoń, M.
dc.creator.authorPlaninic, M.
dc.creator.authorPliquett, F.
dc.creator.authorPoghosyan, M.G.
dc.creator.authorPolichtchouk, B.
dc.creator.authorPoljak, N.
dc.creator.authorPop, A.
dc.creator.authorPorteboeuf-Houssais, S.
dc.creator.authorPorter, J.
dc.creator.authorPozdniakov, V.
dc.creator.authorPrasad, S.K.
dc.creator.authorPreghenella, R.
dc.creator.authorPrino, F.
dc.creator.authorPruneau, C.A.
dc.creator.authorPshenichnov, I.
dc.creator.authorPuccio, M.
dc.creator.authorQiu, S.
dc.creator.authorQuaglia, L.
dc.creator.authorQuishpe, R.E.
dc.creator.authorRagoni, S.
dc.creator.authorRak, J.
dc.creator.authorRakotozafindrabe, A.
dc.creator.authorRamello, L.
dc.creator.authorRami, F.
dc.creator.authorRamirez, S.A.R.
dc.creator.authorRamos, A.G.T.
dc.creator.authorRaniwala, R.
dc.creator.authorRaniwala, S.
dc.creator.authorRäsänen, S.S.
dc.creator.authorRath, R.
dc.creator.authorRavasenga, I.
dc.creator.authorRead, K.F.
dc.creator.authorRedelbach, A.R.
dc.creator.authorRedlich, K.
dc.creator.authorRehman, Attiq Ur
dc.creator.authorReichelt, P.
dc.creator.authorReidt, F.
dc.creator.authorRenfordt, R.
dc.creator.authorRescakova, Z.
dc.creator.authorReygers, K.
dc.creator.authorRiabov, A.
dc.creator.authorRiabov, V.
dc.creator.authorRichert, T.
dc.creator.authorRichter, Matthias
dc.creator.authorRiedler, P.
dc.creator.authorRiegler, W.
dc.creator.authorRiggi, F.
dc.creator.authorRistea, C.
dc.creator.authorRode, S.P.
dc.creator.authorRodríguez Cahuantzi, Cahuantzi
dc.creator.authorRøed, Ketil
dc.creator.authorRogalev, R.
dc.creator.authorRogochaya, E.
dc.creator.authorRogoschinski, T.S.
dc.creator.authorRohr, D.
dc.creator.authorRöhrich, Dieter
dc.creator.authorRojas, P.F.
dc.creator.authorRokita, P.S.
dc.creator.authorRonchetti, F.
dc.creator.authorRosano, A.
dc.creator.authorRosas, E.D.
dc.creator.authorRossi, A.
dc.creator.authorRotondi, A.
dc.creator.authorRoy, A.
dc.creator.authorRoy, P.
dc.creator.authorRueda, O.V.
dc.creator.authorRui, R.
dc.creator.authorRumyantsev, B.
dc.creator.authorRustamov, A.
dc.creator.authorRyabinkin, E.
dc.creator.authorRyabov, YF
dc.creator.authorRybicki, A.
dc.creator.authorRytkonen, H.
dc.creator.authorSaarimaki, O.A.M.
dc.creator.authorSadek, R.
dc.creator.authorSadovsky, S.
dc.creator.authorSætre, Jon-Are
dc.creator.authorŠafařík, K.
dc.creator.authorSaha, S.K.
dc.creator.authorSaha, S.
dc.creator.authorSahoo, B.
dc.creator.authorSahoo, P.
dc.creator.authorSahoo, R.
dc.creator.authorSahoo, S.
dc.creator.authorSahu, D.
dc.creator.authorSahu, P.K.
dc.creator.authorSaini, J.
dc.creator.authorSakai, S.
dc.creator.authorSambyal, S.
dc.creator.authorSamsonov, V.
dc.creator.authorSarkar, D.
dc.creator.authorSarkar, N.
dc.creator.authorSarma, P.
dc.creator.authorSarti, V.M.
dc.creator.authorSas, M.H.P.
dc.creator.authorSchambach, J.
dc.creator.authorScheid, H.S.
dc.creator.authorSchiaua, C.
dc.creator.authorSchicker, R.
dc.creator.authorSchmah, A.
dc.creator.authorSchmidt, C.
dc.creator.authorSchmidt, H.R.
dc.creator.authorSchmidt, M.O.
dc.creator.authorSchmidt, M.
dc.creator.authorSchmidt, N.V.
dc.creator.authorSchmier, A.R.
dc.creator.authorSchotter, R.
dc.creator.authorSchukraft, J.
dc.creator.authorSchutz, Y.
dc.creator.authorSchwarz, K.
