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dc.identifier.citationAamodt, Kenneth Abelev, B Quintana, AA Adamova, D Adare, AM Aggarwal, MM Rinella, GA Agocs, AG Agostinelli, A Salazar, SA Ahammed, Z Ahmad, N Masoodi, AA Ahn, SU Akindinov, A Aleksandrov, D Alessandro, B Molina, RA Alici, A Alkin, A Avina, EA Alt, Torsten Altini, V Altsybeev, I Andrei, C Andronic, A Anguelov, V Anson, C Anticic, T Antinori, F Antonioli, P Aphecetche, L Appelshäuser, Harald Arbor, N Arcelli, S Arend, A Armesto, N Arnaldi, R Aronsson, T Arsene, IC Arslandok, M Asryan, A Augustinus, A Averbeck, R Awes, TC Aysto, J Azmi, MD Bach, M Badala, A Baek, YW Bailhache, R Bala, R Ferroli, RB Baldisseri, A Baldit, A Ban, J Baral, RC Barbera, R Barile, F Barnafoldi, GG Barnby, LS Barret, V Bartke, J Basile, M Bastid, N Bathen, B Batigne, G Batyunya, B Baumann, C Bearden, IG Beck, H Belikov, I Bellini, F Bellwied, R Belmont-Moreno, E Beole, S Berceanu, I Bercuci, A Berdermann, E Berdnikov, Y Bergmann, C Betev, L Bhasin, A Bhati, AK Bianchi, L Bianchi, N Bianchin, C Bielcik, J Bielcikova, J Bilandzic, A Biolcati, E Blanco, F Blau, D Blume, C Boccioli, M Bock, N Bogdanov, A Boggild, H Bogolyubsky, M Boldizsar, L Bombara, M Bombonati, C Book, J Borel, H Borissov, A Bortolin, C Bose, S Bossu, F Botje, M Bottger, S Boyer, B Braun-Munzinger, P Bravina, Larissa Bregant, M Breitner, T Broz, M Brun, R Bruna, E Bruno, GE Budnikov, D Buesching, H Bufalino, S Bugaiev, K Busch, O Buthelezi, Z Caffarri, D Cai, X Caines, H Villar, EC Camerini, P Roman, VC Romeo, GC Carena, F Carena, W Carlin, N Carminati, F Diaz, AC Caselle, M Castellanos, JC Hernandez, JFC Catanescu, V Cavicchioli, C Cepila, J Cerello, P Chang, B Chapeland, S Charvet, JL Chattopadhyay, S Cherney, M Cheshkov, C Cheynis, B Barroso, VC Chinellato, DD Chochula, P Chojnacki, M Christakoglou, P Christensen, CH Christiansen, P Chujo, T Cicalo, C Cifarelli, L Cindolo, F Cleymans, J Coccetti, F Coffin, JP Balbastre, GC del Valle, ZC Constantin, P Contin, G Contreras, JG Cormier, TM Morales, YC Cortese, P Maldonado, IC Cosentino, MR Costa, F Cotallo, ME Crescio, E Crochet, P Cuautle, E Cunqueiro, L Dainese, A Dalsgaard, HH Danu, A Das, I Das, D Dash, S Dash, A De, S Moregula, AD de Barros, GOV De Caro, A de Cataldo, G de Cuveland, J De Falco, A De Gruttola, D Delagrange, H Sanchez, ED Mercado, YD Dellacasa, G Deloff, A Demanov, V De Marco, N Denes, E De Pasquale, S Deppman, A Erasmo, GD de Rooij, R Di Bari, D Dietel, T Di Giglio, C Di Liberto, S Di Mauro, A Di Nezza, P Divia, R Djuvsland, Øystein Dobrin, A Dobrowolski, T Dominguez, I Donigus, B Dordic, Olja Driga, O Dubey, AK Ducroux, L Dupieux, P Majumdar, MRD Majumdar, AKD Elia, D Emschermann, D Engel, H Erdal, Hege Austrheim Espagnon, B Estienne, M Esumi, S Evans, D Evrard, S Eyyubova, Gyulnara Fabjan, CW Fabris, D Faivre, J Falchieri, D Fantoni, A Fasel, M Fearick, R Fedunov, A Fehlker, Dominik Fekete, V Felea, D Feofilov, G Tellez, AF Ferretti, R Ferretti, A Figueredo, MAS Filchagin, S Fini, R Finogeev, D Fionda, FM Fiore, EM Floris, M Foertsch, S Foka, P Fokin, S Fragiacomo, E Fragkiadakis, M Frankenfeld, U Fuchs, U Furano, F Furget, C Girard, MF Gaardhoje, JJ Gadrat, S Gagliardi, M Gago, A Gallio, M Gangadharan, DR Ganoti, P Garabatos, C Garcia-Solis, E Gemme, R Gerhard, J Germain, M Geuna, C Gheata, M Gheata, A Ghidini, B Ghosh, P Gianotti, P Girard, MR Giubellino, P Gladysz-Dziadus, E Glassel, P Gomez, R Ferreiro, EG Gonzalez-Trueba, LH Gonzalez-Zamora, P Gorbunov, S Gotovac, S Grabski, V Graczykowski, LK Grajcarek, R Grelli, A Grigoras, C Grigoras, A Grigoriev, V Grigoryan, S Grigoryan, A Grinyov, B Grion, N Gros, P Grosse-Oetringhaus, JF Grossiord, JY Guber, F Guernane, R Gutierrez, CG Guerzoni, B Guilbaud, M Gulbrandsen, K Gulkanyan, H Gunji, T Gupta, R Gupta, A Gutbrod, H Haaland, Øystein Senneset Hadjidakis, C Haiduc, M Hamagaki, H Hamar, G Han, BH Hanratty, LD Harmanova, Z Harris, JW Hartig, M Hasegan, D Hatzifotiadou, D Hayrapetyan, A Heide, M Heinz, M Helstrup, Håvard Herghelegiu, A Corral, GH Herrmann, N Hetland, Kristin Fanebust Hicks, B Hille, PT Hippolyte, B Horaguchi, T Hori, Y Hristov, P Hrivnacova, I Huang, Meidana Huber, S Humanic, TJ Hwang, DS Ilkaev, R Ilkiv, I Inaba, M Incani, E Innocenti, GM Ippolitov, M Irfan, M Ivan, C Ivanov, V Ivanov, A Ivanov, M Jacholkowski, A Jacobs, PM Jancurova, L Jangal, S Janik, MA Janik, R Jayarathna, PHSY Jena, S Jirden, L Jones, GT Jones, PG Jovanovic, P Jung, W Jung, H Jusko, A Kaidalov, AB Kalcher, S Kalinak, P Kalisky, M Kalliokoski, T Kalweit, A Kamermans, R Kanaki, Kalliopi Kang, JH Kang, E Kaplin, V Uysal, AK Karavichev, O Karavicheva, T Karpechev, E Kazantsev, A Kebschull, U Keidel, R Khan, MM Khan, P Khanzadeev, A Kharlov, Y Kileng, Bjarte Kim, S Kim, B Kim, DJ Kim, SH Kim, DS Kim, DW Kim, JH Kim, JS Kim, M