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dc.identifier.citationAdam, Jaroslav Adamová, Dagmar Aggarwal, Madan M. Aglieri Rinella, Gianluca Agnello, Michelangelo Agrawal, Nikita Ahammed, Zubayer Ahn, Sul-Ah Aimo, Ilaria Aiola, Salvatore Alme, Johan Helstrup, Håvard Hetland, Kristin Fanebust Kileng, Bjarte Altinpinar, Sedat Djuvsland, Øystein Haaland, Øystein Senneset Huang, Meidana Lønne, Per-Ivar Nystrand, Joakim Rehman, Attiq ur Røhrich, Dieter Tambave, Ganesh Jagannath Ullaland, Kjetil Velure, Arild Wagner, Boris Zhang, Hui Zhou, Zhuo Zhu, Hongsheng Arsene, Ionut Christian Bätzing, Paul Christoph Dordic, Olja Lindal, Svein Mahmood, Sohail Musa Milosevic, Jovan Qvigstad, Henrik Richter, Matthias Røed, Ketil Skaali, Toralf Bernhard Tveter, Trine Spedstad Wikne, Jon Christopher Zhao, Chengxin Langøy, Rune Lien, Jørgen André Ajaz, Muhammad Akindinov, Alexander Alam, Sk Noor Aleksandrov, Dimitry Alessandro, Bruno Alexandre, Didier ALICE, Collaboration Baral, RC Barbano, AM Barbera, R Barile, F Barnaföldi, GG Barnby, LS Barret, V Bartalini, P Barth, K Bartke, J Bartsch, E Basile, M Bastid, N Basu, S Bathen, B Batigne, G Batista Camejo, A Batyunya, B Batzing, PC Bearden, IG Beck, H Bedda, C Behera, NK Belikov, I Bellini, F Bello Martinez, H Bellwied, R Belmont, R Belmont-Moreno, E Belyaev, V Bencedi, G Beole, S Berceanu, I Bercuci, A Berdnikov, Y Berenyi, D Bertens, RA Berzano, D Betev, L Bhasin, A Bhat, IR Bhati, AK Bhattacharjee, B Bhom, J Bianchi, L Bianchi, N Bianchin, C Bielcik, J Bielcikova, J Bilandzic, A Biswas, R Biswas, S Bjelogrlic, S Blair, JT Blanco, F Blau, D Blume, C Bock, F Bogdanov, A Bøggild, H Boldizsar, L Bombara, M Book, J Borel, H Borissov, A Borri, M Bossu, F Botta, E Böttger, S Braun-Munzinger, P Bregant, M Breitner, T Broker, TA Browning, TA Broz, M Brucken, EJ Bruna, E Bruno, GE Budnikov, D Buesching, H Bufalino, S Buncic, P Busch, O Buthelezi, Z Butt, JB Buxton, JT Caffarri, D Cai, X Caines, H Calero Diaz, L Caliva, A Calvo Villar, E Camerini, P Carena, F Carena, W Carnesecchi, F Castillo Castellanos, J Castro, AJ Casula, EAR Cavicchioli, C Ceballos Sanchez, C Cepila, J Cerello, P Cerkala, J Chang, B Chapeland, S Chartier, M Charvet, JL Chattopadhyay, S Chelnokov, V Cherney, M Cheshkov, C Cheynis, B Chibante Barroso, V Chinellato, DD Chochula, P Choi, K Chojnacki, M Choudhury, S Christakoglou, P Christensen, CH Christiansen, P Chujo, T Chung, SU Chunhui, Z Cicalo, C Cifarelli, L Cindolo, F Cleymans, J Colamaria, F Colella, D Collu, A Colocci, M Conesa Balbastre, G Conesa Del Valle, Z Connors, ME Contreras, JG Cormier, TM Corrales Morales, Y Cortes Maldonado, I Cortese, P Cosentino, MR Costa, F Crochet, P Cruz Albino, R Cuautle, E Cunqueiro, L Dahms, T Dainese, A Danu, A Das, D Das, I Das, S Dash, A Dash, S De, S De Caro, A De Cataldo, G De Cuveland, J De Falco, A De Gruttola, D De Marco, N De Pasquale, S Deisting, A Deloff, A Denes, E D'Erasmo, G Di Bari, D Di Mauro, A Di Nezza, P Diaz Corchero, MA Dietel, T Dillenseger, P Divia, R Djuvsland, Ø Dobrin, A Dobrowolski, T Domenicis Gimenez, D Dönigus, B Dordic, O Drozhzhova, T Dubey, AK Dubla, A Ducroux, L Dupieux, P Ehlers, RJ Elia, D Engel, H Erazmus, B Erdemir, I Erhardt, F Eschweiler, D Espagnon, B Estienne, M Esumi, S Eum, J Evans, D Evdokimov, S Eyyubova, G Fabbietti, L Fabris, D Faivre, J Fantoni, A Fasel, M Feldkamp, L Felea, D Feliciello, A Feofilov, G Ferencei, J Fernandez Tellez, A Ferreiro, EG Ferretti, A Festanti, A Feuillard, VJG Figiel, J Figueredo, MAS Filchagin, S Finogeev, D Fiore, EM Fleck, MG Floris, M Foertsch, S Foka, P Fokin, S Fragiacomo, E Francescon, A Frankenfeld, U Fuchs, U Furget, C Furs, A Fusco Girard, M Gaardhøje, JJ Gagliardi, M Gago, AM Gallio, M Gangadharan, DR Ganoti, P Gao, C Garabatos, C Garcia-Solis, E Gargiulo, C Gasik, P Germain, M Gheata, A Gheata, M Ghosh, P Ghosh, SK Gianotti, P Giubellino, P Giubilato, P Gladysz-Dziadus, E Glässel, P Gomez Coral, DM Gomez Ramirez, A Gonzalez-Zamora, P Gorbunov, S Görlich, L Gotovac, S Grabski, V Graczykowski, LK Graham, KL Grelli, A Grigoras, A Grigoras, C Grigoriev, V Grigoryan, A Grigoryan, S Grinyov, B Grion, N Grosse-Oetringhaus, JF Grossiord, JY Grosso, R Guber, F Guernane, R Guerzoni, B Gulbrandsen, K Gulkanyan, H Gunji, T Gupta, A Gupta, R Haake, R Haaland, Ø Hadjidakis, C Haiduc, M Hamagaki, H Hamar, G Hansen, A Harris, JW Hartmann, H Harton, A Hatzifotiadou, D Hayashi, S Heckel, ST Heide, M Helstrup, H Herghelegiu, A Herrera Corral, G Hess, BA Hetland, KF Hilden, TE Hillemanns, H Hippolyte, B Hosokawa, R Hristov, P Huang, M Humanic, TJ Hussain, N Hussain, T Hutter, D Hwang, DS Ilkaev, R Ilkiv, I Inaba, M Ippolitov, M Irfan, M Ivanov, M Ivanov, V Izucheev, V Jacobs, PM Jadlovska, S Jahnke, C Jang, HJ Janik, MA Jayarathna, PHSY Jena, C Jena, S Jimenez Bustamante, RT Jones, PG Jung, H Jusko, A Kalinak, P Kalweit, A Kamin, J Kang, JH Kaplin, V Kar, S Karasu Uysal, A Karavichev, O Karavicheva, T Karayan, L Karpechev, E Kebschull, U Keidel, R Keijdener, DLD Keil, M Khan, KH Khan, MM Khan, P Khan, SA Khanzadeev, A Kharlov, Y Kileng, B Kim, B Kim, DW Kim, DJ Kim, H Kim, JS Kim, M Kim, S Kim, T Kirsch, S Kisel, I Kiselev, S Kisiel, A Kiss, G Klay, JL Klein, C Klein, J Klein-Bösing, C Kluge, A Knichel, ML Knospe, AG