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dc.identifier.citationAcharya, S. Adamová, D. Adler, A. Adolfsson, J. Aggarwal, M.M. Aglieri Rinella, Rinella Agnello, M. Agrawal, N. Ahammed, Z. Ahmad, S. Ahn, S.U. Akindinov, A. Al-Turany, M. Alam, S.N. Albuquerque, D.S.D. Aleksandrov, D. Alessandro, B. Alfanda, H.M. Alfaro Molina, Molina Ali, B. Ali, Y. Alici, A. Alkin, A. Alme, Johan Alt, T. Altenkaemper, Lucas Altsybeev, I. Anaam, M.N. Andrei, C. Andreou, D. Andrews, H.A. Andronic, A. Angeletti, M. Anguelov, V. Anson, C. Antičić, T. Antinori, F. Antonioli, P. Anwar, R. Apadula, N. Aphecetche, L. Appelshäuser, H. Arcelli, S. Arnaldi, R. Arratia, M. Arsene, Ionut Cristian Arslandok, M. Augustinus, A. Averbeck, R. Aziz, S. Azmi, M.D. Badalà, A. Baek, Y.W. Bagnasco, S. Bai, X. Bailhache, R. Bala, R. Baldisseri, A. Ball, M. Balouza, S. Barbera, R. Barioglio, L. Barnaföldi, G.G. Barnby, L.S. Barret, V. Bartalini, P. Barth, K. Bartsch, E. Baruffaldi, F. Bastid, N. Basu, S. Batigne, G. Batyunya, B. Bauri, D. Bazo Alba, Alba Bearden, I.G. Bedda, C. Behera, N.K. Belikov, I. Bell Hechavarria, Hechavarria Bellini, F. Bellwied, R. Belyaev, V. Bencedi, G. Beole, S. Bercuci, A. Berdnikov, Y. Berenyi, D. Bertens, R.A. Berzano, D. Besoiu, M.G. Betev, L. Bhasin, A. Bhat, I.R. Bhat, M.A. Bhatt, H. Bhattacharjee, B. Bianchi, A. Bianchi, L. Bianchi, N. Bielčík, Jaroslav Bielčíková, J. Bilandzic, A. Biro, G. Biswas, R. Biswas, S. Blair, J.T. Blau, D. Blume, C. Boca, G. Bock, F. Bogdanov, A. Boi, S. Boldizsár, L. Bolozdynya, A. Bombara, M. Bonomi, Germano Borel, H. Borissov, A. Bossi, H. Botta, E. Bratrud, L. Braun-Munzinger, P. Bregant, M. Broz, M. Brucken, E.J. Bruna, E. Bruno, G.E. Buckland, M.D. Budnikov, D. Buesching, H. Bufalino, S. Bugnon, O. Buhler, P. Buncic, P. Buthelezi, Z. Butt, J.B. Buxton, J.T. Bysiak, S.A. Caffarri, D. Caliva, A. Calvo Villar, Villar Camacho, R.S. Camerini, P. Capon, A.A. Carnesecchi, F. Caron, R. Castillo Castellanos, Castellanos Castro, A.J. Casula, E.A.R. Catalano, F. Ceballos Sanchez, Sanchez Chakraborty, P. Chandra, S. Chang, W. Chapeland, S. Chartier, M. Chattopadhyay, S. Chauvin, A. Cheshkov, C. Cheynis, B. Chibante Barroso, Barroso Chinellato, D.D. Cho, S. Chochula, P. Chowdhury, T. Christakoglou, P. Christensen, C.H. Christiansen, P. Chujo, T. Cicalo, C. Cifarelli, L. Cindolo, F. Cleymans, J. Colamaria, F. Colella, D. Collu, A. Colocci, M. Concas, M. Conesa Balbastre, Balbastre Conesa del Valle, del Contin, G. Contreras, J.G. Cormier, T.M. Corrales Morales, Morales Cortese, P. Cosentino, M.R. Costa, F. Costanza, S. Crochet, P. Cuautle, E. Cui, P. Cunqueiro, L. Dabrowski, D. Dahms, T. Dainese, A. Damas, F.P.A. Danisch, M.C. Danu, A. Das, D. Das, I. Das, P. Das, S. Dash, A. Dash, S. De, S. De Caro, Caro de Cataldo, Cataldo de Cuveland, Cuveland De Falco, Falco De Gruttola, Gruttola De Marco, Marco De Pasquale, Pasquale Deb, S. Debjani, B. Degenhardt, H.F. Deja, K.R. Deloff, A. Delsanto, S. Devetak, D. Dhankher, P. Di Bari, Bari Di Mauro, Mauro Diaz, R.A. Dietel, T. Dillenseger, P. Ding, Y. Divià, R. Dixit, D.U. Djuvsland, Øystein Dmitrieva, U. Dobrin, A. Dönigus, B. Dordic, Olja Dubey, A.K. Dubla, A. Dudi, S. Dukhishyam, M. Dupieux, P. Ehlers, R.J. Eikeland, Viljar Nilsen Elia, D. Engel, H. Epple, E. Erazmus, B. Erhardt, F. Erokhin, A. Ersdal, Magnus Rentsch Espagnon, B. Eulisse, G. Evans, D. Evdokimov, S. Fabbietti, L. Faggin, M. Faivre, J. Fan, F. Fantoni, A. Fasel, M. Fecchio, P. Feliciello, A. Feofilov, G. Fernández Téllez, Tellez Ferrero, A. Ferretti, A. Festanti, A. Feuillard, V.J.G. Figiel, J. Filchagin, S. Finogeev, D. Fionda, Fiorella Maria Celeste Fiorenza, G. Flor, F. Foertsch, S. Foka, P. Fokin, S. Fragiacomo, E. Frankenfeld, U. Fuchs, U. Furget, C. Furs, A. Fusco Girard, Girard Gaardhøje, J.J. Gagliardi, M. Gago, A.M. Gal, A. Galvan, C.D. Ganoti, P. Garabatos, C. Garcia-Solis, E. Garg, K. Gargiulo, C. Garibli, A. Garner, K. Gasik, P. Gauger, E.F. Gay Ducati, Ducati Germain, M. 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Ryabinkin, E. Ryabov, Y. Rybicki, A. Rytkonen, H. Saarimaki, O.A.M. Sadhu, S. Sadovsky, S. Šafařík, K. Saha, S.K. Sahoo, B. Sahoo, P. Sahoo, R. Sahoo, S. Sahu, P.K. Saini, J. Sakai, S. Sambyal, S. Samsonov, V. Sarkar, D. Sarkar, N. Sarma, P. Sarti, V.M. Sas, M.H.P. Scapparone, E. Schaefer, B. Schambach, J. Scheid, H.S. Schiaua, C. Schicker, R. Schmah, A. Schmidt, C. Schmidt, H.R. Schmidt, M.O. Schmidt, M. Schmidt, Nicolas Schmier, A.R. Schukraft, J. Schutz, Y. Schwarz, K. Schweda, K. Scioli, G. Scomparin, E. Šefčík, M. Seger, Janet Sekiguchi, Y. Sekihata, D. Selyuzhenkov, I. Senyukov, S. Serebryakov, D. Serradilla, E. Sevcenco, A. Shabanov, A. Shabetai, A. Shahoyan, R. Shaikh, W. Shangaraev, A. Sharma, A. Sharma, H. Sharma, M. Sharma, N. Sheikh, A.I. Shigaki, K. Shimomura, M. Shirinkin, S. Shou, Q. Sibiriak, Y. Siddhanta, S. Siemiarczuk, T. Silvermyr, D. Simatovic, G. Simonetti, G. Singh, R. Singh, V.K. Singhal, V. Sinha, T. Sitar, B. Sitta, M. Skaali, Toralf Bernhard Slupecki, M. 