Kirsch, S Kisel, I Kiselev, S Kisiel, A Klay, JL Klein, J Klein-Bosing, C Kliemant, M Kluge, A Knichel, ML Koch, K Kohler, MK Kolojvari, A Kondratiev, V Kondratyeva, N Konevskih, A Kornas, E Don, CKK Kour, R Kowalski, M Kox, S Meethaleveedu, GK Kozlov, K Kral, J Kralik, I Kramer, F Kraus, I Krawutschke, T Kretz, M Krivda, M Krizek, F Krus, M Kryshen, E Krzewicki, M Kucheriaev, Y Kuhn, C Kuijer, PG Kurashvili, P Kurepin, A Kurepin, AB Kuryakin, A Kushpil, S Kushpil, V Kværnø, Henning Kweon, MJ Kwon, Y de Guevara, PL Lafage, V Lakomov, I Lara, C Lardeux, A La Rocca, P Larsen, Dag Toppe Lazzeroni, C Lea, R Le Bornec, Y Lee, KS Lee, SC Lefevre, F Lehnert, J Leistam, L Lenhardt, M Lenti, V Leon, H Monzon, IL Vargas, HL Levai, P Li, X Lien, Jan R Lietava, R Lindal, Svein Lindenstruth, V Lippmann, C Lisa, MA Liu, Lijiao Lønne, Per-Ivar Loggins, VR Loginov, V Lohn, S Lohner, D Loizides, C Loo, KK Lopez, X Noriega, ML Torres, EL Løvhøiden, Gunnar Lu, XG Luettig, P Lunardon, M Luparello, G Luquin, L Luzzi, C Ma, K Ma, R Madagodahettige-Don, DM Maevskaya, A Mager, M Mahapatra, DP Maire, A Malaev, M Cervantes, IM Mal'Kevich, D Malzacher, P Mamonov, A Mangotra, L Manko, V Manso, F Manzari, V Mao, Y Marchisone, M Mares, J Margagliotti, GV Margotti, A Marin, A Markert, C Martashvili, I Martinengo, P Martinez, MI Davalos, AM Garcia, GM Martynov, Y Mas, A Masciocchi, S Masera, M Masoni, A Massacrier, L Mastromarco, M Mastroserio, A Matthews, ZL Matyja, A Mayani, D Mazzoni, MA Meddi, F Menchaca-Rocha, A Lorenzo, PM Perez, JM Meres, M Miake, Y Midori, J Milano, L Milosevic, Jovan Mischke, A Miskowiec, D Mitu, C Mlynarz, J Mohanty, B Mohanty, AK Molnar, L Zetina, LM Monteno, M Montes, E Morando, M De Godoy, DAM Moretto, S Morsch, A Muccifora, V Mudnic, E Muhuri, S Ller, HM Munhoz, MG Musa, L Musso, A Nagle, JL Nandi, BK Nania, R Nappi, E Nattrass, C Navach, F Navin, S Nayak, TK Nazarenko, S Nazarov, G Nedosekin, A Nicassio, M Nielsen, BS Niida, T Nikolaev, S Nikolic, V Nikulin, S Nikulin, V Nilsen, BS Nilsson, Mads Stormo Noferini, F Nooren, G Novitzky, N Nyanin, A Nyatha, A Nygaard, C Nystrand, Joakim Obayashi, H Ochirov, A Oeschler, H Oh, SK Oleniacz, J Oppedisano, C Velasquez, AO Ortona, G Oskarsson, A Ostrowski, P Otwinowski, J Oyama, K Ozawa, K Pachmayer, Y Pachr, M Padilla, F Pagano, P Paic, G Painke, F Pajares, C Pal, SK Pal, S Palaha, A Palmeri, A Pappalardo, GS Park, WJ Pastircak, B Patalakha, DI Paticchio, V Pavlinov, A Pawlak, T Peitzmann, T Peresunko, D Lara, CEP Perini, D Peryt, W Pesci, A Peskov, V Pestov, Y Peters, AJ Petracek, V Petran, M Petris, M Petrov, P Petrovici, M Petta, C Piano, S Piccotti, A Pikna, M Pillot, P Pinazza, O Pinsky, L Pitz, N Piyarathna, DB Platt, R Ploskon, M Pluta, J Pocheptsov, Timur Anatolievich Pochybova, S Podesta-Lerma, PLM Poghosyan, MG Polak, K Polichtchouk, B Pop, A Pospisil, V Potukuchi, B Prasad, SK Preghenella, R Prino, F Pruneau, CA Pshenichnov, I Puddu, G Pulvirenti, A Punin, V Putis, M Putschke, J Qvigstad, Henrik Rachevski, A Rademakers, A Radomski, S Raiha, TS Rak, J Rakotozafindrabe, A Ramello, L Reyes, AR Rammler, M Raniwala, R Raniwala, S Rasanen, SS Rathee, D Read, KF Real, JS Redlich, K Reichelt, P Reicher, M Renfordt, R Reolon, AR Reshetin, A Rettig, F Revol, JP Reygers, K Ricaud, H Riccati, L Ricci, RA Richter, Matthias Rudolph Riedler, P Riegler, W Riggi, F Cahuantzi, MR Rohr, D Røhrich, Dieter Romita, R Ronchetti, F Rosinsky, P Rosnet, P Rossegger, S Rossi, A Roukoutakis, F Rousseau, S Roy, P Roy, C Montero, AJR Rui, R Ryabinkin, E Rybicki, A Sadovsky, S Safarik, K Sahoo, R Sahu, PK Saiz, P Sakaguchi, H Sakai, S Sakata, D Salgado, CA Sambyal, S Samsonov, V Castro, XS Sandor, L Sandoval, A Sano, S Sano, M Santo, R Santoro, R Sarkamo, J Saturnini, P Scapparone, E Scarlassara, F Scharenberg, RP Schiaua, C Schicker, R Schmidt, C Schmidt, HR Schreiner, S Schuchmann, S Schukraft, J Schutz, Y Schwarz, K Schweda, K Scioli, G Scomparin, E Scott, R Scott, PA Segato, G Selyuzhenkov, I Senyukov, S Serci, S Serradilla, E Sevcenco, A Sgura, I Shabratova, G Shahoyan, R Sharma, S Sharma, N Shigaki, K Shimomura, M Shtejer, K Sibiriak, Y Siciliano, M Sicking, E Siemiarczuk, T Silvermyr, D Simonetti, G Singaraju, R Singh, R Singha, S Sinha, T Sinha, BC Sitar, B Sitta, M Skaali, Toralf Bernhard Skjerdal, Kyrre Smakal, R Smirnov, N Snellings, R Sogaard, C Soltz, R Son, H Song, M Song, J Soos, C Soramel, F Spyropoulou-Stassinaki, M Srivastava, BK Stachel, J Stan, I Stefanek, G Steinbeck, T Steinpreis, M Stenlund, E Steyn, G Stocco, D Stokkevåg, Camilla Stolpovskiy, M Strmen, P Suaide, AAP Vasquez, MAS Sugitate, T Suire, C Sukhorukov, M Sumbera, M Susa, T Symons, TJM de Toledo, AS Szarka, I Szostak, Artur Krzysztof Tagridis, C Takahashi, J Takaki, JDT Tauro, A Munoz, GT Telesca, A Terrevoli, C Thader, J Thomas, D Thomas, JH