Kobayashi, T Kobdaj, C Kofarago, M Kollegger, T Kolojvari, A Kondratiev, V Kondratyeva, N Kondratyuk, E Konevskikh, A Kopcik, M Kour, M Kouzinopoulos, C Kovalenko, O Kovalenko, V Kowalski, M Koyithatta Meethaleveedu, G Kral, J Kralik, I Kravcakova, A Krelina, M Kretz, M Krivda, M Krizek, F Kryshen, E Krzewicki, M Kubera, AM Kucera, V Kugathasan, T Kuhn, C Kuijer, PG Kulakov, I Kumar, A Kumar, J Kumar, L Kurashvili, P Kurepin, A Kurepin, AB Kuryakin, A Kushpil, S Kweon, MJ Kwon, Y La Pointe, SL La Rocca, P Lagana Fernandes, C Lakomov, I Langoy, R Lara, C Lardeux, A Lattuca, A Laudi, E Lea, R Leardini, L Lee, GR Lee, S Legrand, I Lehas, F Lemmon, RC Lenti, V Leogrande, E Leon Monzon, I Leoncino, M Levai, P Li, S Li, X Lien, J Lietava, R Lindal, S Lindenstruth, V Lippmann, C Lisa, MA Ljunggren, HM Lodato, DF Loenne, PI Loginov, V Loizides, C Lopez, X Lopez Torres, E Lowe, A Luettig, P Lunardon, M Luparello, G Luz, PHFND Maevskaya, A Mager, M Mahajan, S Mahmood, SM Maire, A Majka, RD Malaev, M Maldonado Cervantes, I Malinina, L Mal'Kevich, D Malzacher, P Mamonov, A Manko, V Manso, F Manzari, V Marchisone, M Mares, J Margagliotti, GV Margotti, A Margutti, J Marin, A Markert, C Marquard, M Martin, NA Martin Blanco, J Martinengo, P Martinez, MI Martinez Garcia, G Martinez Pedreira, M Martynov, Y Mas, A Masciocchi, S Masera, M Masoni, A Massacrier, L Mastroserio, A Masui, H Matyja, A Mayer, C Mazer, J Mazzoni, MA McDonald, D Meddi, F Melikyan, Y Menchaca-Rocha, A Meninno, E Mercado Perez, J Meres, M Miake, Y Mieskolainen, MM Mikhaylov, K Milano, L Milosevic, J Minervini, LM Mischke, A Mishra, AN Miskowiec, D Mitra, J Mitu, CM Mohammadi, N Mohanty, B Molnar, L Montano Zetina, L Montes, E Morando, M Moreira De Godoy, DA Moretto, S Morreale, A Morsch, A Muccifora, V Mudnic, E Muhlheim, D Muhuri, S Mukherjee, M Mulligan, JD Munhoz, MG Murray, S Musa, L Musinsky, J Nandi, BK Nania, R Nappi, E Naru, MU Nattrass, C Nayak, K Nayak, TK Nazarenko, S Nedosekin, A Nellen, L Ng, F Nicassio, M Niculescu, M Niedziela, J Nielsen, BS Nikolaev, S Nikulin, S Nikulin, V Noferini, F Nomokonov, P Nooren, G Noris, JCC Norman, J Nyanin, A Nystrand, J Oeschler, H Oh, S Oh, SK Ohlson, A Okatan, A Okubo, T Olah, L Oleniacz, J Oliveira Da Silva, AC Oliver, MH Onderwaater, J Oppedisano, C Orava, R Ortiz Velasquez, A Oskarsson, A Otwinowski, J Oyama, K Ozdemir, M Pachmayer, Y Pagano, P Paic, G Pajares, C Pal, SK Pan, J Pandey, AK Pant, D Papcun, P Papikyan, V Pappalardo, GS Pareek, P Park, WJ Parmar, S Passfeld, A Paticchio, V Patra, RN Paul, B Peitzmann, T Pereira Da Costa, H Pereira De Oliveira Filho, E Peresunko, D Perez Lara, CE Perez Lezama, E Peskov, V Pestov, Y Petracek, V Petrov, V Petrovici, M Petta, C Piano, S Pikna, M Pillot, P Pinazza, O Pinsky, L Piyarathna, DB Ploskon, M Planinic, M Pluta, J Pochybova, S Podesta-Lerma, PLM Poghosyan, MG Polichtchouk, B Poljak, N Poonsawat, W Pop, A Porteboeuf-Houssais, S Porter, J Pospisil, J Prasad, SK Preghenella, R Prino, F Pruneau, CA Pshenichnov, I Puccio, M Puddu, G Pujahari, P Punin, V Putschke, J Qvigstad, H Rachevski, A Raha, S Rajput, S Rak, J Rakotozafindrabe, A Ramello, L Raniwala, R Raniwala, S Räsänen, SS Rascanu, BT Rathee, D Read, KF Real, JS Redlich, K Reed, RJ Rehman, A Reichelt, P Reidt, F Ren, X Renfordt, R Reolon, AR Reshetin, A Rettig, F Revol, JP Reygers, K Riabov, V Ricci, RA Richert, T Richter, M Riedler, P Riegler, W Riggi, F Ristea, C Rivetti, A Rocco, E Rodriguez Cahuantzi, M Rodriguez Manso, A Røed, K Rogochaya, E Rohr, D Röhrich, D Romita, R Ronchetti, F Ronflette, L Rosnet, P Rossi, A Roukoutakis, F Roy, A Roy, C Roy, P Rubio Montero, AJ Rui, R Russo, R Ryabinkin, E Ryabov, Y Rybicki, A Sadovsky, S Safarik, K Sahlmuller, B Sahoo, P Sahoo, R Sahoo, S Sahu, PK Saini, J Sakai, S Saleh, MA Salgado, CA Salzwedel, J Sambyal, S Samsonov, V Sanchez Castro, X Sandor, L Sandoval, A Sano, M Sarkar, D Scapparone, E Scarlassara, F Scharenberg, RP Schiaua, C Schicker, R Schmidt, C Schmidt, HR Schuchmann, S Schukraft, J Schulc, M Schuster, T Schutz, Y Schwarz, K Schweda, K Scioli, G Scomparin, E Scott, R Seger, JE Sekiguchi, Y Sekihata, D Selyuzhenkov, I Senosi, K Seo, J Serradilla, E Sevcenco, A Shabanov, A Shabetai, A Shadura, O Shahoyan, R Shangaraev, A Sharma, A Sharma, M Sharma, N Shigaki, K Shtejer, K Sibiriak, Y Siddhanta, S Sielewicz, KM Siemiarczuk, T Silvermyr, D Silvestre, C Simatovic, G Simonetti, G Singaraju, R Singh, R Singha, S Singhal, V Sinha, BC Sinha, T Sitar, B Sitta, M Skaali, TB Slupecki, M Smirnov, N Snellings, RJM Snellman, TW Søgaard, C Soltz, R Song, J Song, M Song, Z Soramel, F Sorensen, S Spacek, M Spiriti, E Sputowska, I Spyropoulou-Stassinaki, M Srivastava, BK Stachel, J Stan, I Stefanek, G Steinpreis, M Stenlund, E Steyn, G Stiller, JH Stocco, D Strmen, P Suaide, AAP Sugitate, T Suire, C Suleymanov, M Sultanov, R Sumbera, M Symons, TJM Szabo, A Szanto De Toledo, A Szarka, I Szczepankiewicz, A Szymanski, M Takahashi, J Tambave, GJ Tanaka, N Tangaro, MA Tapia Takaki, JD Tarantola Peloni, A Tarhini, M Tariq, M Tarzila, MG Tauro, A Tejeda Munoz, G Telesca, A Terasaki, K Terrevoli, C Teyssier, B Thäder, J Thomas, D Tieulent, R Timmins, AR Toia, A Trogolo, S Trubnikov, V Trzaska, WH Tsuji, T Tumkin, A Turrisi, R Tveter, TS Ullaland, K