Now showing items 2299-2318 of 4403

  • Aasland, Hilde Wiede (Master thesis / Hovedoppgave, 2016)
    Bakgrunn: Formålet med studien var å undersøke om man hos et utvalg friske middelaldrende voksne ville finne varige endringer i hjernestruktur og kognisjon, som resultat av å ha mottatt hukommelsestrening fem år tidligere. ...
  • Gundersen, Une Elise (Master thesis / Group thesis / Hovedoppgave / Gruppeoppgave, 2019)
    Denne hovedoppgaven har blitt utformet som en del av profesjonsutdanningen i psykologi ved Universitetet i Oslo. Oppgaven “Langtidspsykefravær - hva øker sjansen for tilbakeføring til arbeid?” er skrevet av Une Elise ...
  • Medalen, Hilde Glasø (Master thesis / Group thesis / Hovedoppgave / Hovedoppgave, 2019)
    Bakgrunn og mål: Langtidssykefravær er belastende for både individ og samfunn, og psykiske lidelser er en av hovedårsakene til sykefravær og uførepensjon. Et arbeidsrehabiliteringstiltak for personer med angst og depresjon, ...
  • Popescu, Lucia (Master thesis / Masteroppgave, 2008)
    This study explored the process of second language learning and psychosocial adaptation in a group of 11 adult refugees living in Norway. The research investigated aspects influencing the learning process and how Norwegian ...
  • Ratikainen, Julia (Master thesis / Masteroppgave, 2006)
    Abstract: This study investigated the phenomenon of transmission the minority language to the children in fifteen Russian mother /Norwegian father families living in Norway, with a focus on the mothers experiences of ...
  • Wang, Mari Vaage (Doctoral thesis / Doktoravhandling, 2014)
    Child language development is a complex process. This process cannot be understood without considering its relationship to other developmental domains. Language development in preschool years is associated with development ...
  • Skjeldal, Ola; Skandsen, Toril; Kinge, Einar; Glott, Thomas; Solbakk, Anne-Kristin (Journal article / Tidsskriftartikkel / PublishedVersion; Peer reviewed, 2022)
    Hjernerystelse er vanlig og forløper oftest uten komplikasjoner. Vedvarende symptomer opptrer imidlertid hos 10–15 %. Slike postcommotiosymptomer domineres av somatiske, kognitive og emosjonelle symptomer. Tilstanden er ...
  • Schijven, Dick; Postema, Merel C.; Fukunaga, Masaki; Matsumoto, Junya; Miura, Kenichiro; de Zwarte, Sonja M.C.; van Haren, Neeltje E.M.; Cahn, Wiepke; Hulshoff Pol, Hilleke E.; Kahn, René S.; Ayesa-Arriola, Rosa; de la Foz, Víctor Ortiz-García; Tordesillas-Gutierrez, Diana; Vázquez-Bourgon, Javier; Crespo-Facorro, Benedicto; Alnæs, Dag; Dahl, Andreas; Westlye, Lars Tjelta; Agartz, Ingrid; Andreassen, Ole; Jönsson, Erik Gunnar; Kochunov, Peter; Bruggemann, Jason M.; Catts, Stanley V.; Michie, Patricia T.; Mowry, Bryan J.; Quidé, Yann; Rasser, Paul E.; Schall, Ulrich; Scott, Rodney J.; Carr, Vaughan J.; Green, Melissa J.; Henskens, Frans A.; Loughland, Carmel M.; Pantelis, Christos; Weickert, Cynthia Shannon; Weickert, Thomas W.; de Haan, Lieuwe; Brosch, Katharina; Pfarr, Julia-Katharina; Ringwald, Kai G.; Stein, Frederike; Jansen, Andreas; Kircher, Tilo