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dc.identifier.citationAde, Peter A.R. Aghanim, Nabila Alves, M. I. R. Aniano, G. Arnaud, M. Ashdown, M. Aumont, J. Baccigalupi, C. Banday, A. J. Barreiro, R. B. Bartolo, N. Battaner, E. Benabed, K. Benoit-Lévy, A. Bernard, J. P. Bersanelli, M. Bielewicz, P. Bonaldi, A. Bonavera, L. Bond, J. R. Borrill, J. Bouchet, F. R. Boulanger, F. Burigana, C. Butler, R. C. Calabrese, E Cardoso, J.-F. Catalano, A. Chamballu, A. Chiang, H. C. Christensen, P. R. Clements, D. L. Colombi, S Colombo, L. P. L. Couchot, F Crill, B. P. Curto, A Cuttaia, F Danese, L Davies, R. D. Davis, R. J. De Bernardis, P De Rosa, A De Zotti, G Delabrouille, J Dickinson, C Diego, J. M. Dole, H Donzelli, S Dore, O Douspis, M. Draine, B. T. Ducout, A Dupac, X. Efstathiou, G. Elsner, F Enßlin, T. A. Eriksen, Hans Kristian Kamfjord Falgarone, E. Finelli, F. Forni, O. Frailis, M. Fraisse, A. A. Franceschi, E. Frejsel, A. Galeotta, S. Galli, S. Ganga, K. Ghosh, T. Giard, M. Gjerløw, Eirik González-Nuevo, J. Górski, Krzysztof M. Gregorio, A. Gruppuso, A. Guillet, V. Hansen, Frode Kristian Hanson, D. Harrison, D. L. Henrot-Versillé, S. Hernández-Monteagudo, C. Herranz, D. Hildebrandt, S. R. Hivon, E. Holmes, W. A. Hovest, W Huffenberger, K. M. Hurier, G. Jaffe, A. H. Jaffe, T. R. Jones, W. C. Keihänen, Elina Keskitalo, R. Kisner, T. S. Kneissl, R. Knoche, J. Kunz, M. Kurki-Suonio, Hannu Lagache, G Lamarre, J.-M. Lasenby, A Lattanzi, M Lawrence, Charles R. Leonardi, R Levrier, F. Liguori, M. Lilje, Per Barth Linden-Vørnle, M. López-Caniego, M. Lubin, P. M. Macías-Pérez, J. F. Maffei, B Maino, Davide Mandolesi, N Maris, M Marshall, D. J. Martin, P. G. Martínez-González, E. Masi, S Matarrese, S. Mazzotta, P. Melchiorri, A Mendes, L Mennella, A Migliaccio, M. Miville-Deschênes, M.-A. Moneti, A Montier, L Morgante, G Mortlock, D Munshi, D Murphy, J. A. Naselsky, P. Natoli, P Nørgaard-Nielsen, H. U. Novikov, Dimitri Novikov, I. Oxborrow, C. A. Pagano, L. Pajot, F Paladini, R Paoletti, D. Pasian, F Perdereau, O Perotto, L Perrotta, F Pettorino, V. Piacentini, F Piat, M Plaszczynski, S Pointecouteau, E. Polenta, G Ponthieu, N Popa, L Pratt, G. W. Prunet, S. Puget, J.-L. Rachen, J. P. Reach, W. T. Rebolo, R Reinecke, M. Remazeilles, M. Renault, C Ristorcelli, I Rocha, G. Roudier, G. Rubiño-Martín, J. A. Rusholme, B. Sandri, M Santos, D Scott, D Spencer, L. D. Stolyarov, V. Sudiwala, R Sunyaev, R Sutton, D Suur-Uski, A.-S. Sygnet, J.-F. Tauber, J. A. Terenzi, L. Toffolatti, L. Tomasi, M. Tristram, M. Tucci, M. Umana, G. Valenziano, L. Väliviita, Jussi-Pekka Van Tent, B. Vielva, P. Villa, F. Wade, L. A. Wandelt, B. D. Wehus, Ingunn Kathrine Ysard, N. Yvon, D Zacchei, A Zonca, A. . Planck intermediate results: XXIX. All-sky dust modelling with Planck, IRAS, and WISE observations. Astronomy and Astrophysics. 2016, 586
dc.description.abstractReproduced with permission from Astronomy & Astrophysics, © ESO, 2016en_US
dc.publisherEDP Sciences
dc.titlePlanck intermediate results: XXIX. All-sky dust modelling with Planck, IRAS, and WISE observationsen_US
dc.typeJournal articleen_US
dc.creator.authorAde, Peter A.R.