Uras, A Usai, GL Utrobicic, A Vajzer, M Vala, M Valencia Palomo, L Vallero, S Van Der Maarel, J Van Hoorne, JW Van Leeuwen, M Vanat, T Vande Vyvre, P Varga, D Vargas, A Vargyas, M Varma, R Vasileiou, M Vasiliev, A Vauthier, A Vechernin, V Veen, AM Veldhoen, M Velure, A Venaruzzo, M Vercellin, E Vergara Limon, S Vernet, R Verweij, M Vickovic, L Viesti, G Viinikainen, J Vilakazi, Z Villalobos Baillie, O Vinogradov, A Vinogradov, L Vinogradov, Y Virgili, T Vislavicius, V Viyogi, YP Vodopyanov, A Völkl, MA Voloshin, K Voloshin, SA Volpe, G Von Haller, B Vorobyev, I Vranic, D Vrlakova, J Vulpescu, B Vyushin, A Wagner, B Wagner, J Wang, H Wang, M Wang, Y Watanabe, D Watanabe, Y Weber, M Weber, SG Wessels, JP Westerhoff, U Wiechula, J Wikne, J Wilde, M Wilk, G Wilkinson, J Williams, MCS Windelband, B Winn, M Yaldo, CG Yang, H Yang, P Yano, S Yin, Z Yokoyama, H Yoo, IK Yurchenko, V Yushmanov, I Zaborowska, A Zaccolo, V Zaman, A Zampolli, C Zanoli, HJC Zaporozhets, S Zardoshti, N Zarochentsev, A Zavada, P Zaviyalov, N Zbroszczyk, H Zgura, IS Zhalov, M Zhang, H Zhang, X Zhang, Y Zhao, C Zhigareva, N Zhou, D Zhou, Y Zhou, Z Zhu, H Zhu, J Zhu, X Zichichi, A Zimmermann, A Zimmermann, MB Zinovjev, G Zyzak, M . Centrality dependence of pion freeze-out radii in Pb-Pb collisions at √sNN =2.76 TeV. Physical Review C. Nuclear Physics. 2016, 93(2)
dc.description.abstractWe report on the measurement of freeze-out radii for pairs of identical-charge pions measured in Pb-Pb collisions at √sNN = 2.76 TeV as a function of collision centrality and the average transverse momentum of the pair kT. Three-dimensional sizes of the system (femtoscopic radii), as well as direction-averaged onedimensional radii are extracted. The radii decrease with kT, following a power-law behavior. This is qualitatively consistent with expectations from a collectively expanding system, produced in hydrodynamic calculations. The radii also scale linearly with dNch/dη 1/3. This behavior is compared to world data on femtoscopic radii in heavy-ion collisions. While the dependence is qualitatively similar to results at smaller √sNN, a decrease in the ratio Rout/Rside is seen, which is in qualitative agreement with a specific prediction from hydrodynamic models: a change from inside-out to outside-in freeze-out configuration. The results provide further evidence for the production of a collective, strongly coupled system in heavy-ion collisions at the CERN Large Hadron Collider.
dc.publisherAmerican Physical Society
dc.rightsAttribution 3.0 Unported
dc.titleCentrality dependence of pion freeze-out radii in Pb-Pb collisions at √sNN =2.76 TeV
dc.typeJournal article
dc.creator.authorAdam, Jaroslav
dc.creator.authorAdamová, Dagmar
dc.creator.authorAggarwal, Madan M.
dc.creator.authorAglieri Rinella, Gianluca
dc.creator.authorAgnello, Michelangelo
dc.creator.authorAgrawal, Nikita
dc.creator.authorAhammed, Zubayer
dc.creator.authorAhn, Sul-Ah
dc.creator.authorAimo, Ilaria
dc.creator.authorAiola, Salvatore
dc.creator.authorAlme, Johan
dc.creator.authorHelstrup, Håvard
dc.creator.authorHetland, Kristin Fanebust
dc.creator.authorKileng, Bjarte
dc.creator.authorAltinpinar, Sedat
dc.creator.authorDjuvsland, Øystein
dc.creator.authorHaaland, Øystein Senneset
dc.creator.authorHuang, Meidana
dc.creator.authorLønne, Per-Ivar
dc.creator.authorNystrand, Joakim
dc.creator.authorRehman, Attiq ur
dc.creator.authorRøhrich, Dieter
dc.creator.authorTambave, Ganesh Jagannath
dc.creator.authorUllaland, Kjetil
dc.creator.authorVelure, Arild
dc.creator.authorWagner, Boris
dc.creator.authorZhang, Hui
dc.creator.authorZhou, Zhuo
dc.creator.authorZhu, Hongsheng
dc.creator.authorArsene, Ionut Christian
dc.creator.authorBätzing, Paul Christoph
dc.creator.authorDordic, Olja
dc.creator.authorLindal, Svein
dc.creator.authorMahmood, Sohail Musa
dc.creator.authorMilosevic, Jovan
dc.creator.authorQvigstad, Henrik
dc.creator.authorRichter, Matthias
dc.creator.authorRøed, Ketil
dc.creator.authorSkaali, Toralf Bernhard
dc.creator.authorTveter, Trine Spedstad
dc.creator.authorWikne, Jon Christopher
dc.creator.authorZhao, Chengxin
dc.creator.authorLangøy, Rune
dc.creator.authorLien, Jørgen André
dc.creator.authorAjaz, Muhammad
dc.creator.authorAkindinov, Alexander
dc.creator.authorAlam, Sk Noor
dc.creator.authorAleksandrov, Dimitry
dc.creator.authorAlessandro, Bruno
dc.creator.authorAlexandre, Didier
dc.creator.authorALICE, Collaboration
dc.creator.authorBaral, RC
dc.creator.authorBarbano, AM
dc.creator.authorBarbera, R
dc.creator.authorBarile, F
dc.creator.authorBarnaföldi, GG
dc.creator.authorBarnby, LS
dc.creator.authorBarret, V
dc.creator.authorBartalini, P
dc.creator.authorBarth, K
dc.creator.authorBartke, J
dc.creator.authorBartsch, E
dc.creator.authorBasile, M
dc.creator.authorBastid, N
dc.creator.authorBasu, S
dc.creator.authorBathen, B
dc.creator.authorBatigne, G
dc.creator.authorBatista Camejo, A
dc.creator.authorBatyunya, B
dc.creator.authorBatzing, PC
dc.creator.authorBearden, IG
dc.creator.authorBeck, H
dc.creator.authorBedda, C
dc.creator.authorBehera, NK
dc.creator.authorBelikov, I
dc.creator.authorBellini, F
dc.creator.authorBello Martinez, H
dc.creator.authorBellwied, R
dc.creator.authorBelmont, R
dc.creator.authorBelmont-Moreno, E
dc.creator.authorBelyaev, V