Tieulent, R Timmins, AR Tlusty, D Toia, A Torii, H Toscano, L Traczyk, T Truesdale, D Trzaska, WH Tsuji, T Tumkin, A Turrisi, R Turvey, AJ Tveter, Trine Spedstad Ulery, J Ullaland, Kjetil Uras, A Urban, J Urciuoli, GM Usai, GL Vajzer, M Vala, M Palomo, LV Vallero, S van der Kolk, N Vande Vyvre, P van Leeuwen, M Vannucci, L Vargas, A Varma, R Vasileiou, M Vasiliev, A Vechernin, V Veldhoen, M Venaruzzo, M Vercellin, E Vergara, S Vernekohl, DC Vernet, R Verweij, M Vickovic, L Viesti, G Vikhlyantsev, O Vilakazi, Z Baillie, OV Vinogradov, Y Vinogradov, A Vinogradov, L Virgili, T Viyogi, YP Vodopyanov, A Voloshin, K Voloshin, S Volpe, G von Haller, B Vranic, D Øvrebekk, Gaute Vrlakova, J Vulpescu, B Vyushin, A Wagner, Boris Wagner, V Wan, R Wang, Y Wang, M Wang, D Watanabe, K Wessels, JP Westerhoff, U Wiechula, J Wikne, Jon Christopher Wilde, M Wilk, A Wilk, G Williams, MCS Windelband, B Karampatsos, LX Yang, H Yasnopolskiy, S Yi, J Yin, Z Yokoyama, H Yoo, IK Yoon, J Yuan, X Yushmanov, I Zabrodin, Evgeny Zach, C Zampolli, C Zaporozhets, S Zarochentsev, A Zavada, P Zaviyalov, N Zbroszczyk, H Zelnicek, P Zenin, A Zgura, I Zhalov, M Zhang, X Zhou, D Zhou, F Zhou, Y Zhu, X Zichichi, A Zinovjev, G Zoccarato, Y Zynovyev, M . Higher harmonic anisotropic flow measurements of charged particles in Pb-Pb collisions at root s(NN)=2.76 TeV. Physical Review Letters. 2011, 107(3)
dc.publisherAmerican Physical Society
dc.rightsAttribution 3.0 Unported
dc.titleHigher harmonic anisotropic flow measurements of charged particles in Pb-Pb collisions at root s(NN)=2.76 TeVen_US
dc.typeJournal articleen_US
dc.creator.authorAamodt, Kenneth
dc.creator.authorAbelev, B
dc.creator.authorQuintana, AA
dc.creator.authorAdamova, D
dc.creator.authorAdare, AM
dc.creator.authorAggarwal, MM
dc.creator.authorRinella, GA
dc.creator.authorAgocs, AG
dc.creator.authorAgostinelli, A
dc.creator.authorSalazar, SA
dc.creator.authorAhammed, Z
dc.creator.authorAhmad, N
dc.creator.authorMasoodi, AA
dc.creator.authorAhn, SU
dc.creator.authorAkindinov, A
dc.creator.authorAleksandrov, D
dc.creator.authorAlessandro, B
dc.creator.authorMolina, RA
dc.creator.authorAlici, A
dc.creator.authorAlkin, A
dc.creator.authorAvina, EA
dc.creator.authorAlt, Torsten
dc.creator.authorAltini, V
dc.creator.authorAltsybeev, I
dc.creator.authorAndrei, C
dc.creator.authorAndronic, A
dc.creator.authorAnguelov, V
dc.creator.authorAnson, C
dc.creator.authorAnticic, T
dc.creator.authorAntinori, F
dc.creator.authorAntonioli, P
dc.creator.authorAphecetche, L
dc.creator.authorAppelshäuser, Harald
dc.creator.authorArbor, N
dc.creator.authorArcelli, S
dc.creator.authorArend, A
dc.creator.authorArmesto, N
dc.creator.authorArnaldi, R
dc.creator.authorAronsson, T
dc.creator.authorArsene, IC
dc.creator.authorArslandok, M
dc.creator.authorAsryan, A
dc.creator.authorAugustinus, A
dc.creator.authorAverbeck, R
dc.creator.authorAwes, TC
dc.creator.authorAysto, J
dc.creator.authorAzmi, MD
dc.creator.authorBach, M
dc.creator.authorBadala, A
dc.creator.authorBaek, YW
dc.creator.authorBailhache, R
dc.creator.authorBala, R
dc.creator.authorFerroli, RB
dc.creator.authorBaldisseri, A
dc.creator.authorBaldit, A
dc.creator.authorBan, J
dc.creator.authorBaral, RC
dc.creator.authorBarbera, R
dc.creator.authorBarile, F
dc.creator.authorBarnafoldi, GG
dc.creator.authorBarnby, LS
dc.creator.authorBarret, V
dc.creator.authorBartke, J
dc.creator.authorBasile, M
dc.creator.authorBastid, N
dc.creator.authorBathen, B
dc.creator.authorBatigne, G
dc.creator.authorBatyunya, B
dc.creator.authorBaumann, C
dc.creator.authorBearden, IG
dc.creator.authorBeck, H
dc.creator.authorBelikov, I
dc.creator.authorBellini, F
dc.creator.authorBellwied, R
dc.creator.authorBelmont-Moreno, E
dc.creator.authorBeole, S
dc.creator.authorBerceanu, I
dc.creator.authorBercuci, A
dc.creator.authorBerdermann, E
dc.creator.authorBerdnikov, Y
dc.creator.authorBergmann, C
dc.creator.authorBetev, L
dc.creator.authorBhasin, A
dc.creator.authorBhati, AK
dc.creator.authorBianchi, L
dc.creator.authorBianchi, N
dc.creator.authorBianchin, C
dc.creator.authorBielcik, J
dc.creator.authorBielcikova, J
dc.creator.authorBilandzic, A
dc.creator.authorBiolcati, E
dc.creator.authorBlanco, F
dc.creator.authorBlau, D
dc.creator.authorBlume, C
dc.creator.authorBoccioli, M
dc.creator.authorBock, N
dc.creator.authorBogdanov, A
dc.creator.authorBoggild, H
dc.creator.authorBogolyubsky, M
dc.creator.authorBoldizsar, L
dc.creator.authorBombara, M
dc.creator.authorBombonati, C
dc.creator.authorBook, J
dc.creator.authorBorel, H
dc.creator.authorBorissov, A
dc.creator.authorBortolin, C
dc.creator.authorBose, S
dc.creator.authorBossu, F
dc.creator.authorBotje, M
dc.creator.authorBottger, S
dc.creator.authorBoyer, B
dc.creator.authorBraun-Munzinger, P
dc.creator.authorBravina, Larissa
dc.creator.authorBregant, M
