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dc.contributor.authorBakke, Mathilde Aarvold
dc.identifier.citationBakke, Mathilde Aarvold. Celebrity is what Celebrity does. A Critical Discourse Analysis of Microcelebrity in Commercial, Norwegian Blogs.. Master thesis, University of Oslo, 2017
dc.description.abstractIn this thesis I explore how 11 commercial, Norwegian bloggers construct themselves as microcelebrities on their blogs, how the relationship between the bloggers and the readers is discursively constructed and maintained and what characterizes the commercial blog as a genre. The bloggers are women, between 18 and 35 years old, personal and commercial lifestyle bloggers. I have done a critical discourse analysis of the textual content of blog posts written by these bloggers in September 2016. A microcelebrity is someone who has gained celebrity status among her readers by using social media to attain status and fame. In my thesis I argue that the microcelebrity is a discursive construction created through text, images and videos. It is something someone does, a way of writing oneself into a celebrity by drawing upon the discourse of microcelebrity and treating the readers accordingly; as fans. It does not necessarily include that the bloggers act or talk about themselves as celebrities in real life, although some bloggers have celebrity status outside their blogs. The discourse of microcelebrity involves a way to look (attractive and fit), act (active and social), promotion (of the blogger as a microcelebrity, products used to achieve celebrity-status and bodily goals and an exclusive and luxurious lifestyle), strategic self presentation, influence (as power in and behind discourse) and positioning oneself over the readers. The relationship with the readers is constantly enacted and maintained. The bloggers in my sample use words like beautiful, gorgeous, mates, friends, darlings, babes, lovelies, dears and amazing to describe their readers. The words are highly positive, the readers are complimented on their looks and/or described as friends or family. The description of the readers as friends and family make the bloggers and readers seem like equals, even though the bloggers are positioned over the readers in the discourse of microcelebrity and their relationship is unequal. The relationship between the readers and the bloggers can be used for personal gain and is often monetized. The blog is an instructive genre. The bloggers in my sample portray themselves in a way that make their lives seem achievable and attractive. They give the impression that their fame, success and lifestyle can be bought by following instructions on their blogs. The products written about on the blogs are presented as necessities, used to achieve a given look, result or status as microcelebrities. The readers are encouraged to buy clothes, makeup, hair products, beauty treatments and so on to become like the bloggers, look like the bloggers, attain similar lifestyles and become microcelebrities themselves. The Norwegian, commercial blog is a stable and homogeneous genre. All the bloggers in my sample have a similar style of writing, draw upon the same discourses and write about similar topics. The bloggers write about their everyday lives, lifestyle, thoughts and feelings. Often blogposts contained detailed, diary-style descriptions of the bloggers’ everyday lives. The blog is also a promotional genre promoting individuals, brands and products. The bloggers are influencers, microcelebrities that portray themselves in a high-status light, use and sell high end products to their readers. The bloggers model clothes, makeup and other products showing off how they can and should be used. The bloggers do not have to separate sponsored and editorial content, but blog posts that contain advertising have to be marked as «advertising». The bloggers in my sample are aware of the influence they have on their readers, reflect on how they influence them and the negative effects the way they present themselves and their bodies might have on the readers. The bloggers advocate that they should become better role models, promote body positivity and try to affect the readers in a positive way. Even though most bloggers use their blogs to write about themselves, their lives and different products, the blog genre can be used in different ways. Some bloggers use their blogs to give their opinion on the news of the day and participate in public discussions and debates. Other bloggers share experiences and advice with their readers. Some bloggers use their role as influencers to share opinions, values and beliefs. The bloggers do their own version of «social work», they use their voices and their blogs to affect the readers in a way they believe is positive. Sometimes the bloggers’ influence can reach outside their blogs and make an actual difference in society.eng
dc.subjectcelebrity discourse
dc.subjectsocial media
dc.titleCelebrity is what Celebrity does. A Critical Discourse Analysis of Microcelebrity in Commercial, Norwegian Blogs.eng
dc.typeMaster thesis
dc.creator.authorBakke, Mathilde Aarvold
dc.identifier.fulltextFulltext https://www.duo.uio.no/bitstream/handle/10852/58681/1/masteroppgave-aarvold-bakke.pdf

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