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Vallero, S. van der Kolk, der van Doremalen, Doremalen van Leeuwen, Leeuwen Vande Vyvre, Vyvre Varga, D. Varga, Z. Varga-Kofarago, Monika Vargas, A. Vasileiou, M. Vasiliev, A. Vázquez Doce, Doce Vechernin, V. Veen, A.M. Vercellin, E. Vergara Limón, Limon Vermunt, L. Vernet, R. Vértesi, R. Vickovic, L. Vilakazi, Z. Villalobos Baillie, Baillie Villatoro Tello, Tello Vino, G. Vinogradov, A. Virgili, T. Vislavicius, V. Vodopyanov, A. Volkel, B. Völkl, M.A. Voloshin, K. Voloshin, S.A. Volpe, G. von Haller, Haller Vorobyev, I. Voscek, D. Vrláková, J. Wagner, Boris Weber, M. Weber, S.G. Wegrzynek, A. Weiser, D.F. Wenzel, S.C. Wessels, J.P. Wiechula, J. Wikne, Jon Christopher Wilk, G. Wilkinson, J. Willems, G.A. Willsher, E. Windelband, B. Winn, M. Witt, W.E. Wu, Y. Xu, R. Yalcin, S. Yamakawa, K. Yang, Shiming Yano, S. Yin, Z. Yokoyama, H. Yoo, I.-K. Yoon, J.H. Yuan, Shiming Yuncu, A. Yurchenko, V. Zaccolo, V. Zaman, A. Zampolli, C. Zanoli, H.J.C. Zardoshti, N. Zarochentsev, A. Závada, P. Zaviyalov, N. Zbroszczyk, H. Zhalov, M. Zhang, S. Zhang, X. Zhang, Z. Zherebchevskii, V. Zhou, D. Zhou, Y. Zhou, Z. Zhu, J. Zhu, Y. Zichichi, A. Zimmermann, Markus Zinovjev, Gennady M. Zurlo, Nicola . Global baryon number conservation encoded in net-proton fluctuations measured in Pb–Pb collisions at s<inf>NN</inf>=2.76 TeV. Physics Letters B. 2020, 807
dc.description.abstractExperimental results are presented on event-by-event net-proton fluctuation measurements in Pb–Pb collisions at √sNN=2.76 TeV, recorded by the ALICE detector at the CERN LHC. These measurements have as their ultimate goal an experimental test of Lattice QCD (LQCD) predictions on second and higher order cumulants of net-baryon distributions to search for critical behavior near the QCD phase boundary. Before confronting them with LQCD predictions, account has to be taken of correlations stemming from baryon number conservation as well as fluctuations of participating nucleons. Both effects influence the experimental measurements and are usually not considered in theoretical calculations. For the first time, it is shown that event-by-event baryon number conservation leads to subtle long-range correlations arising from very early interactions in the collisions.
dc.rightsAttribution 4.0 International
dc.titleGlobal baryon number conservation encoded in net-proton fluctuations measured in Pb–Pb collisions at √sNN=2.76 TeV
dc.typeJournal article
dc.creator.authorAcharya, S.
dc.creator.authorAdamová, D.
dc.creator.authorAdler, A.
dc.creator.authorAdolfsson, J.
dc.creator.authorAggarwal, M.M.
dc.creator.authorAglieri Rinella, Rinella
dc.creator.authorAgnello, M.
dc.creator.authorAgrawal, N.
dc.creator.authorAhammed, Z.
dc.creator.authorAhmad, S.
dc.creator.authorAhn, S.U.
dc.creator.authorAkindinov, A.
dc.creator.authorAl-Turany, M.
dc.creator.authorAlam, S.N.
dc.creator.authorAlbuquerque, D.S.D.
dc.creator.authorAleksandrov, D.
dc.creator.authorAlessandro, B.
dc.creator.authorAlfanda, H.M.
dc.creator.authorAlfaro Molina, Molina
dc.creator.authorAli, B.
dc.creator.authorAli, Y.
dc.creator.authorAlici, A.
dc.creator.authorAlkin, A.
dc.creator.authorAlme, Johan
dc.creator.authorAlt, T.
dc.creator.authorAltenkaemper, Lucas
dc.creator.authorAltsybeev, I.
dc.creator.authorAnaam, M.N.
dc.creator.authorAndrei, C.
dc.creator.authorAndreou, D.
dc.creator.authorAndrews, H.A.
dc.creator.authorAndronic, A.
dc.creator.authorAngeletti, M.
dc.creator.authorAnguelov, V.
dc.creator.authorAnson, C.
dc.creator.authorAntičić, T.
dc.creator.authorAntinori, F.
dc.creator.authorAntonioli, P.
dc.creator.authorAnwar, R.
dc.creator.authorApadula, N.
dc.creator.authorAphecetche, L.
dc.creator.authorAppelshäuser, H.
dc.creator.authorArcelli, S.
dc.creator.authorArnaldi, R.
dc.creator.authorArratia, M.
dc.creator.authorArsene, Ionut Cristian
dc.creator.authorArslandok, M.
dc.creator.authorAugustinus, A.
dc.creator.authorAverbeck, R.
dc.creator.authorAziz, S.
dc.creator.authorAzmi, M.D.
dc.creator.authorBadalà, A.
dc.creator.authorBaek, Y.W.
dc.creator.authorBagnasco, S.
dc.creator.authorBai, X.
dc.creator.authorBailhache, R.
dc.creator.authorBala, R.
dc.creator.authorBaldisseri, A.
dc.creator.authorBall, M.