T.J.; Nenadić, Igor; Krämer, Bernd; Gruber, Oliver; Satterthwaite, Theodore D.; Bustillo, Juan; Mathalon, Daniel H.; Preda, Adrian; Calhoun, Vince D.; Ford, Judith M.; Potkin, Steven G.; Chen, Jingxu; Tan, Yunlong; Wang, Zhiren; Xiang, Hong; Fan, Fengmei; Bernardoni, Fabio; Ehrlich, Stefan; Fuentes-Claramonte, Paola; Garcia-Leon, Maria Angeles; Guerrero-Pedraza, Amalia; Salvador, Raymond; Sarró, Salvador; Pomarol-Clotet, Edith; Ciullo, Valentina; Piras, Fabrizio; Vecchio, Daniela; Banaj, Nerisa; Spalletta, Gianfranco; Michielse, Stijn; van Amelsvoort, Therese; Dickie, Erin W.; Voineskos, Aristotle N.; Sim, Kang; Ciufolini, Simone; Dazzan, Paola; Murray, Robin M.; Kim, Woo-Sung; Chung, Young-Chul; Andreou, Christina; Schmidt, André; Borgwardt, Stefan; McIntosh, Andrew M.; Whalley, Heather C.; Lawrie, Stephen M.; du Plessis, Stefan; Luckhoff, Hilmar K.; Scheffler, Freda; Emsley, Robin; Grotegerd, Dominik; Lencer, Rebekka; Dannlowski, Udo; Edmond, Jesse T.; Rootes-Murdy, Kelly; Stephen, Julia M.; Mayer, Andrew R.; Antonucci, Linda A.; Fazio, Leonardo; Pergola, Giulio; Bertolino, Alessandro; Díaz-Caneja, Covadonga M.; Janssen, Joost; Lois, Noemi G.; Arango, Celso; Tomyshev, Alexander S.; Lebedeva, Irina; Cervenka, Simon; Sellgren, Carl M.; Georgiadis, Foivos; Kirschner, Matthias; Kaiser, Stefan; Hajek, Tomas; Skoch, Antonin; Spaniel, Filip; Kim, Minah; Kwak, Yoo Bin; Oh, Sanghoon; Kwon, Jun Soo; James, Anthony; Bakker, Geor; Knöchel, Christian; Stäblein, Michael; Oertel, Viola; Uhlmann, Anne; Howells, Fleur M.; Stein, Dan J.; Temmingh, Henk S.; Diaz-Zuluaga, Ana M.; Pineda-Zapata, Julian A.; López-Jaramillo, Carlos; Homan, Stephanie; Ji, Ellen; Surbeck, Werner; Homan, Philipp; Fisher, Simon E.; Franke, Barbara; Gur, Ruben C.; Glahn, David C.; Hashimoto, Ryota; Jahanshad, Neda; Luders, Eileen; Thompson, Paul M.; Medland, Sarah E.; Turner, Jessica A.; van Erp, Theo G.M.; Francks, Clyde (Journal article / Tidsskriftartikkel / PublishedVersion; Peer reviewed, 2023)
    Left–right asymmetry is an important organizing feature of the healthy brain that may be altered in schizophrenia, but most studies have used relatively small samples and heterogeneous approaches, resulting in equivocal ...
  • Smit, Dirk J. A.; Andreassen, Ole; Boomsma, Dorret I.; Burwell, Scott J.; Chorlian, David B.; De Geus, Eco J C; Elvsåshagen, Torbjørn; Gordon, Reyna L.; Harper, Jeremy; Hegerl, Ulrich; Hensch, Tilman; Iacono, William; Jawinski, Philippe; Jönsson, Erik Gunnar; Luykx, Jurjen J.; Magne, Cyrille L.; Malone, Stephen M.; Medland, Sarah E.; Meyers, Jacquelyn L.; Moberget, Torgeir; Porjesz, Bernice; Sander, Christian; Sisodiya, Sanjay M.; Thompson, Paul M.; van Beijsterveldt, Catharina E. M.; van Dellen, Edwin; Via, Marc; Wright, Margaret J. (Journal article / Tidsskriftartikkel / PublishedVersion; Peer reviewed, 2021)
    Background and purpose The ENIGMA-EEG working group was established to enable large-scale international collaborations among cohorts that investigate the genetics of brain function measured with electroencephalography ...