dc.creator.authorBreitner, T
dc.creator.authorBroz, M
dc.creator.authorBrun, R
dc.creator.authorBruna, E
dc.creator.authorBruno, GE
dc.creator.authorBudnikov, D
dc.creator.authorBuesching, H
dc.creator.authorBufalino, S
dc.creator.authorBugaiev, K
dc.creator.authorBusch, O
dc.creator.authorButhelezi, Z
dc.creator.authorCaffarri, D
dc.creator.authorCai, X
dc.creator.authorCaines, H
dc.creator.authorVillar, EC
dc.creator.authorCamerini, P
dc.creator.authorRoman, VC
dc.creator.authorRomeo, GC
dc.creator.authorCarena, F
dc.creator.authorCarena, W
dc.creator.authorCarlin, N
dc.creator.authorCarminati, F
dc.creator.authorDiaz, AC
dc.creator.authorCaselle, M
dc.creator.authorCastellanos, JC
dc.creator.authorHernandez, JFC
dc.creator.authorCatanescu, V
dc.creator.authorCavicchioli, C
dc.creator.authorCepila, J
dc.creator.authorCerello, P
dc.creator.authorChang, B
dc.creator.authorChapeland, S
dc.creator.authorCharvet, JL
dc.creator.authorChattopadhyay, S
dc.creator.authorCherney, M
dc.creator.authorCheshkov, C
dc.creator.authorCheynis, B
dc.creator.authorBarroso, VC
dc.creator.authorChinellato, DD
dc.creator.authorChochula, P
dc.creator.authorChojnacki, M
dc.creator.authorChristakoglou, P
dc.creator.authorChristensen, CH
dc.creator.authorChristiansen, P
dc.creator.authorChujo, T
dc.creator.authorCicalo, C
dc.creator.authorCifarelli, L
dc.creator.authorCindolo, F
dc.creator.authorCleymans, J
dc.creator.authorCoccetti, F
dc.creator.authorCoffin, JP
dc.creator.authorBalbastre, GC
dc.creator.authordel Valle, ZC
dc.creator.authorConstantin, P
dc.creator.authorContin, G
dc.creator.authorContreras, JG
dc.creator.authorCormier, TM
dc.creator.authorMorales, YC
dc.creator.authorCortese, P
dc.creator.authorMaldonado, IC
dc.creator.authorCosentino, MR
dc.creator.authorCosta, F
dc.creator.authorCotallo, ME
dc.creator.authorCrescio, E
dc.creator.authorCrochet, P
dc.creator.authorCuautle, E
dc.creator.authorCunqueiro, L
dc.creator.authorDainese, A
dc.creator.authorDalsgaard, HH
dc.creator.authorDanu, A
dc.creator.authorDas, I
dc.creator.authorDas, D
dc.creator.authorDash, S
dc.creator.authorDash, A
dc.creator.authorDe, S
dc.creator.authorMoregula, AD
dc.creator.authorde Barros, GOV
dc.creator.authorDe Caro, A
dc.creator.authorde Cataldo, G
dc.creator.authorde Cuveland, J
dc.creator.authorDe Falco, A
dc.creator.authorDe Gruttola, D
dc.creator.authorDelagrange, H
dc.creator.authorSanchez, ED
dc.creator.authorMercado, YD
dc.creator.authorDellacasa, G
dc.creator.authorDeloff, A
dc.creator.authorDemanov, V
dc.creator.authorDe Marco, N
dc.creator.authorDenes, E
dc.creator.authorDe Pasquale, S
dc.creator.authorDeppman, A
dc.creator.authorErasmo, GD
dc.creator.authorde Rooij, R
dc.creator.authorDi Bari, D
dc.creator.authorDietel, T
dc.creator.authorDi Giglio, C
dc.creator.authorDi Liberto, S
dc.creator.authorDi Mauro, A
dc.creator.authorDi Nezza, P
dc.creator.authorDivia, R
dc.creator.authorDjuvsland, Øystein
dc.creator.authorDobrin, A
dc.creator.authorDobrowolski, T
dc.creator.authorDominguez, I
dc.creator.authorDonigus, B
dc.creator.authorDordic, Olja
dc.creator.authorDriga, O
dc.creator.authorDubey, AK
dc.creator.authorDucroux, L
dc.creator.authorDupieux, P
dc.creator.authorMajumdar, MRD
dc.creator.authorMajumdar, AKD
dc.creator.authorElia, D
dc.creator.authorEmschermann, D
dc.creator.authorEngel, H
dc.creator.authorErdal, Hege Austrheim
dc.creator.authorEspagnon, B
dc.creator.authorEstienne, M
dc.creator.authorEsumi, S
dc.creator.authorEvans, D
dc.creator.authorEvrard, S
dc.creator.authorEyyubova, Gyulnara
dc.creator.authorFabjan, CW
dc.creator.authorFabris, D
dc.creator.authorFaivre, J
dc.creator.authorFalchieri, D
dc.creator.authorFantoni, A
dc.creator.authorFasel, M
dc.creator.authorFearick, R
dc.creator.authorFedunov, A
dc.creator.authorFehlker, Dominik
dc.creator.authorFekete, V
dc.creator.authorFelea, D
dc.creator.authorFeofilov, G
dc.creator.authorTellez, AF
dc.creator.authorFerretti, R
dc.creator.authorFerretti, A
dc.creator.authorFigueredo, MAS
dc.creator.authorFilchagin, S
dc.creator.authorFini, R
dc.creator.authorFinogeev, D
dc.creator.authorFionda, FM
dc.creator.authorFiore, EM
dc.creator.authorFloris, M
dc.creator.authorFoertsch, S
dc.creator.authorFoka, P
dc.creator.authorFokin, S
dc.creator.authorFragiacomo, E
dc.creator.authorFragkiadakis, M
dc.creator.authorFrankenfeld, U
dc.creator.authorFuchs, U
dc.creator.authorFurano, F
dc.creator.authorFurget, C
dc.creator.authorGirard, MF
dc.creator.authorGaardhoje, JJ
dc.creator.authorGadrat, S
dc.creator.authorGagliardi, M
dc.creator.authorGago, A
dc.creator.authorGallio, M
dc.creator.authorGangadharan, DR
dc.creator.authorGanoti, P
dc.creator.authorGarabatos, C
dc.creator.authorGarcia-Solis, E
dc.creator.authorGemme, R
dc.creator.authorGerhard, J
dc.creator.authorGermain, M
dc.creator.authorGeuna, C
dc.creator.authorGheata, M