dc.creator.authorBalouza, S.
dc.creator.authorBarbera, R.
dc.creator.authorBarioglio, L.
dc.creator.authorBarnaföldi, G.G.
dc.creator.authorBarnby, L.S.
dc.creator.authorBarret, V.
dc.creator.authorBartalini, P.
dc.creator.authorBarth, K.
dc.creator.authorBartsch, E.
dc.creator.authorBaruffaldi, F.
dc.creator.authorBastid, N.
dc.creator.authorBasu, S.
dc.creator.authorBatigne, G.
dc.creator.authorBatyunya, B.
dc.creator.authorBauri, D.
dc.creator.authorBazo Alba, Alba
dc.creator.authorBearden, I.G.
dc.creator.authorBedda, C.
dc.creator.authorBehera, N.K.
dc.creator.authorBelikov, I.
dc.creator.authorBell Hechavarria, Hechavarria
dc.creator.authorBellini, F.
dc.creator.authorBellwied, R.
dc.creator.authorBelyaev, V.
dc.creator.authorBencedi, G.
dc.creator.authorBeole, S.
dc.creator.authorBercuci, A.
dc.creator.authorBerdnikov, Y.
dc.creator.authorBerenyi, D.
dc.creator.authorBertens, R.A.
dc.creator.authorBerzano, D.
dc.creator.authorBesoiu, M.G.
dc.creator.authorBetev, L.
dc.creator.authorBhasin, A.
dc.creator.authorBhat, I.R.
dc.creator.authorBhat, M.A.
dc.creator.authorBhatt, H.
dc.creator.authorBhattacharjee, B.
dc.creator.authorBianchi, A.
dc.creator.authorBianchi, L.
dc.creator.authorBianchi, N.
dc.creator.authorBielčík, Jaroslav
dc.creator.authorBielčíková, J.
dc.creator.authorBilandzic, A.
dc.creator.authorBiro, G.
dc.creator.authorBiswas, R.
dc.creator.authorBiswas, S.
dc.creator.authorBlair, J.T.
dc.creator.authorBlau, D.
dc.creator.authorBlume, C.
dc.creator.authorBoca, G.
dc.creator.authorBock, F.
dc.creator.authorBogdanov, A.
dc.creator.authorBoi, S.
dc.creator.authorBoldizsár, L.
dc.creator.authorBolozdynya, A.
dc.creator.authorBombara, M.
dc.creator.authorBonomi, Germano
dc.creator.authorBorel, H.
dc.creator.authorBorissov, A.
dc.creator.authorBossi, H.
dc.creator.authorBotta, E.
dc.creator.authorBratrud, L.
dc.creator.authorBraun-Munzinger, P.
dc.creator.authorBregant, M.
dc.creator.authorBroz, M.
dc.creator.authorBrucken, E.J.
dc.creator.authorBruna, E.
dc.creator.authorBruno, G.E.
dc.creator.authorBuckland, M.D.
dc.creator.authorBudnikov, D.
dc.creator.authorBuesching, H.
dc.creator.authorBufalino, S.
dc.creator.authorBugnon, O.
dc.creator.authorBuhler, P.
dc.creator.authorBuncic, P.
dc.creator.authorButhelezi, Z.
dc.creator.authorButt, J.B.
dc.creator.authorBuxton, J.T.
dc.creator.authorBysiak, S.A.
dc.creator.authorCaffarri, D.
dc.creator.authorCaliva, A.
dc.creator.authorCalvo Villar, Villar
dc.creator.authorCamacho, R.S.
dc.creator.authorCamerini, P.
dc.creator.authorCapon, A.A.
dc.creator.authorCarnesecchi, F.
dc.creator.authorCaron, R.
dc.creator.authorCastillo Castellanos, Castellanos
dc.creator.authorCastro, A.J.
dc.creator.authorCasula, E.A.R.
dc.creator.authorCatalano, F.
dc.creator.authorCeballos Sanchez, Sanchez
dc.creator.authorChakraborty, P.
dc.creator.authorChandra, S.
dc.creator.authorChang, W.
dc.creator.authorChapeland, S.
dc.creator.authorChartier, M.
dc.creator.authorChattopadhyay, S.
dc.creator.authorChauvin, A.
dc.creator.authorCheshkov, C.
dc.creator.authorCheynis, B.
dc.creator.authorChibante Barroso, Barroso
dc.creator.authorChinellato, D.D.
dc.creator.authorCho, S.
dc.creator.authorChochula, P.
dc.creator.authorChowdhury, T.
dc.creator.authorChristakoglou, P.
dc.creator.authorChristensen, C.H.
dc.creator.authorChristiansen, P.
dc.creator.authorChujo, T.
dc.creator.authorCicalo, C.
dc.creator.authorCifarelli, L.
dc.creator.authorCindolo, F.
dc.creator.authorCleymans, J.
dc.creator.authorColamaria, F.
dc.creator.authorColella, D.
dc.creator.authorCollu, A.
dc.creator.authorColocci, M.
dc.creator.authorConcas, M.
dc.creator.authorConesa Balbastre, Balbastre
dc.creator.authorConesa del Valle, del
dc.creator.authorContin, G.
dc.creator.authorContreras, J.G.
dc.creator.authorCormier, T.M.
dc.creator.authorCorrales Morales, Morales
dc.creator.authorCortese, P.
dc.creator.authorCosentino, M.R.
dc.creator.authorCosta, F.
dc.creator.authorCostanza, S.
dc.creator.authorCrochet, P.
dc.creator.authorCuautle, E.
dc.creator.authorCui, P.
dc.creator.authorCunqueiro, L.
dc.creator.authorDabrowski, D.
dc.creator.authorDahms, T.
dc.creator.authorDainese, A.
dc.creator.authorDamas, F.P.A.
dc.creator.authorDanisch, M.C.
dc.creator.authorDanu, A.
dc.creator.authorDas, D.
dc.creator.authorDas, I.
dc.creator.authorDas, P.
dc.creator.authorDas, S.
dc.creator.authorDash, A.
dc.creator.authorDash, S.
dc.creator.authorDe, S.
dc.creator.authorDe Caro, Caro
dc.creator.authorde Cataldo, Cataldo
dc.creator.authorde Cuveland, Cuveland
dc.creator.authorDe Falco, Falco
dc.creator.authorDe Gruttola, Gruttola
dc.creator.authorDe Marco, Marco
dc.creator.authorDe Pasquale, Pasquale
dc.creator.authorDeb, S.
dc.creator.authorDebjani, B.
dc.creator.authorDegenhardt, H.F.
dc.creator.authorDeja, K.R.
dc.creator.authorDeloff, A.