dc.creator.authorBencedi, G
dc.creator.authorBeole, S
dc.creator.authorBerceanu, I
dc.creator.authorBercuci, A
dc.creator.authorBerdnikov, Y
dc.creator.authorBerenyi, D
dc.creator.authorBertens, RA
dc.creator.authorBerzano, D
dc.creator.authorBetev, L
dc.creator.authorBhasin, A
dc.creator.authorBhat, IR
dc.creator.authorBhati, AK
dc.creator.authorBhattacharjee, B
dc.creator.authorBhom, J
dc.creator.authorBianchi, L
dc.creator.authorBianchi, N
dc.creator.authorBianchin, C
dc.creator.authorBielcik, J
dc.creator.authorBielcikova, J
dc.creator.authorBilandzic, A
dc.creator.authorBiswas, R
dc.creator.authorBiswas, S
dc.creator.authorBjelogrlic, S
dc.creator.authorBlair, JT
dc.creator.authorBlanco, F
dc.creator.authorBlau, D
dc.creator.authorBlume, C
dc.creator.authorBock, F
dc.creator.authorBogdanov, A
dc.creator.authorBøggild, H
dc.creator.authorBoldizsar, L
dc.creator.authorBombara, M
dc.creator.authorBook, J
dc.creator.authorBorel, H
dc.creator.authorBorissov, A
dc.creator.authorBorri, M
dc.creator.authorBossu, F
dc.creator.authorBotta, E
dc.creator.authorBöttger, S
dc.creator.authorBraun-Munzinger, P
dc.creator.authorBregant, M
dc.creator.authorBreitner, T
dc.creator.authorBroker, TA
dc.creator.authorBrowning, TA
dc.creator.authorBroz, M
dc.creator.authorBrucken, EJ
dc.creator.authorBruna, E
dc.creator.authorBruno, GE
dc.creator.authorBudnikov, D
dc.creator.authorBuesching, H
dc.creator.authorBufalino, S
dc.creator.authorBuncic, P
dc.creator.authorBusch, O
dc.creator.authorButhelezi, Z
dc.creator.authorButt, JB
dc.creator.authorBuxton, JT
dc.creator.authorCaffarri, D
dc.creator.authorCai, X
dc.creator.authorCaines, H
dc.creator.authorCalero Diaz, L
dc.creator.authorCaliva, A
dc.creator.authorCalvo Villar, E
dc.creator.authorCamerini, P
dc.creator.authorCarena, F
dc.creator.authorCarena, W
dc.creator.authorCarnesecchi, F
dc.creator.authorCastillo Castellanos, J
dc.creator.authorCastro, AJ
dc.creator.authorCasula, EAR
dc.creator.authorCavicchioli, C
dc.creator.authorCeballos Sanchez, C
dc.creator.authorCepila, J
dc.creator.authorCerello, P
dc.creator.authorCerkala, J
dc.creator.authorChang, B
dc.creator.authorChapeland, S
dc.creator.authorChartier, M
dc.creator.authorCharvet, JL
dc.creator.authorChattopadhyay, S
dc.creator.authorChelnokov, V
dc.creator.authorCherney, M
dc.creator.authorCheshkov, C
dc.creator.authorCheynis, B
dc.creator.authorChibante Barroso, V
dc.creator.authorChinellato, DD
dc.creator.authorChochula, P
dc.creator.authorChoi, K
dc.creator.authorChojnacki, M
dc.creator.authorChoudhury, S
dc.creator.authorChristakoglou, P
dc.creator.authorChristensen, CH
dc.creator.authorChristiansen, P
dc.creator.authorChujo, T
dc.creator.authorChung, SU
dc.creator.authorChunhui, Z
dc.creator.authorCicalo, C
dc.creator.authorCifarelli, L
dc.creator.authorCindolo, F
dc.creator.authorCleymans, J
dc.creator.authorColamaria, F
dc.creator.authorColella, D
dc.creator.authorCollu, A
dc.creator.authorColocci, M
dc.creator.authorConesa Balbastre, G
dc.creator.authorConesa Del Valle, Z
dc.creator.authorConnors, ME
dc.creator.authorContreras, JG
dc.creator.authorCormier, TM
dc.creator.authorCorrales Morales, Y
dc.creator.authorCortes Maldonado, I
dc.creator.authorCortese, P
dc.creator.authorCosentino, MR
dc.creator.authorCosta, F
dc.creator.authorCrochet, P
dc.creator.authorCruz Albino, R
dc.creator.authorCuautle, E
dc.creator.authorCunqueiro, L
dc.creator.authorDahms, T
dc.creator.authorDainese, A
dc.creator.authorDanu, A
dc.creator.authorDas, D
dc.creator.authorDas, I
dc.creator.authorDas, S
dc.creator.authorDash, A
dc.creator.authorDash, S
dc.creator.authorDe, S
dc.creator.authorDe Caro, A
dc.creator.authorDe Cataldo, G
dc.creator.authorDe Cuveland, J
dc.creator.authorDe Falco, A
dc.creator.authorDe Gruttola, D
dc.creator.authorDe Marco, N
dc.creator.authorDe Pasquale, S
dc.creator.authorDeisting, A
dc.creator.authorDeloff, A
dc.creator.authorDenes, E
dc.creator.authorD'Erasmo, G
dc.creator.authorDi Bari, D
dc.creator.authorDi Mauro, A
dc.creator.authorDi Nezza, P
dc.creator.authorDiaz Corchero, MA
dc.creator.authorDietel, T
dc.creator.authorDillenseger, P
dc.creator.authorDivia, R
dc.creator.authorDjuvsland, Ø
dc.creator.authorDobrin, A
dc.creator.authorDobrowolski, T
dc.creator.authorDomenicis Gimenez, D
dc.creator.authorDönigus, B
dc.creator.authorDordic, O
dc.creator.authorDrozhzhova, T
dc.creator.authorDubey, AK
dc.creator.authorDubla, A
dc.creator.authorDucroux, L
dc.creator.authorDupieux, P
dc.creator.authorEhlers, RJ
dc.creator.authorElia, D
dc.creator.authorEngel, H
dc.creator.authorErazmus, B
dc.creator.authorErdemir, I
dc.creator.authorErhardt, F
dc.creator.authorEschweiler, D
dc.creator.authorEspagnon, B
dc.creator.authorEstienne, M
dc.creator.authorEsumi, S
dc.creator.authorEum, J
dc.creator.authorEvans, D
dc.creator.authorEvdokimov, S
dc.creator.authorEyyubova, G
dc.creator.authorFabbietti, L
dc.creator.authorFabris, D
dc.creator.authorFaivre, J
dc.creator.authorFantoni, A
dc.creator.authorFasel, M
dc.creator.authorFeldkamp, L
dc.creator.authorFelea, D
dc.creator.authorFeliciello, A
dc.creator.authorFeofilov, G
dc.creator.authorFerencei, J
dc.creator.authorFernandez Tellez, A
dc.creator.authorFerreiro, EG
dc.creator.authorFerretti, A
dc.creator.authorFestanti, A