dc.creator.authorGheata, A
dc.creator.authorGhidini, B
dc.creator.authorGhosh, P
dc.creator.authorGianotti, P
dc.creator.authorGirard, MR
dc.creator.authorGiubellino, P
dc.creator.authorGladysz-Dziadus, E
dc.creator.authorGlassel, P
dc.creator.authorGomez, R
dc.creator.authorFerreiro, EG
dc.creator.authorGonzalez-Trueba, LH
dc.creator.authorGonzalez-Zamora, P
dc.creator.authorGorbunov, S
dc.creator.authorGotovac, S
dc.creator.authorGrabski, V
dc.creator.authorGraczykowski, LK
dc.creator.authorGrajcarek, R
dc.creator.authorGrelli, A
dc.creator.authorGrigoras, C
dc.creator.authorGrigoras, A
dc.creator.authorGrigoriev, V
dc.creator.authorGrigoryan, S
dc.creator.authorGrigoryan, A
dc.creator.authorGrinyov, B
dc.creator.authorGrion, N
dc.creator.authorGros, P
dc.creator.authorGrosse-Oetringhaus, JF
dc.creator.authorGrossiord, JY
dc.creator.authorGuber, F
dc.creator.authorGuernane, R
dc.creator.authorGutierrez, CG
dc.creator.authorGuerzoni, B
dc.creator.authorGuilbaud, M
dc.creator.authorGulbrandsen, K
dc.creator.authorGulkanyan, H
dc.creator.authorGunji, T
dc.creator.authorGupta, R
dc.creator.authorGupta, A
dc.creator.authorGutbrod, H
dc.creator.authorHaaland, Øystein Senneset
dc.creator.authorHadjidakis, C
dc.creator.authorHaiduc, M
dc.creator.authorHamagaki, H
dc.creator.authorHamar, G
dc.creator.authorHan, BH
dc.creator.authorHanratty, LD
dc.creator.authorHarmanova, Z
dc.creator.authorHarris, JW
dc.creator.authorHartig, M
dc.creator.authorHasegan, D
dc.creator.authorHatzifotiadou, D
dc.creator.authorHayrapetyan, A
dc.creator.authorHeide, M
dc.creator.authorHeinz, M
dc.creator.authorHelstrup, Håvard
dc.creator.authorHerghelegiu, A
dc.creator.authorCorral, GH
dc.creator.authorHerrmann, N
dc.creator.authorHetland, Kristin Fanebust
dc.creator.authorHicks, B
dc.creator.authorHille, PT
dc.creator.authorHippolyte, B
dc.creator.authorHoraguchi, T
dc.creator.authorHori, Y
dc.creator.authorHristov, P
dc.creator.authorHrivnacova, I
dc.creator.authorHuang, Meidana
dc.creator.authorHuber, S
dc.creator.authorHumanic, TJ
dc.creator.authorHwang, DS
dc.creator.authorIlkaev, R
dc.creator.authorIlkiv, I
dc.creator.authorInaba, M
dc.creator.authorIncani, E
dc.creator.authorInnocenti, GM
dc.creator.authorIppolitov, M
dc.creator.authorIrfan, M
dc.creator.authorIvan, C
dc.creator.authorIvanov, V
dc.creator.authorIvanov, A
dc.creator.authorIvanov, M
dc.creator.authorJacholkowski, A
dc.creator.authorJacobs, PM
dc.creator.authorJancurova, L
dc.creator.authorJangal, S
dc.creator.authorJanik, MA
dc.creator.authorJanik, R
dc.creator.authorJayarathna, PHSY
dc.creator.authorJena, S
dc.creator.authorJirden, L
dc.creator.authorJones, GT
dc.creator.authorJones, PG
dc.creator.authorJovanovic, P
dc.creator.authorJung, W
dc.creator.authorJung, H
dc.creator.authorJusko, A
dc.creator.authorKaidalov, AB
dc.creator.authorKalcher, S
dc.creator.authorKalinak, P
dc.creator.authorKalisky, M
dc.creator.authorKalliokoski, T
dc.creator.authorKalweit, A
dc.creator.authorKamermans, R
dc.creator.authorKanaki, Kalliopi
dc.creator.authorKang, JH
dc.creator.authorKang, E
dc.creator.authorKaplin, V
dc.creator.authorUysal, AK
dc.creator.authorKaravichev, O
dc.creator.authorKaravicheva, T
dc.creator.authorKarpechev, E
dc.creator.authorKazantsev, A
dc.creator.authorKebschull, U
dc.creator.authorKeidel, R
dc.creator.authorKhan, MM
dc.creator.authorKhan, P
dc.creator.authorKhanzadeev, A
dc.creator.authorKharlov, Y
dc.creator.authorKileng, Bjarte
dc.creator.authorKim, S
dc.creator.authorKim, B
dc.creator.authorKim, DJ
dc.creator.authorKim, SH
dc.creator.authorKim, DS
dc.creator.authorKim, DW
dc.creator.authorKim, JH
dc.creator.authorKim, JS
dc.creator.authorKim, M
dc.creator.authorKirsch, S
dc.creator.authorKisel, I
dc.creator.authorKiselev, S
dc.creator.authorKisiel, A
dc.creator.authorKlay, JL
dc.creator.authorKlein, J
dc.creator.authorKlein-Bosing, C
dc.creator.authorKliemant, M
dc.creator.authorKluge, A
dc.creator.authorKnichel, ML
dc.creator.authorKoch, K
dc.creator.authorKohler, MK
dc.creator.authorKolojvari, A
dc.creator.authorKondratiev, V
dc.creator.authorKondratyeva, N
dc.creator.authorKonevskih, A
dc.creator.authorKornas, E
dc.creator.authorDon, CKK
dc.creator.authorKour, R
dc.creator.authorKowalski, M
dc.creator.authorKox, S
dc.creator.authorMeethaleveedu, GK
dc.creator.authorKozlov, K
dc.creator.authorKral, J
dc.creator.authorKralik, I
dc.creator.authorKramer, F
dc.creator.authorKraus, I
dc.creator.authorKrawutschke, T
dc.creator.authorKretz, M
dc.creator.authorKrivda, M
dc.creator.authorKrizek, F
dc.creator.authorKrus, M
dc.creator.authorKryshen, E
dc.creator.authorKrzewicki, M
dc.creator.authorKucheriaev, Y
dc.creator.authorKuhn, C
dc.creator.authorKuijer, PG
dc.creator.authorKurashvili, P
dc.creator.authorKurepin, A
dc.creator.authorKurepin, AB
dc.creator.authorKuryakin, A