dc.creator.authorDelsanto, S.
dc.creator.authorDevetak, D.
dc.creator.authorDhankher, P.
dc.creator.authorDi Bari, Bari
dc.creator.authorDi Mauro, Mauro
dc.creator.authorDiaz, R.A.
dc.creator.authorDietel, T.
dc.creator.authorDillenseger, P.
dc.creator.authorDing, Y.
dc.creator.authorDivià, R.
dc.creator.authorDixit, D.U.
dc.creator.authorDjuvsland, Øystein
dc.creator.authorDmitrieva, U.
dc.creator.authorDobrin, A.
dc.creator.authorDönigus, B.
dc.creator.authorDordic, Olja
dc.creator.authorDubey, A.K.
dc.creator.authorDubla, A.
dc.creator.authorDudi, S.
dc.creator.authorDukhishyam, M.
dc.creator.authorDupieux, P.
dc.creator.authorEhlers, R.J.
dc.creator.authorEikeland, Viljar Nilsen
dc.creator.authorElia, D.
dc.creator.authorEngel, H.
dc.creator.authorEpple, E.
dc.creator.authorErazmus, B.
dc.creator.authorErhardt, F.
dc.creator.authorErokhin, A.
dc.creator.authorErsdal, Magnus Rentsch
dc.creator.authorEspagnon, B.
dc.creator.authorEulisse, G.
dc.creator.authorEvans, D.
dc.creator.authorEvdokimov, S.
dc.creator.authorFabbietti, L.
dc.creator.authorFaggin, M.
dc.creator.authorFaivre, J.
dc.creator.authorFan, F.
dc.creator.authorFantoni, A.
dc.creator.authorFasel, M.
dc.creator.authorFecchio, P.
dc.creator.authorFeliciello, A.
dc.creator.authorFeofilov, G.
dc.creator.authorFernández Téllez, Tellez
dc.creator.authorFerrero, A.
dc.creator.authorFerretti, A.
dc.creator.authorFestanti, A.
dc.creator.authorFeuillard, V.J.G.
dc.creator.authorFigiel, J.
dc.creator.authorFilchagin, S.
dc.creator.authorFinogeev, D.
dc.creator.authorFionda, Fiorella Maria Celeste
dc.creator.authorFiorenza, G.
dc.creator.authorFlor, F.
dc.creator.authorFoertsch, S.
dc.creator.authorFoka, P.
dc.creator.authorFokin, S.
dc.creator.authorFragiacomo, E.
dc.creator.authorFrankenfeld, U.
dc.creator.authorFuchs, U.
dc.creator.authorFurget, C.
dc.creator.authorFurs, A.
dc.creator.authorFusco Girard, Girard
dc.creator.authorGaardhøje, J.J.
dc.creator.authorGagliardi, M.
dc.creator.authorGago, A.M.
dc.creator.authorGal, A.
dc.creator.authorGalvan, C.D.
dc.creator.authorGanoti, P.
dc.creator.authorGarabatos, C.
dc.creator.authorGarcia-Solis, E.
dc.creator.authorGarg, K.
dc.creator.authorGargiulo, C.
dc.creator.authorGaribli, A.
dc.creator.authorGarner, K.
dc.creator.authorGasik, P.
dc.creator.authorGauger, E.F.
dc.creator.authorGay Ducati, Ducati
dc.creator.authorGermain, M.
dc.creator.authorGhosh, J.
dc.creator.authorGhosh, P.
dc.creator.authorGhosh, S.K.
dc.creator.authorGianotti, P.
dc.creator.authorGiubellino, P.
dc.creator.authorGiubilato, P.
dc.creator.authorGlässel, P.
dc.creator.authorGoméz Coral, Coral
dc.creator.authorGomez Ramirez, Ramirez
dc.creator.authorGonzalez, V.
dc.creator.authorGonzález-Zamora, P.
dc.creator.authorGorbunov, S.
dc.creator.authorGörlich, L.
dc.creator.authorGotovac, S.
dc.creator.authorGrabski, V.
dc.creator.authorGraczykowski, L.K.
dc.creator.authorGraham, K.L.
dc.creator.authorGreiner, L.
dc.creator.authorGrelli, A.
dc.creator.authorGrigoras, C.
dc.creator.authorGrigoriev, V.
dc.creator.authorGrigoryan, A.
dc.creator.authorGrigoryan, S.
dc.creator.authorGrøttvik, Ola Slettevoll
dc.creator.authorGrosa, F.
dc.creator.authorGrosse-Oetringhaus, J.F.
dc.creator.authorGrosso, R.
dc.creator.authorGuernane, R.
dc.creator.authorGuittiere, M.
dc.creator.authorGulbrandsen, K.
dc.creator.authorGunji, T.
dc.creator.authorGupta, A.
dc.creator.authorGupta, R.
dc.creator.authorGuzman, I.B.
dc.creator.authorHaake, R.
dc.creator.authorHabib, M.K.
dc.creator.authorHadjidakis, C.
dc.creator.authorHamagaki, H.
dc.creator.authorHamar, G.
dc.creator.authorHamid, M.
dc.creator.authorHannigan, R.
dc.creator.authorHaque, M.R.
dc.creator.authorHarlenderova, A.
dc.creator.authorHarris, J.W.
dc.creator.authorHarton, A.
dc.creator.authorHasenbichler, J.A.
dc.creator.authorHassan, H.
dc.creator.authorHatzifotiadou, D.
dc.creator.authorHauer, P.
dc.creator.authorHayashi, S.
dc.creator.authorHeckel, S.T.
dc.creator.authorHellbär, E.
dc.creator.authorHelstrup, Håvard
dc.creator.authorHerghelegiu, A.
dc.creator.authorHerman, T.
dc.creator.authorHernandez, E.G.
dc.creator.authorHerrera Corral, Corral
dc.creator.authorHerrmann, F.
dc.creator.authorHetland, Kristin Fanebust
dc.creator.authorHilden, T.E.
dc.creator.authorHillemanns, H.
dc.creator.authorHills, C.
dc.creator.authorHippolyte, B.
dc.creator.authorHohlweger, B.
dc.creator.authorHorak, D.
dc.creator.authorHornung, A.
dc.creator.authorHornung, S.
dc.creator.authorHosokawa, R.
dc.creator.authorHristov, P.
dc.creator.authorHuang, C.
dc.creator.authorHughes, C.
dc.creator.authorHuhn, P.
dc.creator.authorHumanic, T.J.
dc.creator.authorHushnud, H.
dc.creator.authorHusova, L.A.
dc.creator.authorHussain, N.
dc.creator.authorHussain, S.A.
dc.creator.authorHutter, D.