dc.creator.authorFeuillard, VJG
dc.creator.authorFigiel, J
dc.creator.authorFigueredo, MAS
dc.creator.authorFilchagin, S
dc.creator.authorFinogeev, D
dc.creator.authorFiore, EM
dc.creator.authorFleck, MG
dc.creator.authorFloris, M
dc.creator.authorFoertsch, S
dc.creator.authorFoka, P
dc.creator.authorFokin, S
dc.creator.authorFragiacomo, E
dc.creator.authorFrancescon, A
dc.creator.authorFrankenfeld, U
dc.creator.authorFuchs, U
dc.creator.authorFurget, C
dc.creator.authorFurs, A
dc.creator.authorFusco Girard, M
dc.creator.authorGaardhøje, JJ
dc.creator.authorGagliardi, M
dc.creator.authorGago, AM
dc.creator.authorGallio, M
dc.creator.authorGangadharan, DR
dc.creator.authorGanoti, P
dc.creator.authorGao, C
dc.creator.authorGarabatos, C
dc.creator.authorGarcia-Solis, E
dc.creator.authorGargiulo, C
dc.creator.authorGasik, P
dc.creator.authorGermain, M
dc.creator.authorGheata, A
dc.creator.authorGheata, M
dc.creator.authorGhosh, P
dc.creator.authorGhosh, SK
dc.creator.authorGianotti, P
dc.creator.authorGiubellino, P
dc.creator.authorGiubilato, P
dc.creator.authorGladysz-Dziadus, E
dc.creator.authorGlässel, P
dc.creator.authorGomez Coral, DM
dc.creator.authorGomez Ramirez, A
dc.creator.authorGonzalez-Zamora, P
dc.creator.authorGorbunov, S
dc.creator.authorGörlich, L
dc.creator.authorGotovac, S
dc.creator.authorGrabski, V
dc.creator.authorGraczykowski, LK
dc.creator.authorGraham, KL
dc.creator.authorGrelli, A
dc.creator.authorGrigoras, A
dc.creator.authorGrigoras, C
dc.creator.authorGrigoriev, V
dc.creator.authorGrigoryan, A
dc.creator.authorGrigoryan, S
dc.creator.authorGrinyov, B
dc.creator.authorGrion, N
dc.creator.authorGrosse-Oetringhaus, JF
dc.creator.authorGrossiord, JY
dc.creator.authorGrosso, R
dc.creator.authorGuber, F
dc.creator.authorGuernane, R
dc.creator.authorGuerzoni, B
dc.creator.authorGulbrandsen, K
dc.creator.authorGulkanyan, H
dc.creator.authorGunji, T
dc.creator.authorGupta, A
dc.creator.authorGupta, R
dc.creator.authorHaake, R
dc.creator.authorHaaland, Ø
dc.creator.authorHadjidakis, C
dc.creator.authorHaiduc, M
dc.creator.authorHamagaki, H
dc.creator.authorHamar, G
dc.creator.authorHansen, A
dc.creator.authorHarris, JW
dc.creator.authorHartmann, H
dc.creator.authorHarton, A
dc.creator.authorHatzifotiadou, D
dc.creator.authorHayashi, S
dc.creator.authorHeckel, ST
dc.creator.authorHeide, M
dc.creator.authorHelstrup, H
dc.creator.authorHerghelegiu, A
dc.creator.authorHerrera Corral, G
dc.creator.authorHess, BA
dc.creator.authorHetland, KF
dc.creator.authorHilden, TE
dc.creator.authorHillemanns, H
dc.creator.authorHippolyte, B
dc.creator.authorHosokawa, R
dc.creator.authorHristov, P
dc.creator.authorHuang, M
dc.creator.authorHumanic, TJ
dc.creator.authorHussain, N
dc.creator.authorHussain, T
dc.creator.authorHutter, D
dc.creator.authorHwang, DS
dc.creator.authorIlkaev, R
dc.creator.authorIlkiv, I
dc.creator.authorInaba, M
dc.creator.authorIppolitov, M
dc.creator.authorIrfan, M
dc.creator.authorIvanov, M
dc.creator.authorIvanov, V
dc.creator.authorIzucheev, V
dc.creator.authorJacobs, PM
dc.creator.authorJadlovska, S
dc.creator.authorJahnke, C
dc.creator.authorJang, HJ
dc.creator.authorJanik, MA
dc.creator.authorJayarathna, PHSY
dc.creator.authorJena, C
dc.creator.authorJena, S
dc.creator.authorJimenez Bustamante, RT
dc.creator.authorJones, PG
dc.creator.authorJung, H
dc.creator.authorJusko, A
dc.creator.authorKalinak, P
dc.creator.authorKalweit, A
dc.creator.authorKamin, J
dc.creator.authorKang, JH
dc.creator.authorKaplin, V
dc.creator.authorKar, S
dc.creator.authorKarasu Uysal, A
dc.creator.authorKaravichev, O
dc.creator.authorKaravicheva, T
dc.creator.authorKarayan, L
dc.creator.authorKarpechev, E
dc.creator.authorKebschull, U
dc.creator.authorKeidel, R
dc.creator.authorKeijdener, DLD
dc.creator.authorKeil, M
dc.creator.authorKhan, KH
dc.creator.authorKhan, MM
dc.creator.authorKhan, P
dc.creator.authorKhan, SA
dc.creator.authorKhanzadeev, A
dc.creator.authorKharlov, Y
dc.creator.authorKileng, B
dc.creator.authorKim, B
dc.creator.authorKim, DW
dc.creator.authorKim, DJ
dc.creator.authorKim, H
dc.creator.authorKim, JS
dc.creator.authorKim, M
dc.creator.authorKim, S
dc.creator.authorKim, T
dc.creator.authorKirsch, S
dc.creator.authorKisel, I
dc.creator.authorKiselev, S
dc.creator.authorKisiel, A
dc.creator.authorKiss, G
dc.creator.authorKlay, JL
dc.creator.authorKlein, C
dc.creator.authorKlein, J
dc.creator.authorKlein-Bösing, C
dc.creator.authorKluge, A
dc.creator.authorKnichel, ML
dc.creator.authorKnospe, AG
dc.creator.authorKobayashi, T
dc.creator.authorKobdaj, C
dc.creator.authorKofarago, M
dc.creator.authorKollegger, T
dc.creator.authorKolojvari, A
dc.creator.authorKondratiev, V
dc.creator.authorKondratyeva, N
dc.creator.authorKondratyuk, E
dc.creator.authorKonevskikh, A
dc.creator.authorKopcik, M
dc.creator.authorKour, M
dc.creator.authorKouzinopoulos, C
dc.creator.authorKovalenko, O
dc.creator.authorKovalenko, V
dc.creator.authorKowalski, M
dc.creator.authorKoyithatta Meethaleveedu, G
dc.creator.authorKral, J
dc.creator.authorKralik, I
dc.creator.authorKravcakova, A
dc.creator.authorKrelina, M
dc.creator.authorKretz, M
dc.creator.authorKrivda, M
dc.creator.authorKrizek, F
dc.creator.authorKryshen, E
dc.creator.authorKrzewicki, M
dc.creator.authorKubera, AM
dc.creator.authorKucera, V