  • Chen, Chi-Hua; Peng, Qian; Schork, Andrew J.; Lo, Min-Tzu; Fan, Chun-Chieh; Wang, Yunpeng; Desikan, Rahul S.; Bettella, Franscesco; Hagler, Donald J.; Westlye, Lars Tjelta; Kremen, William S.; Jernigan, Terry L.; Le Hellard, Stephanie; Steen, Vidar Martin; Espeseth, Thomas; Huentelman, Matt; Håberg, Asta; Agartz, Ingrid; Djurovic, Srdjan; Andreassen, Ole Andreas; Schork, Nicholas; Dale, Anders (Journal article / Tidsskriftartikkel / PublishedVersion; Peer reviewed, 2015)
    Little is known about how genetic variation contributes to neuroanatomical variability, and whether particular genomic regions comprising genes or evolutionarily conserved elements are enriched for effects that influence ...
  • Benediktsdóttir, Signý (Master thesis / Masteroppgave, 2023)
  • Vingerhoets, Guy; Verhelst, Helena; Gerrits, Robin; Badcock, Nicholas; Bishop, Dorothy V. M.; Carey, David; Flindall, Jason; Grimshaw, Gina; Harris, Lauren Julius; Hausmann, Markus; Hirnstein, Marco; Jäncke, Lutz; Joliot, Marc; Specht, Karsten; Westerhausen, Rene (Journal article / Tidsskriftartikkel / AcceptedVersion; Peer reviewed, 2023)
    Laterality indices (LIs) quantify the left-right asymmetry of brain and behavioural variables and provide a measure that is statistically convenient and seemingly easy to interpret. Substantial variability in how structural ...
  • Lamøy, Fredrik Ruben (Master thesis / Masteroppgave, 2021)
    Leadership and psychological contracts have gained popularity in research these past decades, with a constant increase in leadership theories. Many leadership styles have been extensively researched in organizational ...
  • Haraldsen, Lars Vegheim (Master thesis / Masteroppgave, 2022)
    The aim of this study is to investigate leadership development in process management on the leader, group, and individual level of analysis, as well as broaden the knowledge surrounding process management and the variables ...
  • Bøe, Runar (Master thesis / Masteroppgave, 2023)
  • Hagem, Susanne (Master thesis / Masteroppgave, 2010)
    There is much debate about the public-private distinction within organizational research. This has implications for leadership research. If the public sector has unique characteristics compared to the private sector, such ...
  • Moss, Sigrun Marie (Journal article / Tidsskriftartikkel / PublishedVersion; Peer reviewed, 2019)
    A Sudanese Revolution overthrew the sitting regime in 2019, and a transitional government is in place. This article explores Sudanese respondents’ take on how the former regime managed to stay in power for so long. The ...
  • Sæter, Linda Vestnes (Master thesis / Hovedoppgave, 2022)
    Background: Research on leader-follower relationships has shown that high levels of leader- follower exchange (LMX) are associated with lower turnover, increased job satisfaction, and increased organizational commitment. ...
  • Gundersen, Gøran H.; Hellesøy, Bjørn Tore (Master thesis / Masteroppgave, 2011)
    Several scholars have argued that the effects of transformational leadership vary according to the context in which it is executed. In this study, we examined the effectiveness of transformational and transactional leadership ...
  • Pastoor, Lutine de Wal (Doctoral thesis / Doktoravhandling, 2008)
    Å lære samtalen for læring: Klasseromssamtalen som læringsredskap - En kasusstudie av et norsk multietnisk klasserom<br><br> En stor utfordring som Norge og andre Europeiske land står overfor, er hvordan man skal ...