dc.creator.authorIddon, J.P.
dc.creator.authorIlkaev, R.
dc.creator.authorInaba, M.
dc.creator.authorInnocenti, G.M.
dc.creator.authorIppolitov, M.
dc.creator.authorIsakov, A.
dc.creator.authorIslam, M.S.
dc.creator.authorIvanov, M.
dc.creator.authorIvanov, V.
dc.creator.authorIzucheev, V.
dc.creator.authorJacak, B.
dc.creator.authorJacazio, N.
dc.creator.authorJacobs, P.M.
dc.creator.authorJadlovska, S.
dc.creator.authorJadlovsky, J.
dc.creator.authorJaelani, S.
dc.creator.authorJahnke, C.
dc.creator.authorJakubowska, M.J.
dc.creator.authorJanik, M.A.
dc.creator.authorJanson, T.
dc.creator.authorJercic, M.
dc.creator.authorJevons, O.
dc.creator.authorJin, M.
dc.creator.authorJonas, F.
dc.creator.authorJones, P.G.
dc.creator.authorJung, J.
dc.creator.authorJung, M.
dc.creator.authorJusko, A.
dc.creator.authorKalinak, P.
dc.creator.authorKalweit, A.
dc.creator.authorKaplin, V.
dc.creator.authorKar, S.
dc.creator.authorKarasu Uysal, Uysal
dc.creator.authorKaravichev, O.
dc.creator.authorKaravicheva, T.
dc.creator.authorKarczmarczyk, P.
dc.creator.authorKarpechev, E.
dc.creator.authorKazantsev, A.
dc.creator.authorKebschull, U.
dc.creator.authorKeidel, R.
dc.creator.authorKeil, M.
dc.creator.authorKetzer, B.
dc.creator.authorKhabanova, Z.
dc.creator.authorKhan, A.M.
dc.creator.authorKhan, S.
dc.creator.authorKhan, S.A.
dc.creator.authorKhanzadeev, A.
dc.creator.authorKharlov, Y.
dc.creator.authorKhatun, A.
dc.creator.authorKhuntia, A.
dc.creator.authorKileng, Bjarte
dc.creator.authorKim, B.
dc.creator.authorKim, D.
dc.creator.authorKim, D.J.
dc.creator.authorKim, E.J.
dc.creator.authorKim, H.
dc.creator.authorKim, J.
dc.creator.authorKim, J.S.
dc.creator.authorKim, M.
dc.creator.authorKim, S.
dc.creator.authorKim, T.
dc.creator.authorKirsch, S.
dc.creator.authorKisel, I.
dc.creator.authorKiselev, S.
dc.creator.authorKisiel, A.
dc.creator.authorKlay, J.L.
dc.creator.authorKlein, C.
dc.creator.authorKlein, J.
dc.creator.authorKlein, S.
dc.creator.authorKlein-Bösing, C.
dc.creator.authorKleiner, M.
dc.creator.authorKluge, A.
dc.creator.authorKnichel, M.L.
dc.creator.authorKnospe, A.G.
dc.creator.authorKobdaj, C.
dc.creator.authorKöhler, M.K.
dc.creator.authorKollegger, T.
dc.creator.authorKondratyev, A.
dc.creator.authorKondratyeva, N.
dc.creator.authorKondratyuk, E.
dc.creator.authorKonig, J.
dc.creator.authorKonopka, P.J.
dc.creator.authorKoska, L.
dc.creator.authorKovalenko, O.
dc.creator.authorKovalenko, V.
dc.creator.authorKowalski, M.
dc.creator.authorKrálik, I.
dc.creator.authorKravčáková, A.
dc.creator.authorKreis, L.
dc.creator.authorKrivda, M.
dc.creator.authorKrizek, F.
dc.creator.authorKrizkova Gajdosova, Gajdosova
dc.creator.authorKrüger, M.
dc.creator.authorKryshen, E.
dc.creator.authorKrzewicki, M.
dc.creator.authorKubera, A.M.
dc.creator.authorKučera, V.
dc.creator.authorKuhn, C.
dc.creator.authorKuijer, P.G.
dc.creator.authorKumar, L.
dc.creator.authorKumar, S.
dc.creator.authorKundu, S.
dc.creator.authorKurashvili, P.
dc.creator.authorKurepin, A.
dc.creator.authorKurepin, A.B.
dc.creator.authorKuryakin, A.
dc.creator.authorKushpil, S.
dc.creator.authorKvapil, J.
dc.creator.authorKweon, M.J.
dc.creator.authorKwon, J.Y.
dc.creator.authorKwon, Y.
dc.creator.authorLa Pointe, Pointe
dc.creator.authorLa Rocca, Rocca
dc.creator.authorLai, Y.S.
dc.creator.authorLangøy, Rune
dc.creator.authorLapidus, K.
dc.creator.authorLardeux, Antoine Xavier
dc.creator.authorLarionov, P.
dc.creator.authorLaudi, E.
dc.creator.authorLavicka, R.
dc.creator.authorLazareva, T.
dc.creator.authorLea, R.
dc.creator.authorLeardini, L.
dc.creator.authorLee, J.
dc.creator.authorLee, S.
dc.creator.authorLehas, F.
dc.creator.authorLehner, Sebastian
dc.creator.authorLehrbach, J.
dc.creator.authorLemmon, R.C.
dc.creator.authorLeón Monzón, Monzon
dc.creator.authorLesser, E.D.
dc.creator.authorLettrich, M.
dc.creator.authorLévai, P.
dc.creator.authorLi, X.
dc.creator.authorLi, X.L.
dc.creator.authorLien, Jørgen André
dc.creator.authorLietava, R.
dc.creator.authorLim, B.
dc.creator.authorLindenstruth, V.
dc.creator.authorLindsay, S.W.
dc.creator.authorLippmann, C.
dc.creator.authorLisa, M.A.
dc.creator.authorLitichevskyi, V.
dc.creator.authorLiu, A.
dc.creator.authorLiu, S.
dc.creator.authorLlope, W.J.
dc.creator.authorLofnes, Ingrid Mckibben
dc.creator.authorLoginov, V.
dc.creator.authorLoizides, Constantin
dc.creator.authorLoncar, P.
dc.creator.authorLopez, X.
dc.creator.authorLópez Torres, Torres
dc.creator.authorLuhder, J.R.
dc.creator.authorLunardon, M.
dc.creator.authorLuparello, G.
dc.creator.authorMa, Y.
dc.creator.authorMaevskaya, A.
dc.creator.authorMager, M.
dc.creator.authorMahmood, Sohail Musa
dc.creator.authorMahmoud, T.
dc.creator.authorMaire, A.
dc.creator.authorMajka, R.D.