dc.creator.authorSchweda, K.
dc.creator.authorScioli, G.
dc.creator.authorScomparin, E.
dc.creator.authorSeger, J.E.
dc.creator.authorSekiguchi, Y.
dc.creator.authorSekihata, D.
dc.creator.authorSelyuzhenkov, I.
dc.creator.authorSenyukov, S.
dc.creator.authorSeo, J.J.
dc.creator.authorSerebryakov, D.
dc.creator.authorŠerkšnytė, L.
dc.creator.authorSevcenco, A.
dc.creator.authorShabanov, A.
dc.creator.authorShabetai, A.
dc.creator.authorShahoyan, R.
dc.creator.authorShaikh, W.
dc.creator.authorShangaraev, A.
dc.creator.authorSharma, A.
dc.creator.authorSharma, H.
dc.creator.authorSharma, M.
dc.creator.authorSharma, N.
dc.creator.authorSharma, S.
dc.creator.authorSheibani, O.
dc.creator.authorSheikh, A.I.
dc.creator.authorShigaki, K.
dc.creator.authorShimomura, M.
dc.creator.authorShirinkin, S.
dc.creator.authorShou, Q.
dc.creator.authorSibiriak, Y.
dc.creator.authorSiddhanta, S.
dc.creator.authorSiemiarczuk, T.
dc.creator.authorSilvermyr, D.
dc.creator.authorSimatovic, G.
dc.creator.authorSimonetti, G.
dc.creator.authorSingh, B.
dc.creator.authorSingh, R.
dc.creator.authorSingh, R.
dc.creator.authorSingh, R.
dc.creator.authorSingh, V.K.
dc.creator.authorSinghal, V.
dc.creator.authorSinha, T.
dc.creator.authorSitar, B.
dc.creator.authorSitta, M.
dc.creator.authorSkaali, T.B.
dc.creator.authorSlupecki, M.
dc.creator.authorSmirnov, N.
dc.creator.authorSnellings, R.J.M.
dc.creator.authorSoncco, C.
dc.creator.authorSong, J.
dc.creator.authorSongmoolnak, A.
dc.creator.authorSoramel, F.
dc.creator.authorSorensen, S.
dc.creator.authorSputowska, I.
dc.creator.authorStachel, J.
dc.creator.authorStan, I.
dc.creator.authorSteffanic, P.J.
dc.creator.authorStiefelmaier, S.F.
dc.creator.authorStocco, D.
dc.creator.authorStoretvedt, M.M.
dc.creator.authorStritto, L.D.
dc.creator.authorStylianidis, C.P.
dc.creator.authorSuaide, A.A.P.
dc.creator.authorSugitate, T.
dc.creator.authorSuire, C.
dc.creator.authorSuljic, M.
dc.creator.authorSultanov, R.
dc.creator.authorŠumbera, M.
dc.creator.authorSumberia, V.
dc.creator.authorSumowidagdo, S.
dc.creator.authorSwain, S.
dc.creator.authorSzabo, A.
dc.creator.authorSzarka, I.
dc.creator.authorTabassam, U.
dc.creator.authorTaghavi, S.F.
dc.creator.authorTaillepied, G.
dc.creator.authorTakahashi, J.
dc.creator.authorTambave, Ganesh Jagannath
dc.creator.authorTang, S.
dc.creator.authorTang, Z.
dc.creator.authorTarhini, M.
dc.creator.authorTarzila, M.G.
dc.creator.authorTauro, A.
dc.creator.authorTejeda Muñoz, Munoz
dc.creator.authorTelesca, A.
dc.creator.authorTerlizzi, L.
dc.creator.authorTerrevoli, C.
dc.creator.authorTersimonov, G.
dc.creator.authorThakur, S.
dc.creator.authorThomas, D.
dc.creator.authorThoresen, F.
dc.creator.authorTieulent, R.
dc.creator.authorTikhonov, A.
dc.creator.authorTimmins, A.R.
dc.creator.authorTkacik, M.
dc.creator.authorToia, A.
dc.creator.authorTopilskaya, N.
dc.creator.authorToppi, M.
dc.creator.authorTorales-Acosta, F.
dc.creator.authorTorres, S.R.
dc.creator.authorTrifiró, A.
dc.creator.authorTripathy, S.
dc.creator.authorTripathy, T.
dc.creator.authorTrogolo, S.
dc.creator.authorTrombetta, G.
dc.creator.authorTropp, L.
dc.creator.authorTrubnikov, V.
dc.creator.authorTrzaska, W.H.
dc.creator.authorTrzcinski, T.P.
dc.creator.authorTrzeciak, B.A.
dc.creator.authorTumkin, A.