dc.creator.authorKugathasan, T
dc.creator.authorKuhn, C
dc.creator.authorKuijer, PG
dc.creator.authorKulakov, I
dc.creator.authorKumar, A
dc.creator.authorKumar, J
dc.creator.authorKumar, L
dc.creator.authorKurashvili, P
dc.creator.authorKurepin, A
dc.creator.authorKurepin, AB
dc.creator.authorKuryakin, A
dc.creator.authorKushpil, S
dc.creator.authorKweon, MJ
dc.creator.authorKwon, Y
dc.creator.authorLa Pointe, SL
dc.creator.authorLa Rocca, P
dc.creator.authorLagana Fernandes, C
dc.creator.authorLakomov, I
dc.creator.authorLangoy, R
dc.creator.authorLara, C
dc.creator.authorLardeux, A
dc.creator.authorLattuca, A
dc.creator.authorLaudi, E
dc.creator.authorLea, R
dc.creator.authorLeardini, L
dc.creator.authorLee, GR
dc.creator.authorLee, S
dc.creator.authorLegrand, I
dc.creator.authorLehas, F
dc.creator.authorLemmon, RC
dc.creator.authorLenti, V
dc.creator.authorLeogrande, E
dc.creator.authorLeon Monzon, I
dc.creator.authorLeoncino, M
dc.creator.authorLevai, P
dc.creator.authorLi, S
dc.creator.authorLi, X
dc.creator.authorLien, J
dc.creator.authorLietava, R
dc.creator.authorLindal, S
dc.creator.authorLindenstruth, V
dc.creator.authorLippmann, C
dc.creator.authorLisa, MA
dc.creator.authorLjunggren, HM
dc.creator.authorLodato, DF
dc.creator.authorLoenne, PI
dc.creator.authorLoginov, V
dc.creator.authorLoizides, C
dc.creator.authorLopez, X
dc.creator.authorLopez Torres, E
dc.creator.authorLowe, A
dc.creator.authorLuettig, P
dc.creator.authorLunardon, M
dc.creator.authorLuparello, G
dc.creator.authorLuz, PHFND
dc.creator.authorMaevskaya, A
dc.creator.authorMager, M
dc.creator.authorMahajan, S
dc.creator.authorMahmood, SM
dc.creator.authorMaire, A
dc.creator.authorMajka, RD
dc.creator.authorMalaev, M
dc.creator.authorMaldonado Cervantes, I
dc.creator.authorMalinina, L
dc.creator.authorMal'Kevich, D
dc.creator.authorMalzacher, P
dc.creator.authorMamonov, A
dc.creator.authorManko, V
dc.creator.authorManso, F
dc.creator.authorManzari, V
dc.creator.authorMarchisone, M
dc.creator.authorMares, J
dc.creator.authorMargagliotti, GV
dc.creator.authorMargotti, A
dc.creator.authorMargutti, J
dc.creator.authorMarin, A
dc.creator.authorMarkert, C
dc.creator.authorMarquard, M
dc.creator.authorMartin, NA
dc.creator.authorMartin Blanco, J
dc.creator.authorMartinengo, P
dc.creator.authorMartinez, MI
dc.creator.authorMartinez Garcia, G
dc.creator.authorMartinez Pedreira, M
dc.creator.authorMartynov, Y
dc.creator.authorMas, A
dc.creator.authorMasciocchi, S
dc.creator.authorMasera, M
dc.creator.authorMasoni, A
dc.creator.authorMassacrier, L
dc.creator.authorMastroserio, A
dc.creator.authorMasui, H
dc.creator.authorMatyja, A
dc.creator.authorMayer, C
dc.creator.authorMazer, J
dc.creator.authorMazzoni, MA
dc.creator.authorMcDonald, D
dc.creator.authorMeddi, F
dc.creator.authorMelikyan, Y
dc.creator.authorMenchaca-Rocha, A
dc.creator.authorMeninno, E
dc.creator.authorMercado Perez, J
dc.creator.authorMeres, M
dc.creator.authorMiake, Y
dc.creator.authorMieskolainen, MM
dc.creator.authorMikhaylov, K
dc.creator.authorMilano, L
dc.creator.authorMilosevic, J
dc.creator.authorMinervini, LM
dc.creator.authorMischke, A
dc.creator.authorMishra, AN
dc.creator.authorMiskowiec, D
dc.creator.authorMitra, J
dc.creator.authorMitu, CM
dc.creator.authorMohammadi, N
dc.creator.authorMohanty, B
dc.creator.authorMolnar, L
dc.creator.authorMontano Zetina, L
dc.creator.authorMontes, E
dc.creator.authorMorando, M
dc.creator.authorMoreira De Godoy, DA
dc.creator.authorMoretto, S
dc.creator.authorMorreale, A
dc.creator.authorMorsch, A
dc.creator.authorMuccifora, V
dc.creator.authorMudnic, E
dc.creator.authorMuhlheim, D
dc.creator.authorMuhuri, S
dc.creator.authorMukherjee, M
dc.creator.authorMulligan, JD
dc.creator.authorMunhoz, MG
dc.creator.authorMurray, S
dc.creator.authorMusa, L
dc.creator.authorMusinsky, J
dc.creator.authorNandi, BK
dc.creator.authorNania, R
dc.creator.authorNappi, E
dc.creator.authorNaru, MU
dc.creator.authorNattrass, C
dc.creator.authorNayak, K
dc.creator.authorNayak, TK
dc.creator.authorNazarenko, S
dc.creator.authorNedosekin, A
dc.creator.authorNellen, L
dc.creator.authorNg, F
dc.creator.authorNicassio, M
dc.creator.authorNiculescu, M
dc.creator.authorNiedziela, J
dc.creator.authorNielsen, BS
dc.creator.authorNikolaev, S
dc.creator.authorNikulin, S
dc.creator.authorNikulin, V
dc.creator.authorNoferini, F
dc.creator.authorNomokonov, P
dc.creator.authorNooren, G
dc.creator.authorNoris, JCC
dc.creator.authorNorman, J
dc.creator.authorNyanin, A
dc.creator.authorNystrand, J
dc.creator.authorOeschler, H
dc.creator.authorOh, S
dc.creator.authorOh, SK
dc.creator.authorOhlson, A
dc.creator.authorOkatan, A
dc.creator.authorOkubo, T
dc.creator.authorOlah, L
dc.creator.authorOleniacz, J
dc.creator.authorOliveira Da Silva, AC
dc.creator.authorOliver, MH
dc.creator.authorOnderwaater, J
dc.creator.authorOppedisano, C
dc.creator.authorOrava, R
dc.creator.authorOrtiz Velasquez, A
dc.creator.authorOskarsson, A
dc.creator.authorOtwinowski, J
dc.creator.authorOyama, K
dc.creator.authorOzdemir, M
dc.creator.authorPachmayer, Y
dc.creator.authorPagano, P
dc.creator.authorPaic, G
dc.creator.authorPajares, C
dc.creator.authorPal, SK
dc.creator.authorPan, J
dc.creator.authorPandey, AK
dc.creator.authorPant, D
dc.creator.authorPapcun, P