dc.creator.authorMalaev, M.
dc.creator.authorMalik, Qasim Waheed
dc.creator.authorMalinina, L. V.
dc.creator.authorMal'Kevich, D.
dc.creator.authorMalzacher, P.
dc.creator.authorMandaglio, G.
dc.creator.authorManko, V.
dc.creator.authorManso, F.
dc.creator.authorManzari, V.
dc.creator.authorMao, Y.
dc.creator.authorMarchisone, M.
dc.creator.authorMareš, J.
dc.creator.authorMargagliotti, G.V.
dc.creator.authorMargotti, A.
dc.creator.authorMargutti, J.
dc.creator.authorMarín, A.
dc.creator.authorMarkert, C.
dc.creator.authorMarquard, M.
dc.creator.authorMartin, N.A.
dc.creator.authorMartinengo, P.
dc.creator.authorMartinez, J.L.
dc.creator.authorMartínez, M.I.
dc.creator.authorMartínez García, Garcia
dc.creator.authorMartinez Pedreira, Pedreira
dc.creator.authorMasciocchi, S.
dc.creator.authorMasera, M.
dc.creator.authorMasoni, A.
dc.creator.authorMassacrier, L.
dc.creator.authorMasson, E.
dc.creator.authorMastroserio, A.
dc.creator.authorMathis, A.M.
dc.creator.authorMatonoha, O.
dc.creator.authorMatuoka, P.F.T.
dc.creator.authorMatyja, A.
dc.creator.authorMayer, C.
dc.creator.authorMazzilli, M.
dc.creator.authorMazzoni, M.A.
dc.creator.authorMechler, A.F.
dc.creator.authorMeddi, F.
dc.creator.authorMelikyan, Y.
dc.creator.authorMenchaca-Rocha, A.
dc.creator.authorMengke, C.
dc.creator.authorMeninno, E.
dc.creator.authorMeres, M.
dc.creator.authorMhlanga, S.
dc.creator.authorMiake, Y.
dc.creator.authorMicheletti, L.
dc.creator.authorMihaylov, D.L.
dc.creator.authorMikhaylov, K.
dc.creator.authorMischke, A.
dc.creator.authorMishra, A.N.
dc.creator.authorMiśkowiec, D.
dc.creator.authorModak, A.
dc.creator.authorMohammadi, N.
dc.creator.authorMohanty, A.P.
dc.creator.authorMohanty, B.
dc.creator.authorMohisin Khan, Khan
dc.creator.authorMordasini, C.
dc.creator.authorMoreira De Godoy, De
dc.creator.authorMoreno, L.A.P.
dc.creator.authorMorozov, I.
dc.creator.authorMorsch, A.
dc.creator.authorMrnjavac, T.
dc.creator.authorMuccifora, V.
dc.creator.authorMudnic, E.
dc.creator.authorMühlheim, D.
dc.creator.authorMuhuri, S.
dc.creator.authorMulligan, J.D.
dc.creator.authorMunhoz, M.G.
dc.creator.authorMunzer, R.H.
dc.creator.authorMurakami, H.
dc.creator.authorMurray, S.
dc.creator.authorMusa, L.
dc.creator.authorMusinsky, J.
dc.creator.authorMyers, C.J.
dc.creator.authorMyrcha, J.W.
dc.creator.authorNaik, B.
dc.creator.authorNair, R.
dc.creator.authorNandi, B.K.
dc.creator.authorNania, R.
dc.creator.authorNappi, E.
dc.creator.authorNaru, M.U.
dc.creator.authorNassirpour, A.F.
dc.creator.authorNattrass, C.
dc.creator.authorNayak, R.
dc.creator.authorNayak, T.K.
dc.creator.authorNazarenko, S.
dc.creator.authorNeagu, Alexandra
dc.creator.authorNegrao De Oliveira, De
dc.creator.authorNellen, L.
dc.creator.authorNesbø, Simon Voigt
dc.creator.authorNeskovic, G.
dc.creator.authorNesterov, D.
dc.creator.authorNeumann, L.T.
dc.creator.authorNielsen, B.S.
dc.creator.authorNikolaev, S.
dc.creator.authorNikulin, S.
dc.creator.authorNikulin, V.
dc.creator.authorNoferini, F.
dc.creator.authorNomokonov, P.
dc.creator.authorNorman, J.
dc.creator.authorNovitzky, N.
dc.creator.authorNowakowski, P.
dc.creator.authorNyanin, A.
dc.creator.authorNystrand, Joakim
dc.creator.authorOgino, M.
dc.creator.authorOhlson, A.
dc.creator.authorOleniacz, J.
dc.creator.authorOliveira Da Silva, Da
dc.creator.authorOliver, M.H.
dc.creator.authorOppedisano, C.
dc.creator.authorOrava, R.
dc.creator.authorOrtiz Velasquez, Velasquez
dc.creator.authorOskarsson, A.
dc.creator.authorOtwinowski, J.
dc.creator.authorOyama, K.
dc.creator.authorPachmayer, Y.
dc.creator.authorPacik, V.
dc.creator.authorPagano, Davide
dc.creator.authorPaić, G.
dc.creator.authorPan, J.
dc.creator.authorPandey, A.K.
dc.creator.authorPanebianco, S.
dc.creator.authorPareek, P.
dc.creator.authorPark, J.
dc.creator.authorParkkila, J.E.
dc.creator.authorParmar, S.
dc.creator.authorPathak, S.P.
dc.creator.authorPatra, R.N.
dc.creator.authorPaul, B.
dc.creator.authorPei, H.
dc.creator.authorPeitzmann, Thomas
dc.creator.authorPeng, X.
dc.creator.authorPereira, L.G.
dc.creator.authorPereira Da Costa, Da
dc.creator.authorPeresunko, D.
dc.creator.authorPerez, G.M.
dc.creator.authorPerez Lezama, Lezama
dc.creator.authorPeskov, V.
dc.creator.authorPestov, Y.
dc.creator.authorPetracek, Vojtech
dc.creator.authorPetrovici, M.
dc.creator.authorPezzi, R.P.
dc.creator.authorPiano, S.
dc.creator.authorPikna, M.
dc.creator.authorPillot, P.
dc.creator.authorPinazza, O.
dc.creator.authorPinsky, L.
dc.creator.authorPinto, C.
dc.creator.authorPisano, S.
dc.creator.authorPistone, D.
dc.creator.authorPłoskoń, M.
dc.creator.authorPlaninic, M.
dc.creator.authorPliquett, F.
dc.creator.authorPluta, J.
dc.creator.authorPochybova, S.
dc.creator.authorPoghosyan, M.G.
dc.creator.authorPolichtchouk, B.
