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dc.description.abstractIn today’s hypercompetitive market, companies are forced to be creative and innovate in order to survive. Digital technology has brought new possibilities for organisations as well as enabled thousands of start-ups to enter the marketplace. However, the constant flood of start-ups leads to intense competition increasing pressure on the companies to innovate. Developing novel ideas and bringing them to fruition is often a chaotic process influenced by pressure and uncertainty. The concept of creativity in information systems (IS) development and digital innovation has been under-researched with a too-narrow focus. This thesis aims to extend research on digital innovation and creativity and the interaction between human actors and digital technology during this process in a high-pressure environment. A case study of game development start-up companies in the Norwegian video game industry was conducted to gain empirical insight into the work situation of a high-pressure environment with creative and technologically savvy developers. A new theoretical process model is presented, as well as propositions to guide practitioners in their creative endeavours.en_US
dc.relation.haspartPaper I: Hrafnhildur Jónasdóttir. Patterns of Interaction Influencing Innovation in the Video Game Industry. NOKOBIT, 2014. The article is included in the thesis.
dc.relation.haspartPaper II: Jónasdóttir H. (2018) Soft Innovation in the Video Game Industry. In: Rocha Á., Adeli H., Reis L.P., Costanzo S. (eds) Trends and Advances in Information Systems and Technologies. WorldCIST'18 2018. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 745. Springer, Cham. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-77703-0_3. The article is not available in DUO due to publisher restrictions. The published version is available at: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-77703-0_3
dc.relation.haspartPaper III: Jonasdottir, H. Innovation in Game Development: IT Enablement and Affordances on Kickstarter. Comput Game J 8, 65–81 (2019). DOI: 10.1007/s40869-018-0075-6. The article is included in the thesis. Also available at: https://doi.org/10.1007/s40869-018-0075-6
dc.relation.haspartPaper IV: Hrafnhildur Jónasdóttir and Sune Dueholm Müller. Theorising Affordance Actualisation in Digital Innovation: The Case of the Video Game Industry (SJIS, In review). To be published. The paper is not available in DUO awaiting publishing.
dc.relation.haspartPaper V: Jónasdóttir, H., Bygstad, B. “Whoever is Educated by Anxiety is Educated by Possibility” A Study of Creativity in Game Development. Comput Game J 8, 121–141 (2019). DOI: 10.1007/s40869-019-00082-4. The article is included in the thesis. Also available at: https://doi.org/10.1007/s40869-019-00082-4
dc.titleCreativity Under Pressure in Digital Innovation: The Case of Norwegian Game Development Start-upsen_US
dc.typeDoctoral thesisen_US
dc.creator.authorJónasdóttir, Hrafnhildur
dc.identifier.fulltextFulltext https://www.duo.uio.no/bitstream/handle/10852/73864/1/PhD-Jonasdottir-2020.pdf

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