dc.creator.authorKushpil, S
dc.creator.authorKushpil, V
dc.creator.authorKværnø, Henning
dc.creator.authorKweon, MJ
dc.creator.authorKwon, Y
dc.creator.authorde Guevara, PL
dc.creator.authorLafage, V
dc.creator.authorLakomov, I
dc.creator.authorLara, C
dc.creator.authorLardeux, A
dc.creator.authorLa Rocca, P
dc.creator.authorLarsen, Dag Toppe
dc.creator.authorLazzeroni, C
dc.creator.authorLea, R
dc.creator.authorLe Bornec, Y
dc.creator.authorLee, KS
dc.creator.authorLee, SC
dc.creator.authorLefevre, F
dc.creator.authorLehnert, J
dc.creator.authorLeistam, L
dc.creator.authorLenhardt, M
dc.creator.authorLenti, V
dc.creator.authorLeon, H
dc.creator.authorMonzon, IL
dc.creator.authorVargas, HL
dc.creator.authorLevai, P
dc.creator.authorLi, X
dc.creator.authorLien, Jan R
dc.creator.authorLietava, R
dc.creator.authorLindal, Svein
dc.creator.authorLindenstruth, V
dc.creator.authorLippmann, C
dc.creator.authorLisa, MA
dc.creator.authorLiu, Lijiao
dc.creator.authorLønne, Per-Ivar
dc.creator.authorLoggins, VR
dc.creator.authorLoginov, V
dc.creator.authorLohn, S
dc.creator.authorLohner, D
dc.creator.authorLoizides, C
dc.creator.authorLoo, KK
dc.creator.authorLopez, X
dc.creator.authorNoriega, ML
dc.creator.authorTorres, EL
dc.creator.authorLøvhøiden, Gunnar
dc.creator.authorLu, XG
dc.creator.authorLuettig, P
dc.creator.authorLunardon, M
dc.creator.authorLuparello, G
dc.creator.authorLuquin, L
dc.creator.authorLuzzi, C
dc.creator.authorMa, K
dc.creator.authorMa, R
dc.creator.authorMadagodahettige-Don, DM
dc.creator.authorMaevskaya, A
dc.creator.authorMager, M
dc.creator.authorMahapatra, DP
dc.creator.authorMaire, A
dc.creator.authorMalaev, M
dc.creator.authorCervantes, IM
dc.creator.authorMal'Kevich, D
dc.creator.authorMalzacher, P
dc.creator.authorMamonov, A
dc.creator.authorMangotra, L
dc.creator.authorManko, V
dc.creator.authorManso, F
dc.creator.authorManzari, V
dc.creator.authorMao, Y
dc.creator.authorMarchisone, M
dc.creator.authorMares, J
dc.creator.authorMargagliotti, GV
dc.creator.authorMargotti, A
dc.creator.authorMarin, A
dc.creator.authorMarkert, C
dc.creator.authorMartashvili, I
dc.creator.authorMartinengo, P
dc.creator.authorMartinez, MI
dc.creator.authorDavalos, AM
dc.creator.authorGarcia, GM
dc.creator.authorMartynov, Y
dc.creator.authorMas, A
dc.creator.authorMasciocchi, S
dc.creator.authorMasera, M
dc.creator.authorMasoni, A
dc.creator.authorMassacrier, L
dc.creator.authorMastromarco, M
dc.creator.authorMastroserio, A
dc.creator.authorMatthews, ZL
dc.creator.authorMatyja, A
dc.creator.authorMayani, D
dc.creator.authorMazzoni, MA
dc.creator.authorMeddi, F
dc.creator.authorMenchaca-Rocha, A
dc.creator.authorLorenzo, PM
dc.creator.authorPerez, JM
dc.creator.authorMeres, M
dc.creator.authorMiake, Y
dc.creator.authorMidori, J
dc.creator.authorMilano, L
dc.creator.authorMilosevic, Jovan
dc.creator.authorMischke, A
dc.creator.authorMiskowiec, D
dc.creator.authorMitu, C
dc.creator.authorMlynarz, J
dc.creator.authorMohanty, B
dc.creator.authorMohanty, AK
dc.creator.authorMolnar, L
dc.creator.authorZetina, LM
dc.creator.authorMonteno, M
dc.creator.authorMontes, E
dc.creator.authorMorando, M
dc.creator.authorDe Godoy, DAM
dc.creator.authorMoretto, S
dc.creator.authorMorsch, A
dc.creator.authorMuccifora, V
dc.creator.authorMudnic, E
dc.creator.authorMuhuri, S
dc.creator.authorLler, HM
dc.creator.authorMunhoz, MG
dc.creator.authorMusa, L
dc.creator.authorMusso, A
dc.creator.authorNagle, JL
dc.creator.authorNandi, BK
dc.creator.authorNania, R
dc.creator.authorNappi, E
dc.creator.authorNattrass, C
dc.creator.authorNavach, F
dc.creator.authorNavin, S
dc.creator.authorNayak, TK
dc.creator.authorNazarenko, S
dc.creator.authorNazarov, G
dc.creator.authorNedosekin, A
dc.creator.authorNicassio, M
dc.creator.authorNielsen, BS
dc.creator.authorNiida, T
dc.creator.authorNikolaev, S
dc.creator.authorNikolic, V
dc.creator.authorNikulin, S
dc.creator.authorNikulin, V
dc.creator.authorNilsen, BS
dc.creator.authorNilsson, Mads Stormo
dc.creator.authorNoferini, F
dc.creator.authorNooren, G
dc.creator.authorNovitzky, N
dc.creator.authorNyanin, A
dc.creator.authorNyatha, A
dc.creator.authorNygaard, C
dc.creator.authorNystrand, Joakim
dc.creator.authorObayashi, H
dc.creator.authorOchirov, A
dc.creator.authorOeschler, H
dc.creator.authorOh, SK
dc.creator.authorOleniacz, J
dc.creator.authorOppedisano, C
dc.creator.authorVelasquez, AO
dc.creator.authorOrtona, G
dc.creator.authorOskarsson, A
dc.creator.authorOstrowski, P
dc.creator.authorOtwinowski, J
dc.creator.authorOyama, K
dc.creator.authorOzawa, K
dc.creator.authorPachmayer, Y
dc.creator.authorPachr, M
dc.creator.authorPadilla, F
dc.creator.authorPagano, P
dc.creator.authorPaic, G
dc.creator.authorPainke, F
dc.creator.authorPajares, C
dc.creator.authorPal, SK
dc.creator.authorPal, S
dc.creator.authorPalaha, A
dc.creator.authorPalmeri, A
