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dc.contributor.authorMirkena, Muluken Feyera
dc.identifier.citationMirkena, Muluken Feyera. Going Paperless: The Policy and Practice of ICT Integration in Education in Kenya - the Case of Digital Literacy Programme.. Master thesis, University of Oslo, 2018
dc.description.abstractKenya is making significant investments in promoting the integration of ICTs in the education system. Even with the evidence of poor school environments, the country is providing one tablet for every class 1 student in all public primary schools. This study examines the justifications offered by the Kenyan government in introducing the Digital Literacy Programme (DLP) and explores how the Programme evolved, and the conditions that impeded the implementation of the DLP. Semi-structured interviews and analysis of national development and education policy documents are used to answer these questions. The rationales include the use of the Programme to increase economic development, improve learning outcomes, and social mobility. The DLP is strongly linked to the country’s long-term vision, and its emergence is rooted in the events that unfolded in the 2013 general election. The implementation of DLP is mostly constrained by teachers’ attitude and limited ICT skills, and inadequate school infrastructures. The study makes some concluding comments about the DLP and the research needed to address the potential challenges such Programmes face in similar contexts.eng
dc.titleGoing Paperless: The Policy and Practice of ICT Integration in Education in Kenya - the Case of Digital Literacy Programme.eng
dc.typeMaster thesis
dc.creator.authorMirkena, Muluken Feyera
dc.rights.termsDette dokumentet er ikke elektronisk tilgjengelig etter ønske fra forfatter. Tilgangskode/Access code A
dc.identifier.fulltextFulltext https://www.duo.uio.no/bitstream/handle/10852/65328/1/Muluken-Feyera-thesis---final.pdf

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