dc.creator.authorAghanim, Nabila
dc.creator.authorAlves, M. I. R.
dc.creator.authorAniano, G.
dc.creator.authorArnaud, M.
dc.creator.authorAshdown, M.
dc.creator.authorAumont, J.
dc.creator.authorBaccigalupi, C.
dc.creator.authorBanday, A. J.
dc.creator.authorBarreiro, R. B.
dc.creator.authorBartolo, N.
dc.creator.authorBattaner, E.
dc.creator.authorBenabed, K.
dc.creator.authorBenoit-Lévy, A.
dc.creator.authorBernard, J. P.
dc.creator.authorBersanelli, M.
dc.creator.authorBielewicz, P.
dc.creator.authorBonaldi, A.
dc.creator.authorBonavera, L.
dc.creator.authorBond, J. R.
dc.creator.authorBorrill, J.
dc.creator.authorBouchet, F. R.
dc.creator.authorBoulanger, F.
dc.creator.authorBurigana, C.
dc.creator.authorButler, R. C.
dc.creator.authorCalabrese, E
dc.creator.authorCardoso, J.-F.
dc.creator.authorCatalano, A.
dc.creator.authorChamballu, A.
dc.creator.authorChiang, H. C.
dc.creator.authorChristensen, P. R.
dc.creator.authorClements, D. L.
dc.creator.authorColombi, S
dc.creator.authorColombo, L. P. L.
dc.creator.authorCouchot, F
dc.creator.authorCrill, B. P.
dc.creator.authorCurto, A
dc.creator.authorCuttaia, F
dc.creator.authorDanese, L
dc.creator.authorDavies, R. D.
dc.creator.authorDavis, R. J.
dc.creator.authorDe Bernardis, P
dc.creator.authorDe Rosa, A
dc.creator.authorDe Zotti, G
dc.creator.authorDelabrouille, J
dc.creator.authorDickinson, C
dc.creator.authorDiego, J. M.
dc.creator.authorDole, H
dc.creator.authorDonzelli, S
dc.creator.authorDore, O
dc.creator.authorDouspis, M.
dc.creator.authorDraine, B. T.
dc.creator.authorDucout, A
dc.creator.authorDupac, X.
dc.creator.authorEfstathiou, G.
dc.creator.authorElsner, F
dc.creator.authorEnßlin, T. A.
dc.creator.authorEriksen, Hans Kristian Kamfjord
dc.creator.authorFalgarone, E.
dc.creator.authorFinelli, F.
dc.creator.authorForni, O.
dc.creator.authorFrailis, M.
dc.creator.authorFraisse, A. A.
dc.creator.authorFranceschi, E.
dc.creator.authorFrejsel, A.
dc.creator.authorGaleotta, S.
dc.creator.authorGalli, S.
dc.creator.authorGanga, K.
dc.creator.authorGhosh, T.
dc.creator.authorGiard, M.
dc.creator.authorGjerløw, Eirik
dc.creator.authorGonzález-Nuevo, J.
dc.creator.authorGórski, Krzysztof M.
dc.creator.authorGregorio, A.
dc.creator.authorGruppuso, A.
dc.creator.authorGuillet, V.
dc.creator.authorHansen, Frode Kristian
dc.creator.authorHanson, D.
dc.creator.authorHarrison, D. L.
dc.creator.authorHenrot-Versillé, S.
dc.creator.authorHernández-Monteagudo, C.
dc.creator.authorHerranz, D.
dc.creator.authorHildebrandt, S. R.
dc.creator.authorHivon, E.
dc.creator.authorHolmes, W. A.
dc.creator.authorHovest, W
dc.creator.authorHuffenberger, K. M.
dc.creator.authorHurier, G.
dc.creator.authorJaffe, A. H.
dc.creator.authorJaffe, T. R.
dc.creator.authorJones, W. C.
dc.creator.authorKeihänen, Elina
dc.creator.authorKeskitalo, R.
dc.creator.authorKisner, T. S.
dc.creator.authorKneissl, R.
dc.creator.authorKnoche, J.
dc.creator.authorKunz, M.
dc.creator.authorKurki-Suonio, Hannu
dc.creator.authorLagache, G
dc.creator.authorLamarre, J.-M.
dc.creator.authorLasenby, A
dc.creator.authorLattanzi, M
dc.creator.authorLawrence, Charles R.