dc.creator.authorTurrisi, R.
dc.creator.authorTveter, T.S.
dc.creator.authorUllaland, Kjetil
dc.creator.authorUmaka, E.N.
dc.creator.authorUras, A.
dc.creator.authorUsai, G.L.
dc.creator.authorVala, M.
dc.creator.authorValle, N.
dc.creator.authorVallero, S.
dc.creator.authorVan Der Kolk, Der
dc.creator.authorVan Doremalen, Doremalen
dc.creator.authorVan Leeuwen, Leeuwen
dc.creator.authorVande Vyvre, Vyvre
dc.creator.authorVarga, D.
dc.creator.authorVarga, Z.
dc.creator.authorVarga-Kofarago, M.
dc.creator.authorVargas, A.
dc.creator.authorVasileiou, M.
dc.creator.authorVasiliev, A.
dc.creator.authorVázquez Doce, Doce
dc.creator.authorVechernin, V.
dc.creator.authorVercellin, E.
dc.creator.authorVergara Limón, Limon
dc.creator.authorVermunt, L.
dc.creator.authorVértesi, R.
dc.creator.authorVerweij, M.
dc.creator.authorVickovic, L.
dc.creator.authorVilakazi, Z.
dc.creator.authorVillalobos Baillie, Baillie
dc.creator.authorVino, G.
dc.creator.authorVinogradov, A.
dc.creator.authorVirgili, T.
dc.creator.authorVislavicius, V.
dc.creator.authorVodopyanov, A.
dc.creator.authorVolkel, B.
dc.creator.authorVölkl, M.A.
dc.creator.authorVoloshin, K.
dc.creator.authorVoloshin, S.A.
dc.creator.authorVolpe, G.
dc.creator.authorVon Haller, Haller
dc.creator.authorVorobyev, I.
dc.creator.authorVoscek, D.
dc.creator.authorVrláková, J.
dc.creator.authorWagner, Boris
dc.creator.authorWeber, M.
dc.creator.authorWegrzynek, A.
dc.creator.authorWenzel, S.C.
dc.creator.authorWessels, J.P.
dc.creator.authorWiechula, J.
dc.creator.authorWikne, Jon Christopher
dc.creator.authorWilk, G.
dc.creator.authorWilkinson, J.
dc.creator.authorWillems, G.A.
dc.creator.authorWillsher, E.
dc.creator.authorWindelband, B.
dc.creator.authorWinn, M.
dc.creator.authorWitt, W.E.
dc.creator.authorWright, J.R.
dc.creator.authorWu, Y.
dc.creator.authorXu, R.
dc.creator.authorYalcin, S.
dc.creator.authorYamaguchi, Y.
dc.creator.authorYamakawa, K.
dc.creator.authorYang, Shiming
dc.creator.authorYano, S.
dc.creator.authorYin, Z.
dc.creator.authorYokoyama, H.
dc.creator.authorYoo, I.-K.
dc.creator.authorYoon, J.H.
dc.creator.authorYuan, Shiming
dc.creator.authorYuncu, A.
dc.creator.authorYurchenko, V.
dc.creator.authorZaccolo, V.
dc.creator.authorZaman, A.
dc.creator.authorZampolli, C.
dc.creator.authorZanoli, H.J.C.
dc.creator.authorZardoshti, N.
dc.creator.authorZarochentsev, A.
dc.creator.authorZávada, P.
dc.creator.authorZaviyalov, N.
dc.creator.authorZbroszczyk, H.
dc.creator.authorZhalov, M.
dc.creator.authorZhang, S.
dc.creator.authorZhang, X.
dc.creator.authorZhang, Y.
dc.creator.authorZherebchevskii, V.
dc.creator.authorZhi, Y.
dc.creator.authorZhou, D.
dc.creator.authorZhou, Y.
dc.creator.authorZhu, J.
dc.creator.authorZhu, Y.
dc.creator.authorZichichi, A.
dc.creator.authorZinovjev, G.
dc.creator.authorZurlo, N.
dc.creator.authorSkaali, Toralf Bernhard
dc.creator.authorTveter, Trine Spedstad
cristin.unitnameFysisk institutt
dc.identifier.bibliographiccitationinfo:ofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_ver=Z39.88-2004&rft_val_fmt=info:ofi/fmt:kev:mtx:journal&rft.jtitle=Physical Review C&rft.volume=104&rft.spage=1&rft.date=2021
dc.identifier.jtitlePhysical Review C
dc.type.peerreviewedPeer reviewed
dc.identifier.fulltextFulltext https://www.duo.uio.no/bitstream/handle/10852/93415/1/PhysRevC.104.054905.pdf

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