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dc.description.abstractIndividuals with gluten sensitivity without coeliac disease report symptom relief of gastrointestinal symptoms as response to gluten-free diet (GFD). However, gluten is not likely the culprit. In the thesis Non-coeliac gluten sensitivity and coeliac disease – Dietary and diagnostic aspects, Gry Skodje and co-workers have shown that fructans, a carbohydrate, is the offending component in self-reported gluten sensitivity. They challenged study subjects with muesli bars added gluten, fructan or placebo in a randomised double blinded rechallenge with crossover. Fructans induced more symptoms than gluten. Coeliac disease (CD) is caused by an abnormal immune response to gluten and is identified by serology and intestinal biopsy. Self-reported gluten sensitivity lacks objective markers due to unknown pathology and is difficult to identify. The research group studied the GFD in these two groups and found that the self-reported gluten sensitive adhered as strictly to the diet as the coeliacs, despite lack of GFD education. They also found that wheat challenge in gluten sensitive subjects resulted in overestimation of the diagnosis. The gold standard to identify adverse reactions to food is double-blind placebo-controlled challenge. By using this method with gluten concealed in muesli bars, many study subjects appeared to react to placebo and not to gluten. The gluten containing muesli bars induced intestinal damage in coeliac patients after a 14 day challenge. However the changes were insufficient to confirm or exclude CD. The frequency of HLA-DQ:gluten tetramer-binding T-celles increased by more than 100 % on day 6 of the challenge in 12 of 15 subjects and is suggested as a specific and less invasive diagnostic method to detect or exclude CD in persons that are already on a GFD. Take-home message is that gluten sensitive subjects adhere as strictly to the GFD as coeliac subjects, however, fructans are more likely the culprit. This suggests that the condition rather should be regarded as a variant of irritable bowel syndrome.en
dc.description.abstractSammendrag Personer med selvrapportert glutensensitivitet uten cøliaki spiser glutenfritt for å lindre mageproblemer, men mye tyder på at det ikke er gluten som er årsaken til plagene. I avhandlingen Non-coeliac gluten sensitivity and coeliac disease – dietary and diagnostic aspects har Gry Skodje og medarbeidere vist at fruktaner, en type karbohydrat, sannsynligvis er årsaken til symptomene ved selvrapportert glutensensitivitet. De ga studiedeltakere müslibarer som var tilsatt gluten, fruktan eller ingenting (placebo) i tilfeldig og ukjent rekkefølge. Fruktan-müslibaren ga mest symptomer. Cøliaki skyldes unormal immunrespons på gluten som medfører tarmskade. Sykdommen påvises med blodprøver og vevsprøve av tarmen. Selvrapportert glutensensitivitet uten cøliaki er vanskelig å påvise. Objektiv utredningsmetode mangler fordi sykdomsmekanismen er ukjent. Forskningsgruppen undersøkte den glutenfrie dietten i disse to gruppene og fant at de selvrapportert glutensensitive overholder dietten like strengt som cøliakere selv om de ikke får opplæring i dietten. Videre fant de at hveteprovokasjon ved glutensensitivitet medførte overdiagnostisering. Gullstandarden for å påvise matvarereaksjoner er dobbeltblindet placebokontrollert provokasjon. Ved å benytte denne metoden med gluten gjemt i müslibarer, viste det seg imidlertid at mange reagerte på placebo. De færreste reagerte på gluten. De samme glutenholdige muslibarene medførte tarmskade hos cøliakere, men ikke nok til at man kan bruke testen diagnostisk. Imidlertid kan en blodprøve med såkalt tetramertest avdekke glutenspesifikke T-celler i blodet hos en cøliaker etter bare 6 dagers glutenprovokasjon. Metoden er sensitiv og mindre krevende for å bekrefte eller utelukke cøliaki hos personer som allerede spiser glutenfritt. Hovedbudskapet er at selvrapportert glutensensitive overholder glutenfri diett like strengt som cøliakere, men mest sannsynlig er det fruktaner som gir reaksjoner. Man foreslår at denne tilstanden heller bør håndteres som en variant av irritabel tarmsyndrom.
dc.relation.haspartPaper 1: Diet adherence and gluten exposure in coeliac disease and self-reported non-coeliac gluten sensitivity. A. Løvik, G. Skodje, J. Bratlie, M. Brottveit, K.E.A. Lundin. Clinical Nutrition, February 2017, vol. 36(1), p. 275-280. The paper is not available in DUO due to publisher restrictions. The published version is available at: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.clnu.2015.11.017
dc.relation.haspartPaper 2: Wheat challenge in self-reported gluten sensitivity: a comparison of scoring methods. Gry I. Skodje, Christine Henriksen, Trude Salte, Thea Drivenes, Ieva Toleikyte, Astrid M. Lovik, Marit B. Veierød and Knut E.A. Lundin. Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology, 2016, vol. 52(2). Accepted version avialable in DUO: urn.nb.no/URN:NBN:no-64608 The published article is not available in DUO due to publisher restrictions. The published version is available at: https://doi.org/10.1080/00365521.2016.1244705
dc.relation.haspartPaper 3: HLA-DQ:gluten tetramer test in blood gives better detection of coeliac patients than biopsy after 14-day gluten challenge. Vikas K Sarna, Gry I Skodje, Henrik M Reims, Louise F Risnes, Shiva Dahal-Koirala, Ludvig M Sollid, Knut E A Lundin. Gut 2018, vol 67, p. 1606–1613. Accepted version avialable in DUO: urn.nb.no/URN:NBN:no-64607 The published article is not available in DUO due to publisher restrictions. The published version is available at: https://doi.org/10.1136/gutjnl-2017-314461
dc.relation.haspartPaper 4: Fructan, Rather Than Gluten, Induces Symptoms in Patients With Self-Reported Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity Gry I. Skodje, Vikas K. Sarna, Ingunn H. Minelle, Kjersti L. Rolfsen, Jane G. Muir, Peter R. Gibson, Marit B. Veierød, Christine Henriksen, and Knut E. A. Lundin. Gastroenterology 2018, vol 154, p. 529–539. The paper is not available in DUO due to publisher restrictions. The published version is available at: https://doi.org/10.1053/j.gastro.2017.10.040
dc.titleNon-coeliac gluten sensitivity and coeliac disease – Dietary and diagnostic aspectsen_US
dc.typeDoctoral thesisen_US
dc.creator.authorSkodje, Gry Irene
dc.identifier.fulltextFulltext https://www.duo.uio.no/bitstream/handle/10852/64618/1/Skodje-PhD-2018.pdf

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