dc.creator.authorPoljak, N.
dc.creator.authorPop, A.
dc.creator.authorPoppenborg, H.
dc.creator.authorPorteboeuf-Houssais, S.
dc.creator.authorPozdniakov, V.
dc.creator.authorPrasad, S.K.
dc.creator.authorPreghenella, R.
dc.creator.authorPrino, F.
dc.creator.authorPruneau, C.A.
dc.creator.authorPshenichnov, I.
dc.creator.authorPuccio, M.
dc.creator.authorPutschke, J.
dc.creator.authorQuishpe, R.E.
dc.creator.authorRagoni, S.
dc.creator.authorRaha, Sibaji
dc.creator.authorRajput, S.
dc.creator.authorRak, J.
dc.creator.authorRakotozafindrabe, A.
dc.creator.authorRamello, L.
dc.creator.authorRami, F.
dc.creator.authorRaniwala, R.
dc.creator.authorRaniwala, S.
dc.creator.authorRäsänen, S.S.
dc.creator.authorRath, R.
dc.creator.authorRatza, V.
dc.creator.authorRavasenga, I.
dc.creator.authorRead, K.F.
dc.creator.authorRedelbach, A.R.
dc.creator.authorRedlich, K.
dc.creator.authorRehman, Attiq Ur
dc.creator.authorReichelt, P.
dc.creator.authorReidt, F.
dc.creator.authorRen, X.
dc.creator.authorRenfordt, R.
dc.creator.authorRescakova, Z.
dc.creator.authorRevol, J.-P.
dc.creator.authorReygers, K.
dc.creator.authorRiabov, V.
dc.creator.authorRichert, T.
dc.creator.authorRichter, Matthias
dc.creator.authorRiedler, P.
dc.creator.authorRiegler, W.
dc.creator.authorRiggi, F.
dc.creator.authorRistea, C.
dc.creator.authorRode, S.P.
dc.creator.authorRodríguez Cahuantzi, Cahuantzi
dc.creator.authorRøed, Ketil
dc.creator.authorRogalev, R.
dc.creator.authorRogochaya, E.
dc.creator.authorRohr, D.
dc.creator.authorRøhrich, Dieter
dc.creator.authorRokita, P.S.
dc.creator.authorRonchetti, F.
dc.creator.authorRosas, E.D.
dc.creator.authorRoslon, K.
dc.creator.authorRossi, A.
dc.creator.authorRotondi, A.
dc.creator.authorRoy, A.
dc.creator.authorRoy, P.
dc.creator.authorRueda, O.V.
dc.creator.authorRui, R.
dc.creator.authorRumyantsev, B.
dc.creator.authorRustamov, A.
dc.creator.authorRyabinkin, E.
dc.creator.authorRyabov, Y.
dc.creator.authorRybicki, A.
dc.creator.authorRytkonen, H.
dc.creator.authorSaarimaki, O.A.M.
dc.creator.authorSadhu, S.
dc.creator.authorSadovsky, S.
dc.creator.authorŠafařík, K.
dc.creator.authorSaha, S.K.
dc.creator.authorSahoo, B.
dc.creator.authorSahoo, P.
dc.creator.authorSahoo, R.
dc.creator.authorSahoo, S.
dc.creator.authorSahu, P.K.
dc.creator.authorSaini, J.
dc.creator.authorSakai, S.
dc.creator.authorSambyal, S.
dc.creator.authorSamsonov, V.
dc.creator.authorSarkar, D.
dc.creator.authorSarkar, N.
dc.creator.authorSarma, P.
dc.creator.authorSarti, V.M.
dc.creator.authorSas, M.H.P.
dc.creator.authorScapparone, E.
dc.creator.authorSchaefer, B.
dc.creator.authorSchambach, J.
dc.creator.authorScheid, H.S.
dc.creator.authorSchiaua, C.
dc.creator.authorSchicker, R.
dc.creator.authorSchmah, A.
dc.creator.authorSchmidt, C.
dc.creator.authorSchmidt, H.R.
dc.creator.authorSchmidt, M.O.
dc.creator.authorSchmidt, M.
dc.creator.authorSchmidt, Nicolas
dc.creator.authorSchmier, A.R.
dc.creator.authorSchukraft, J.
dc.creator.authorSchutz, Y.
dc.creator.authorSchwarz, K.
dc.creator.authorSchweda, K.
dc.creator.authorScioli, G.
dc.creator.authorScomparin, E.
dc.creator.authorŠefčík, M.
dc.creator.authorSeger, Janet
dc.creator.authorSekiguchi, Y.
dc.creator.authorSekihata, D.
dc.creator.authorSelyuzhenkov, I.
dc.creator.authorSenyukov, S.
dc.creator.authorSerebryakov, D.
dc.creator.authorSerradilla, E.
dc.creator.authorSevcenco, A.
dc.creator.authorShabanov, A.
dc.creator.authorShabetai, A.
dc.creator.authorShahoyan, R.
dc.creator.authorShaikh, W.
dc.creator.authorShangaraev, A.
dc.creator.authorSharma, A.
dc.creator.authorSharma, H.
dc.creator.authorSharma, M.
dc.creator.authorSharma, N.
dc.creator.authorSheikh, A.I.
dc.creator.authorShigaki, K.
dc.creator.authorShimomura, M.
dc.creator.authorShirinkin, S.
dc.creator.authorShou, Q.
dc.creator.authorSibiriak, Y.
dc.creator.authorSiddhanta, S.
dc.creator.authorSiemiarczuk, T.
dc.creator.authorSilvermyr, D.
dc.creator.authorSimatovic, G.
dc.creator.authorSimonetti, G.
dc.creator.authorSingh, R.
dc.creator.authorSingh, V.K.
dc.creator.authorSinghal, V.
dc.creator.authorSinha, T.
dc.creator.authorSitar, B.
dc.creator.authorSitta, M.
dc.creator.authorSkaali, Toralf Bernhard
dc.creator.authorSlupecki, M.
dc.creator.authorSmirnov, N.
dc.creator.authorSnellings, R.J.M.
dc.creator.authorSnellman, T.W.
dc.creator.authorSoncco, C.
dc.creator.authorSong, J.
dc.creator.authorSongmoolnak, A.
dc.creator.authorSoramel, F.
dc.creator.authorSorensen, S.
dc.creator.authorSputowska, I.
dc.creator.authorStachel, J.
dc.creator.authorStan, I.
dc.creator.authorStankus, P.
dc.creator.authorSteffanic, P.J.
dc.creator.authorStenlund, E.
dc.creator.authorStocco, D.
dc.creator.authorStoretvedt, Maksim Melnik
dc.creator.authorStritto, L.D.