dc.creator.authorLeonardi, R
dc.creator.authorLevrier, F.
dc.creator.authorLiguori, M.
dc.creator.authorLilje, Per Barth
dc.creator.authorLinden-Vørnle, M.
dc.creator.authorLópez-Caniego, M.
dc.creator.authorLubin, P. M.
dc.creator.authorMacías-Pérez, J. F.
dc.creator.authorMaffei, B
dc.creator.authorMaino, Davide
dc.creator.authorMandolesi, N
dc.creator.authorMaris, M
dc.creator.authorMarshall, D. J.
dc.creator.authorMartin, P. G.
dc.creator.authorMartínez-González, E.
dc.creator.authorMasi, S
dc.creator.authorMatarrese, S.
dc.creator.authorMazzotta, P.
dc.creator.authorMelchiorri, A
dc.creator.authorMendes, L
dc.creator.authorMennella, A
dc.creator.authorMigliaccio, M.
dc.creator.authorMiville-Deschênes, M.-A.
dc.creator.authorMoneti, A
dc.creator.authorMontier, L
dc.creator.authorMorgante, G
dc.creator.authorMortlock, D
dc.creator.authorMunshi, D
dc.creator.authorMurphy, J. A.
dc.creator.authorNaselsky, P.
dc.creator.authorNatoli, P
dc.creator.authorNørgaard-Nielsen, H. U.
dc.creator.authorNovikov, Dimitri
dc.creator.authorNovikov, I.
dc.creator.authorOxborrow, C. A.
dc.creator.authorPagano, L.
dc.creator.authorPajot, F
dc.creator.authorPaladini, R
dc.creator.authorPaoletti, D.
dc.creator.authorPasian, F
dc.creator.authorPerdereau, O
dc.creator.authorPerotto, L
dc.creator.authorPerrotta, F
dc.creator.authorPettorino, V.
dc.creator.authorPiacentini, F
dc.creator.authorPiat, M
dc.creator.authorPlaszczynski, S
dc.creator.authorPointecouteau, E.
dc.creator.authorPolenta, G
dc.creator.authorPonthieu, N
dc.creator.authorPopa, L
dc.creator.authorPratt, G. W.
dc.creator.authorPrunet, S.
dc.creator.authorPuget, J.-L.
dc.creator.authorRachen, J. P.
dc.creator.authorReach, W. T.
dc.creator.authorRebolo, R
dc.creator.authorReinecke, M.
dc.creator.authorRemazeilles, M.
dc.creator.authorRenault, C
dc.creator.authorRistorcelli, I
dc.creator.authorRocha, G.
dc.creator.authorRoudier, G.
dc.creator.authorRubiño-Martín, J. A.
dc.creator.authorRusholme, B.
dc.creator.authorSandri, M
dc.creator.authorSantos, D
dc.creator.authorScott, D
dc.creator.authorSpencer, L. D.
dc.creator.authorStolyarov, V.
dc.creator.authorSudiwala, R
dc.creator.authorSunyaev, R
dc.creator.authorSutton, D
dc.creator.authorSuur-Uski, A.-S.
dc.creator.authorSygnet, J.-F.
dc.creator.authorTauber, J. A.
dc.creator.authorTerenzi, L.
dc.creator.authorToffolatti, L.
dc.creator.authorTomasi, M.
dc.creator.authorTristram, M.
dc.creator.authorTucci, M.
dc.creator.authorUmana, G.
dc.creator.authorValenziano, L.
dc.creator.authorVäliviita, Jussi-Pekka
dc.creator.authorVan Tent, B.
dc.creator.authorVielva, P.
dc.creator.authorVilla, F.
dc.creator.authorWade, L. A.
dc.creator.authorWandelt, B. D.
dc.creator.authorWehus, Ingunn Kathrine
dc.creator.authorYsard, N.
dc.creator.authorYvon, D
dc.creator.authorZacchei, A
dc.creator.authorZonca, A.
cristin.unitnameInstitutt for teoretisk astrofysikk
dc.identifier.bibliographiccitationinfo:ofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_ver=Z39.88-2004&rft_val_fmt=info:ofi/fmt:kev:mtx:journal&rft.jtitle=Astronomy and Astrophysics&rft.volume=586&rft.spage=&rft.date=2016
dc.identifier.jtitleAstronomy and Astrophysics
dc.type.peerreviewedPeer reviewed
dc.identifier.fulltextFulltext https://www.duo.uio.no/bitstream/handle/10852/51288/1/Intermediate29.pdf

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