dc.creator.authorPappalardo, GS
dc.creator.authorPark, WJ
dc.creator.authorPastircak, B
dc.creator.authorPatalakha, DI
dc.creator.authorPaticchio, V
dc.creator.authorPavlinov, A
dc.creator.authorPawlak, T
dc.creator.authorPeitzmann, T
dc.creator.authorPeresunko, D
dc.creator.authorLara, CEP
dc.creator.authorPerini, D
dc.creator.authorPeryt, W
dc.creator.authorPesci, A
dc.creator.authorPeskov, V
dc.creator.authorPestov, Y
dc.creator.authorPeters, AJ
dc.creator.authorPetracek, V
dc.creator.authorPetran, M
dc.creator.authorPetris, M
dc.creator.authorPetrov, P
dc.creator.authorPetrovici, M
dc.creator.authorPetta, C
dc.creator.authorPiano, S
dc.creator.authorPiccotti, A
dc.creator.authorPikna, M
dc.creator.authorPillot, P
dc.creator.authorPinazza, O
dc.creator.authorPinsky, L
dc.creator.authorPitz, N
dc.creator.authorPiyarathna, DB
dc.creator.authorPlatt, R
dc.creator.authorPloskon, M
dc.creator.authorPluta, J
dc.creator.authorPocheptsov, Timur Anatolievich
dc.creator.authorPochybova, S
dc.creator.authorPodesta-Lerma, PLM
dc.creator.authorPoghosyan, MG
dc.creator.authorPolak, K
dc.creator.authorPolichtchouk, B
dc.creator.authorPop, A
dc.creator.authorPospisil, V
dc.creator.authorPotukuchi, B
dc.creator.authorPrasad, SK
dc.creator.authorPreghenella, R
dc.creator.authorPrino, F
dc.creator.authorPruneau, CA
dc.creator.authorPshenichnov, I
dc.creator.authorPuddu, G
dc.creator.authorPulvirenti, A
dc.creator.authorPunin, V
dc.creator.authorPutis, M
dc.creator.authorPutschke, J
dc.creator.authorQvigstad, Henrik
dc.creator.authorRachevski, A
dc.creator.authorRademakers, A
dc.creator.authorRadomski, S
dc.creator.authorRaiha, TS
dc.creator.authorRak, J
dc.creator.authorRakotozafindrabe, A
dc.creator.authorRamello, L
dc.creator.authorReyes, AR
dc.creator.authorRammler, M
dc.creator.authorRaniwala, R
dc.creator.authorRaniwala, S
dc.creator.authorRasanen, SS
dc.creator.authorRathee, D
dc.creator.authorRead, KF
dc.creator.authorReal, JS
dc.creator.authorRedlich, K
dc.creator.authorReichelt, P
dc.creator.authorReicher, M
dc.creator.authorRenfordt, R
dc.creator.authorReolon, AR
dc.creator.authorReshetin, A
dc.creator.authorRettig, F
dc.creator.authorRevol, JP
dc.creator.authorReygers, K
dc.creator.authorRicaud, H
dc.creator.authorRiccati, L
dc.creator.authorRicci, RA
dc.creator.authorRichter, Matthias Rudolph
dc.creator.authorRiedler, P
dc.creator.authorRiegler, W
dc.creator.authorRiggi, F
dc.creator.authorCahuantzi, MR
dc.creator.authorRohr, D
dc.creator.authorRøhrich, Dieter
dc.creator.authorRomita, R
dc.creator.authorRonchetti, F
dc.creator.authorRosinsky, P
dc.creator.authorRosnet, P
dc.creator.authorRossegger, S
dc.creator.authorRossi, A
dc.creator.authorRoukoutakis, F
dc.creator.authorRousseau, S
dc.creator.authorRoy, P
dc.creator.authorRoy, C
dc.creator.authorMontero, AJR
dc.creator.authorRui, R
dc.creator.authorRyabinkin, E
dc.creator.authorRybicki, A
dc.creator.authorSadovsky, S
dc.creator.authorSafarik, K
dc.creator.authorSahoo, R
dc.creator.authorSahu, PK
dc.creator.authorSaiz, P
dc.creator.authorSakaguchi, H
dc.creator.authorSakai, S
dc.creator.authorSakata, D
dc.creator.authorSalgado, CA
dc.creator.authorSambyal, S
dc.creator.authorSamsonov, V
dc.creator.authorCastro, XS
dc.creator.authorSandor, L
dc.creator.authorSandoval, A
dc.creator.authorSano, S
dc.creator.authorSano, M
dc.creator.authorSanto, R
dc.creator.authorSantoro, R
dc.creator.authorSarkamo, J
dc.creator.authorSaturnini, P
dc.creator.authorScapparone, E
dc.creator.authorScarlassara, F
dc.creator.authorScharenberg, RP
dc.creator.authorSchiaua, C
dc.creator.authorSchicker, R
dc.creator.authorSchmidt, C
dc.creator.authorSchmidt, HR
dc.creator.authorSchreiner, S
dc.creator.authorSchuchmann, S
dc.creator.authorSchukraft, J
dc.creator.authorSchutz, Y
dc.creator.authorSchwarz, K
dc.creator.authorSchweda, K
dc.creator.authorScioli, G
dc.creator.authorScomparin, E
dc.creator.authorScott, R
dc.creator.authorScott, PA
dc.creator.authorSegato, G
dc.creator.authorSelyuzhenkov, I
dc.creator.authorSenyukov, S
dc.creator.authorSerci, S
dc.creator.authorSerradilla, E
dc.creator.authorSevcenco, A
dc.creator.authorSgura, I
dc.creator.authorShabratova, G
dc.creator.authorShahoyan, R
dc.creator.authorSharma, S
dc.creator.authorSharma, N
dc.creator.authorShigaki, K
dc.creator.authorShimomura, M
dc.creator.authorShtejer, K
dc.creator.authorSibiriak, Y
dc.creator.authorSiciliano, M
dc.creator.authorSicking, E
dc.creator.authorSiemiarczuk, T
dc.creator.authorSilvermyr, D
dc.creator.authorSimonetti, G
dc.creator.authorSingaraju, R
dc.creator.authorSingh, R
dc.creator.authorSingha, S
dc.creator.authorSinha, T
dc.creator.authorSinha, BC
dc.creator.authorSitar, B
dc.creator.authorSitta, M
dc.creator.authorSkaali, Toralf Bernhard
dc.creator.authorSkjerdal, Kyrre
dc.creator.authorSmakal, R
dc.creator.authorSmirnov, N