dc.creator.authorPapikyan, V
dc.creator.authorPappalardo, GS
dc.creator.authorPareek, P
dc.creator.authorPark, WJ
dc.creator.authorParmar, S
dc.creator.authorPassfeld, A
dc.creator.authorPaticchio, V
dc.creator.authorPatra, RN
dc.creator.authorPaul, B
dc.creator.authorPeitzmann, T
dc.creator.authorPereira Da Costa, H
dc.creator.authorPereira De Oliveira Filho, E
dc.creator.authorPeresunko, D
dc.creator.authorPerez Lara, CE
dc.creator.authorPerez Lezama, E
dc.creator.authorPeskov, V
dc.creator.authorPestov, Y
dc.creator.authorPetracek, V
dc.creator.authorPetrov, V
dc.creator.authorPetrovici, M
dc.creator.authorPetta, C
dc.creator.authorPiano, S
dc.creator.authorPikna, M
dc.creator.authorPillot, P
dc.creator.authorPinazza, O
dc.creator.authorPinsky, L
dc.creator.authorPiyarathna, DB
dc.creator.authorPloskon, M
dc.creator.authorPlaninic, M
dc.creator.authorPluta, J
dc.creator.authorPochybova, S
dc.creator.authorPodesta-Lerma, PLM
dc.creator.authorPoghosyan, MG
dc.creator.authorPolichtchouk, B
dc.creator.authorPoljak, N
dc.creator.authorPoonsawat, W
dc.creator.authorPop, A
dc.creator.authorPorteboeuf-Houssais, S
dc.creator.authorPorter, J
dc.creator.authorPospisil, J
dc.creator.authorPrasad, SK
dc.creator.authorPreghenella, R
dc.creator.authorPrino, F
dc.creator.authorPruneau, CA
dc.creator.authorPshenichnov, I
dc.creator.authorPuccio, M
dc.creator.authorPuddu, G
dc.creator.authorPujahari, P
dc.creator.authorPunin, V
dc.creator.authorPutschke, J
dc.creator.authorQvigstad, H
dc.creator.authorRachevski, A
dc.creator.authorRaha, S
dc.creator.authorRajput, S
dc.creator.authorRak, J
dc.creator.authorRakotozafindrabe, A
dc.creator.authorRamello, L
dc.creator.authorRaniwala, R
dc.creator.authorRaniwala, S
dc.creator.authorRäsänen, SS
dc.creator.authorRascanu, BT
dc.creator.authorRathee, D
dc.creator.authorRead, KF
dc.creator.authorReal, JS
dc.creator.authorRedlich, K
dc.creator.authorReed, RJ
dc.creator.authorRehman, A
dc.creator.authorReichelt, P
dc.creator.authorReidt, F
dc.creator.authorRen, X
dc.creator.authorRenfordt, R
dc.creator.authorReolon, AR
dc.creator.authorReshetin, A
dc.creator.authorRettig, F
dc.creator.authorRevol, JP
dc.creator.authorReygers, K
dc.creator.authorRiabov, V
dc.creator.authorRicci, RA
dc.creator.authorRichert, T
dc.creator.authorRichter, M
dc.creator.authorRiedler, P
dc.creator.authorRiegler, W
dc.creator.authorRiggi, F
dc.creator.authorRistea, C
dc.creator.authorRivetti, A
dc.creator.authorRocco, E
dc.creator.authorRodriguez Cahuantzi, M
dc.creator.authorRodriguez Manso, A
dc.creator.authorRøed, K
dc.creator.authorRogochaya, E
dc.creator.authorRohr, D
dc.creator.authorRöhrich, D
dc.creator.authorRomita, R
dc.creator.authorRonchetti, F
dc.creator.authorRonflette, L
dc.creator.authorRosnet, P
dc.creator.authorRossi, A
dc.creator.authorRoukoutakis, F
dc.creator.authorRoy, A
dc.creator.authorRoy, C
dc.creator.authorRoy, P
dc.creator.authorRubio Montero, AJ
dc.creator.authorRui, R
dc.creator.authorRusso, R
dc.creator.authorRyabinkin, E
dc.creator.authorRyabov, Y
dc.creator.authorRybicki, A
dc.creator.authorSadovsky, S
dc.creator.authorSafarik, K
dc.creator.authorSahlmuller, B
dc.creator.authorSahoo, P
dc.creator.authorSahoo, R
dc.creator.authorSahoo, S
dc.creator.authorSahu, PK
dc.creator.authorSaini, J
dc.creator.authorSakai, S
dc.creator.authorSaleh, MA
dc.creator.authorSalgado, CA
dc.creator.authorSalzwedel, J
dc.creator.authorSambyal, S
dc.creator.authorSamsonov, V
dc.creator.authorSanchez Castro, X
dc.creator.authorSandor, L
dc.creator.authorSandoval, A
dc.creator.authorSano, M
dc.creator.authorSarkar, D
dc.creator.authorScapparone, E
dc.creator.authorScarlassara, F
dc.creator.authorScharenberg, RP
dc.creator.authorSchiaua, C
dc.creator.authorSchicker, R
dc.creator.authorSchmidt, C
dc.creator.authorSchmidt, HR
dc.creator.authorSchuchmann, S
dc.creator.authorSchukraft, J
dc.creator.authorSchulc, M
dc.creator.authorSchuster, T
dc.creator.authorSchutz, Y
dc.creator.authorSchwarz, K
dc.creator.authorSchweda, K
dc.creator.authorScioli, G
dc.creator.authorScomparin, E
dc.creator.authorScott, R
dc.creator.authorSeger, JE
dc.creator.authorSekiguchi, Y
dc.creator.authorSekihata, D
dc.creator.authorSelyuzhenkov, I
dc.creator.authorSenosi, K
dc.creator.authorSeo, J
dc.creator.authorSerradilla, E
dc.creator.authorSevcenco, A
dc.creator.authorShabanov, A
dc.creator.authorShabetai, A
dc.creator.authorShadura, O
dc.creator.authorShahoyan, R
dc.creator.authorShangaraev, A
dc.creator.authorSharma, A
dc.creator.authorSharma, M
dc.creator.authorSharma, N
dc.creator.authorShigaki, K
dc.creator.authorShtejer, K
dc.creator.authorSibiriak, Y
dc.creator.authorSiddhanta, S
dc.creator.authorSielewicz, KM
dc.creator.authorSiemiarczuk, T
dc.creator.authorSilvermyr, D
dc.creator.authorSilvestre, C
dc.creator.authorSimatovic, G
dc.creator.authorSimonetti, G
dc.creator.authorSingaraju, R
dc.creator.authorSingh, R
dc.creator.authorSingha, S
dc.creator.authorSinghal, V
dc.creator.authorSinha, BC
dc.creator.authorSinha, T
dc.creator.authorSitar, B
dc.creator.authorSitta, M
dc.creator.authorSkaali, TB
dc.creator.authorSlupecki, M
dc.creator.authorSmirnov, N
dc.creator.authorSnellings, RJM
dc.creator.authorSnellman, TW
dc.creator.authorSøgaard, C
dc.creator.authorSoltz, R