dc.creator.authorSuaide, A.A.P.
dc.creator.authorSugitate, T.
dc.creator.authorSuire, C.
dc.creator.authorSuleymanov, M.
dc.creator.authorSuljic, M.
dc.creator.authorSultanov, R.
dc.creator.authorŠumbera, M.
dc.creator.authorSumowidagdo, S.
dc.creator.authorSwain, S.
dc.creator.authorSzabo, A.
dc.creator.authorSzarka, I.
dc.creator.authorTabassam, U.
dc.creator.authorTaillepied, G.
dc.creator.authorTakahashi, J.
dc.creator.authorTambave, Ganesh Jagannath
dc.creator.authorTang, S.
dc.creator.authorTarhini, M.
dc.creator.authorTarzila, M.G.
dc.creator.authorTauro, A.
dc.creator.authorTejeda Muñoz, Munoz
dc.creator.authorTelesca, A.
dc.creator.authorTerrevoli, C.
dc.creator.authorThakur, D.
dc.creator.authorThakur, S.
dc.creator.authorThomas, D.
dc.creator.authorThoresen, F.
dc.creator.authorTieulent, R.
dc.creator.authorTikhonov, A.
dc.creator.authorTimmins, A.R.
dc.creator.authorToia, A.
dc.creator.authorTopilskaya, N.
dc.creator.authorToppi, M.
dc.creator.authorTorales-Acosta, F.
dc.creator.authorTorres, S.R.
dc.creator.authorTrifiro, A.
dc.creator.authorTripathy, S.
dc.creator.authorTripathy, T.
dc.creator.authorTrogolo, S.
dc.creator.authorTrombetta, G.
dc.creator.authorTropp, L.
dc.creator.authorTrubnikov, V.
dc.creator.authorTrzaska, W.H.
dc.creator.authorTrzcinski, T.P.
dc.creator.authorTrzeciak, B.A.
dc.creator.authorTsuji, T.
dc.creator.authorTumkin, A.
dc.creator.authorTurrisi, R.
dc.creator.authorTveter, Trine Spedstad
dc.creator.authorUllaland, Kjetil
dc.creator.authorUmaka, E.N.
dc.creator.authorUras, A.
dc.creator.authorUsai, G.L.
dc.creator.authorUtrobicic, A.
dc.creator.authorVala, M.
dc.creator.authorValle, N.
dc.creator.authorVallero, S.
dc.creator.authorvan der Kolk, der
dc.creator.authorvan Doremalen, Doremalen
dc.creator.authorvan Leeuwen, Leeuwen
dc.creator.authorVande Vyvre, Vyvre
dc.creator.authorVarga, D.
dc.creator.authorVarga, Z.
dc.creator.authorVarga-Kofarago, Monika
dc.creator.authorVargas, A.
dc.creator.authorVasileiou, M.
dc.creator.authorVasiliev, A.
dc.creator.authorVázquez Doce, Doce
dc.creator.authorVechernin, V.
dc.creator.authorVeen, A.M.
dc.creator.authorVercellin, E.
dc.creator.authorVergara Limón, Limon
dc.creator.authorVermunt, L.
dc.creator.authorVernet, R.
dc.creator.authorVértesi, R.
dc.creator.authorVickovic, L.
dc.creator.authorVilakazi, Z.
dc.creator.authorVillalobos Baillie, Baillie
dc.creator.authorVillatoro Tello, Tello
dc.creator.authorVino, G.
dc.creator.authorVinogradov, A.
dc.creator.authorVirgili, T.
dc.creator.authorVislavicius, V.
dc.creator.authorVodopyanov, A.
dc.creator.authorVolkel, B.
dc.creator.authorVölkl, M.A.
dc.creator.authorVoloshin, K.
dc.creator.authorVoloshin, S.A.
dc.creator.authorVolpe, G.
dc.creator.authorvon Haller, Haller
dc.creator.authorVorobyev, I.
dc.creator.authorVoscek, D.
dc.creator.authorVrláková, J.
dc.creator.authorWagner, Boris
dc.creator.authorWeber, M.
dc.creator.authorWeber, S.G.
dc.creator.authorWegrzynek, A.
dc.creator.authorWeiser, D.F.
dc.creator.authorWenzel, S.C.
dc.creator.authorWessels, J.P.
dc.creator.authorWiechula, J.
dc.creator.authorWikne, Jon Christopher
dc.creator.authorWilk, G.
dc.creator.authorWilkinson, J.
dc.creator.authorWillems, G.A.
dc.creator.authorWillsher, E.
dc.creator.authorWindelband, B.
dc.creator.authorWinn, M.
dc.creator.authorWitt, W.E.
dc.creator.authorWu, Y.
dc.creator.authorXu, R.
dc.creator.authorYalcin, S.
dc.creator.authorYamakawa, K.
dc.creator.authorYang, Shiming
dc.creator.authorYano, S.
dc.creator.authorYin, Z.
dc.creator.authorYokoyama, H.
dc.creator.authorYoo, I.-K.
dc.creator.authorYoon, J.H.
dc.creator.authorYuan, Shiming
dc.creator.authorYuncu, A.
dc.creator.authorYurchenko, V.
dc.creator.authorZaccolo, V.
dc.creator.authorZaman, A.
dc.creator.authorZampolli, C.
dc.creator.authorZanoli, H.J.C.
dc.creator.authorZardoshti, N.
dc.creator.authorZarochentsev, A.
dc.creator.authorZávada, P.
dc.creator.authorZaviyalov, N.
dc.creator.authorZbroszczyk, H.
dc.creator.authorZhalov, M.
dc.creator.authorZhang, S.
dc.creator.authorZhang, X.
dc.creator.authorZhang, Z.
dc.creator.authorZherebchevskii, V.
dc.creator.authorZhou, D.
dc.creator.authorZhou, Y.
dc.creator.authorZhou, Z.
dc.creator.authorZhu, J.
dc.creator.authorZhu, Y.
dc.creator.authorZichichi, A.
dc.creator.authorZimmermann, Markus
dc.creator.authorZinovjev, Gennady M.
dc.creator.authorZurlo, Nicola
dc.identifier.bibliographiccitationinfo:ofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_ver=Z39.88-2004&rft_val_fmt=info:ofi/fmt:kev:mtx:journal&rft.jtitle=Physics Letters B&rft.volume=807&rft.spage=&rft.date=2020
dc.identifier.jtitlePhysics Letters B
dc.type.peerreviewedPeer reviewed
dc.identifier.fulltextFulltext https://www.duo.uio.no/bitstream/handle/10852/82728/1/1-s2.0-S0370269320303683-main.pdf

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