dc.creator.authorSnellings, R
dc.creator.authorSogaard, C
dc.creator.authorSoltz, R
dc.creator.authorSon, H
dc.creator.authorSong, M
dc.creator.authorSong, J
dc.creator.authorSoos, C
dc.creator.authorSoramel, F
dc.creator.authorSpyropoulou-Stassinaki, M
dc.creator.authorSrivastava, BK
dc.creator.authorStachel, J
dc.creator.authorStan, I
dc.creator.authorStefanek, G
dc.creator.authorSteinbeck, T
dc.creator.authorSteinpreis, M
dc.creator.authorStenlund, E
dc.creator.authorSteyn, G
dc.creator.authorStocco, D
dc.creator.authorStokkevåg, Camilla
dc.creator.authorStolpovskiy, M
dc.creator.authorStrmen, P
dc.creator.authorSuaide, AAP
dc.creator.authorVasquez, MAS
dc.creator.authorSugitate, T
dc.creator.authorSuire, C
dc.creator.authorSukhorukov, M
dc.creator.authorSumbera, M
dc.creator.authorSusa, T
dc.creator.authorSymons, TJM
dc.creator.authorde Toledo, AS
dc.creator.authorSzarka, I
dc.creator.authorSzostak, Artur Krzysztof
dc.creator.authorTagridis, C
dc.creator.authorTakahashi, J
dc.creator.authorTakaki, JDT
dc.creator.authorTauro, A
dc.creator.authorMunoz, GT
dc.creator.authorTelesca, A
dc.creator.authorTerrevoli, C
dc.creator.authorThader, J
dc.creator.authorThomas, D
dc.creator.authorThomas, JH
dc.creator.authorTieulent, R
dc.creator.authorTimmins, AR
dc.creator.authorTlusty, D
dc.creator.authorToia, A
dc.creator.authorTorii, H
dc.creator.authorToscano, L
dc.creator.authorTraczyk, T
dc.creator.authorTruesdale, D
dc.creator.authorTrzaska, WH
dc.creator.authorTsuji, T
dc.creator.authorTumkin, A
dc.creator.authorTurrisi, R
dc.creator.authorTurvey, AJ
dc.creator.authorTveter, Trine Spedstad
dc.creator.authorUlery, J
dc.creator.authorUllaland, Kjetil
dc.creator.authorUras, A
dc.creator.authorUrban, J
dc.creator.authorUrciuoli, GM
dc.creator.authorUsai, GL
dc.creator.authorVajzer, M
dc.creator.authorVala, M
dc.creator.authorPalomo, LV
dc.creator.authorVallero, S
dc.creator.authorvan der Kolk, N
dc.creator.authorVande Vyvre, P
dc.creator.authorvan Leeuwen, M
dc.creator.authorVannucci, L
dc.creator.authorVargas, A
dc.creator.authorVarma, R
dc.creator.authorVasileiou, M
dc.creator.authorVasiliev, A
dc.creator.authorVechernin, V
dc.creator.authorVeldhoen, M
dc.creator.authorVenaruzzo, M
dc.creator.authorVercellin, E
dc.creator.authorVergara, S
dc.creator.authorVernekohl, DC
dc.creator.authorVernet, R
dc.creator.authorVerweij, M
dc.creator.authorVickovic, L
dc.creator.authorViesti, G
dc.creator.authorVikhlyantsev, O
dc.creator.authorVilakazi, Z
dc.creator.authorBaillie, OV
dc.creator.authorVinogradov, Y
dc.creator.authorVinogradov, A
dc.creator.authorVinogradov, L
dc.creator.authorVirgili, T
dc.creator.authorViyogi, YP
dc.creator.authorVodopyanov, A
dc.creator.authorVoloshin, K
dc.creator.authorVoloshin, S
dc.creator.authorVolpe, G
dc.creator.authorvon Haller, B
dc.creator.authorVranic, D
dc.creator.authorØvrebekk, Gaute
dc.creator.authorVrlakova, J
dc.creator.authorVulpescu, B
dc.creator.authorVyushin, A
dc.creator.authorWagner, Boris
dc.creator.authorWagner, V
dc.creator.authorWan, R
dc.creator.authorWang, Y
dc.creator.authorWang, M
dc.creator.authorWang, D
dc.creator.authorWatanabe, K
dc.creator.authorWessels, JP
dc.creator.authorWesterhoff, U
dc.creator.authorWiechula, J
dc.creator.authorWikne, Jon Christopher
dc.creator.authorWilde, M
dc.creator.authorWilk, A
dc.creator.authorWilk, G
dc.creator.authorWilliams, MCS
dc.creator.authorWindelband, B
dc.creator.authorKarampatsos, LX
dc.creator.authorYang, H
dc.creator.authorYasnopolskiy, S
dc.creator.authorYi, J
dc.creator.authorYin, Z
dc.creator.authorYokoyama, H
dc.creator.authorYoo, IK
dc.creator.authorYoon, J
dc.creator.authorYuan, X
dc.creator.authorYushmanov, I
dc.creator.authorZabrodin, Evgeny
dc.creator.authorZach, C
dc.creator.authorZampolli, C
dc.creator.authorZaporozhets, S
dc.creator.authorZarochentsev, A
dc.creator.authorZavada, P
dc.creator.authorZaviyalov, N
dc.creator.authorZbroszczyk, H
dc.creator.authorZelnicek, P
dc.creator.authorZenin, A
dc.creator.authorZgura, I
dc.creator.authorZhalov, M
dc.creator.authorZhang, X
dc.creator.authorZhou, D
dc.creator.authorZhou, F
dc.creator.authorZhou, Y
dc.creator.authorZhu, X
dc.creator.authorZichichi, A
dc.creator.authorZinovjev, G
dc.creator.authorZoccarato, Y
dc.creator.authorZynovyev, M
cristin.unitnameKjerne- og energifysikk
dc.identifier.bibliographiccitationinfo:ofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_ver=Z39.88-2004&rft_val_fmt=info:ofi/fmt:kev:mtx:journal&rft.jtitle=Physical Review Letters&rft.volume=107&rft.spage=&rft.date=2011
dc.identifier.jtitlePhysical Review Letters
dc.subject.nviVDP::Kjerne- og elementærpartikkelfysikk: 431
dc.type.peerreviewedPeer reviewed
dc.identifier.fulltextFulltext https://www.duo.uio.no/bitstream/handle/10852/58802/2/PhysRevLett.107.032301.pdf

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