dc.creator.authorSong, J
dc.creator.authorSong, M
dc.creator.authorSong, Z
dc.creator.authorSoramel, F
dc.creator.authorSorensen, S
dc.creator.authorSpacek, M
dc.creator.authorSpiriti, E
dc.creator.authorSputowska, I
dc.creator.authorSpyropoulou-Stassinaki, M
dc.creator.authorSrivastava, BK
dc.creator.authorStachel, J
dc.creator.authorStan, I
dc.creator.authorStefanek, G
dc.creator.authorSteinpreis, M
dc.creator.authorStenlund, E
dc.creator.authorSteyn, G
dc.creator.authorStiller, JH
dc.creator.authorStocco, D
dc.creator.authorStrmen, P
dc.creator.authorSuaide, AAP
dc.creator.authorSugitate, T
dc.creator.authorSuire, C
dc.creator.authorSuleymanov, M
dc.creator.authorSultanov, R
dc.creator.authorSumbera, M
dc.creator.authorSymons, TJM
dc.creator.authorSzabo, A
dc.creator.authorSzanto De Toledo, A
dc.creator.authorSzarka, I
dc.creator.authorSzczepankiewicz, A
dc.creator.authorSzymanski, M
dc.creator.authorTakahashi, J
dc.creator.authorTambave, GJ
dc.creator.authorTanaka, N
dc.creator.authorTangaro, MA
dc.creator.authorTapia Takaki, JD
dc.creator.authorTarantola Peloni, A
dc.creator.authorTarhini, M
dc.creator.authorTariq, M
dc.creator.authorTarzila, MG
dc.creator.authorTauro, A
dc.creator.authorTejeda Munoz, G
dc.creator.authorTelesca, A
dc.creator.authorTerasaki, K
dc.creator.authorTerrevoli, C
dc.creator.authorTeyssier, B
dc.creator.authorThäder, J
dc.creator.authorThomas, D
dc.creator.authorTieulent, R
dc.creator.authorTimmins, AR
dc.creator.authorToia, A
dc.creator.authorTrogolo, S
dc.creator.authorTrubnikov, V
dc.creator.authorTrzaska, WH
dc.creator.authorTsuji, T
dc.creator.authorTumkin, A
dc.creator.authorTurrisi, R
dc.creator.authorTveter, TS
dc.creator.authorUllaland, K
dc.creator.authorUras, A
dc.creator.authorUsai, GL
dc.creator.authorUtrobicic, A
dc.creator.authorVajzer, M
dc.creator.authorVala, M
dc.creator.authorValencia Palomo, L
dc.creator.authorVallero, S
dc.creator.authorVan Der Maarel, J
dc.creator.authorVan Hoorne, JW
dc.creator.authorVan Leeuwen, M
dc.creator.authorVanat, T
dc.creator.authorVande Vyvre, P
dc.creator.authorVarga, D
dc.creator.authorVargas, A
dc.creator.authorVargyas, M
dc.creator.authorVarma, R
dc.creator.authorVasileiou, M
dc.creator.authorVasiliev, A
dc.creator.authorVauthier, A
dc.creator.authorVechernin, V
dc.creator.authorVeen, AM
dc.creator.authorVeldhoen, M
dc.creator.authorVelure, A
dc.creator.authorVenaruzzo, M
dc.creator.authorVercellin, E
dc.creator.authorVergara Limon, S
dc.creator.authorVernet, R
dc.creator.authorVerweij, M
dc.creator.authorVickovic, L
dc.creator.authorViesti, G
dc.creator.authorViinikainen, J
dc.creator.authorVilakazi, Z
dc.creator.authorVillalobos Baillie, O
dc.creator.authorVinogradov, A
dc.creator.authorVinogradov, L
dc.creator.authorVinogradov, Y
dc.creator.authorVirgili, T
dc.creator.authorVislavicius, V
dc.creator.authorViyogi, YP
dc.creator.authorVodopyanov, A
dc.creator.authorVölkl, MA
dc.creator.authorVoloshin, K
dc.creator.authorVoloshin, SA
dc.creator.authorVolpe, G
dc.creator.authorVon Haller, B
dc.creator.authorVorobyev, I
dc.creator.authorVranic, D
dc.creator.authorVrlakova, J
dc.creator.authorVulpescu, B
dc.creator.authorVyushin, A
dc.creator.authorWagner, B
dc.creator.authorWagner, J
dc.creator.authorWang, H
dc.creator.authorWang, M
dc.creator.authorWang, Y
dc.creator.authorWatanabe, D
dc.creator.authorWatanabe, Y
dc.creator.authorWeber, M
dc.creator.authorWeber, SG
dc.creator.authorWessels, JP
dc.creator.authorWesterhoff, U
dc.creator.authorWiechula, J
dc.creator.authorWikne, J
dc.creator.authorWilde, M
dc.creator.authorWilk, G
dc.creator.authorWilkinson, J
dc.creator.authorWilliams, MCS
dc.creator.authorWindelband, B
dc.creator.authorWinn, M
dc.creator.authorYaldo, CG
dc.creator.authorYang, H
dc.creator.authorYang, P
dc.creator.authorYano, S
dc.creator.authorYin, Z
dc.creator.authorYokoyama, H
dc.creator.authorYoo, IK
dc.creator.authorYurchenko, V
dc.creator.authorYushmanov, I
dc.creator.authorZaborowska, A
dc.creator.authorZaccolo, V
dc.creator.authorZaman, A
dc.creator.authorZampolli, C
dc.creator.authorZanoli, HJC
dc.creator.authorZaporozhets, S
dc.creator.authorZardoshti, N
dc.creator.authorZarochentsev, A
dc.creator.authorZavada, P
dc.creator.authorZaviyalov, N
dc.creator.authorZbroszczyk, H
dc.creator.authorZgura, IS
dc.creator.authorZhalov, M
dc.creator.authorZhang, H
dc.creator.authorZhang, X
dc.creator.authorZhang, Y
dc.creator.authorZhao, C
dc.creator.authorZhigareva, N
dc.creator.authorZhou, D
dc.creator.authorZhou, Y
dc.creator.authorZhou, Z
dc.creator.authorZhu, H
dc.creator.authorZhu, J
dc.creator.authorZhu, X
dc.creator.authorZichichi, A
dc.creator.authorZimmermann, A
dc.creator.authorZimmermann, MB
dc.creator.authorZinovjev, G
dc.creator.authorZyzak, M
dc.identifier.bibliographiccitationinfo:ofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_ver=Z39.88-2004&rft_val_fmt=info:ofi/fmt:kev:mtx:journal&rft.jtitle=Physical Review C. Nuclear Physics&rft.volume=93&rft.spage=&rft.date=2016
dc.identifier.jtitlePhysical Review C. Nuclear Physics
dc.subject.nviVDP::Kjerne- og elementærpartikkelfysikk: 431
dc.type.peerreviewedPeer reviewed
dc.identifier.fulltextFulltext https://www.duo.uio.no/bitstream/handle/10852/58807/1/PhysRevC.93.024905.pdf

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