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dc.contributor.authorSalter, Stian
dc.identifier.citationSalter, Stian. 3-åringer og barnehagetilvenning Barnehageansattes møte med 3-åringer uten barnehageerfaring. Master thesis, University of Oslo, 2014
dc.description.abstractSammendrag Barn oppholder seg i barnehagen 25 - 40 timer per uke i nåtidens Norge. Gjennomsnittet er 35 timer i uken. Oppholdstiden er tilnærmet identisk for alle aldersgrupper (Kunnskapsdepartementet, 2012). Med andre ord, barnehagebarn i Norge, tilbringer på ukedagene, storparten av deres våkne tid i barnehagen. Barnehagens personell har et omfattende omsorgsytelsesansvar. De av barnehagebarna som har de største omsorgsbehovene, er ofte de som kan ta minst vare på seg selv, og som kan uttrykke sine behov i mindre grad enn andre barn. Dette kan blant annet gjelde aldersgruppen 1-år- og de enda yngre spedbarna. 1-åringer i barnehage er ofte knutepunktet for barnehagediskusjoner i dagens norske samfunn, men hva med 3-åringene? Når nye 3-åringer uten barnehageerfaring skal entre inn i barnehagens tilvenningsperiode for første gang, blir deres individuelle sosiale forutsetninger og omsorgsbehov tilpasset og ivaretatt av personalet? Bør dagens barnehagemiljødiskusjoner, i tillegg til 1-åringers tilvenningsbehov, også inkludere et tema omkring de fortsatt eksisterende kontantstøttebrukende foreldre, som venter til barna er 3 år før de overleverer de til barnehagearenaen? 3-åringer som ikke har gått i barnehagen før, har også individuelle tilvenningsbehov, og en kan anta at deres foreldre har behov for informasjon som fokuserer på individer i denne aldersgruppen og -om tilvenningsprosedyren for barn som starter direkte i storebarnsgruppen. Forskningsspørsmålet tar oss direkte inn i kjernen av denne oppgavens problemstillingsområde, og lyder som følger: Hvordan møter barnehageansatte nye 3-åringer uten tidligere barnehageerfaring i tilvenningsperioden? En empirisk kvalitativ intervjuundersøkelse bidrar med å behandle hovedproblemstillingsområdet for denne masteroppgaven, om 3-åringer og barnehagetilvenning. Fire erfarne pedagogiske ledere er forskningsdeltakere i denne undersøkelsens kasusstudie. Kasusenes likheter og ulikheter kollasjoneres ut i fra en analytisk mønstervurdering. Ved å arbeide med forskningsspørsmålet stilt ovenfor behandles hovedproblemstillingsområdet synkront, av den grunn at de utfyller hverandre. I behandlingsprosessen knyttes empiriske forsknings resultater og det teoretiske rammeverket for denne oppgaven sammen. Empiriske kvalitative forskningsresultater fra intervjuundersøkelsen for denne oppgaven, kobles sammen med aspekter ved tilknytningsteori, og aktuelle relaterte overbevisninger fra ulike akademiske forfattere. Generelt i det norske barnehagesamfunnet, også blant informantene fra denne oppgavens undersøkelse, skildres det ulike subjektive meninger omkring hvordan omsorg bør ytes overfor 3-åringer uten tidligere barnehageerfaring i tilvenningsperioden. Samstundes som informantene angir informasjon som påviser at det i forskningsarenaen tilhørende denne masteravhandlingens kvalitative undersøkelse, ikke foreligger skriftlige konkrete formelle tiltak på hvordan nye 3-åringer kan møtes av personalet når de begynner i barnehagen, så belyser de hvordan de arbeider ut i fra deres pedagogiske kompetanse og erfaring for å møte 3-åringer uten barnehageerfaring i tilvenningsperioden.nor
dc.description.abstractAbstract Children of the age 1-6, or younger, in Norway, spend approximately 25-40 hours per week in the nursery. The average is 35 hours a week. The amount of time spent in the nursery is almost identical for all age groups (Ministry of Education in Norway (Kunnskapsdepartementet), 2012). In other words, toddlers and pre-schoolers in Norwegian nurseries spend most of their daily hours there; whilst in their most awakened and alerted state. The nurseries personnel have a comprehensive care-performance responsibility. The category of children who have the utmost need for care, are those who are not able to take any care of themselves, and those which cannot express their needs to a higher degree than others, which in others words; are often children, from the age of 1 or -younger. There is considerable emphasis on the 1-year-old nursery peer-groups in the Norwegian public and political debates. What about the 3-year-olds, I ask? If 3-year-olds without any nursery experience, skilled with their own individual unique preconditioned internalized social skills and -needs for care, participate in the nursery s settling-in period for the first time in their lives, how are they adapted to- and maintained for by the nurseries personnel? With all the emphasis on 1-year-olds within the current public- and political community discussions in Norway, it is important to include in the disputes; that, even though community development in Norway has led to a communal legitimized stage of parents handing over their 1-year-olds to the nursery s arena, there are still existing cash-for-care subsidy -using parents, whom choose to care at home for their children until they reach the age of 3, which is when this financial benefit-support invalidates, subsequently handing them over to a nursery. The central research question for this qualitative study, takes us directly into the core of the main topic for this thesis, and reads as follows: In which way do the nursery s employees, accommodate the new 3-year-olds during the settling-in period and onwards, when taking into consideration that these 3-year-old s have no previous experience from a nursery environment? The empirical qualitative interviews contribute to shedding light on the chosen topic for this thesis, which is mentioned in the previous paragraph above, and affective for illuminating and discussing the main areas of issue. 4 experienced educational supervisors, with a daily based leading role in a nursery, managing individual sections, are the research participants in the case study of the interview for this thesis. The similarities and dissimilarities comparisons are implemented with the use of analytical pattern matching. To process the central topic of this thesis, which the research question described above elucidates, the empirical data from my research is linked with the theoretical framework for this thesis. In other words, the collected empirical qualitative research data findings from my interviews and aspects of attachment theory, together with current related utterances from various academic authors, all collaborate in emphasising on how 3-year-olds without any nursery experience, are encountered by the nursery personnel in the settling-in period, looking into a possible phase of a nursery-child s development, where the personnel may take upon themselves a role as these children s secondary-carers, or even secondary attachment figures. Within the public of the Norwegian nursery-society, also among the informants from the research of this thesis study, there are diverse subjective opinions on the matter of how care should be provided for 3-year-olds with no previous nursery experience throughout the settling-in period, and furthermore, in the time ahead. However, the informants of the qualitative research study of this thesis corroborate, that, there are no specific formal written measures of how new 3-year-olds without any nursery experience; can- or should be approached and safeguarded, by the nursery personnel from the research arena of this thesis, when they start up in the nursery s settling-in period. However, during the empirical qualitative research interview, the informant s explain how they work, on the basis of their educational qualifications and pedagogical work experience, in order to encounter and accommodate the new 3-year-olds who have no previous nursery experience.eng
dc.title3-åringer og barnehagetilvenning Barnehageansattes møte med 3-åringer uten barnehageerfaringnor
dc.title3-year-olds adaptation to the nursery s settling-in period Employees encounter with new 3-year-old children with no previous experience from a nursery environment.eng
dc.typeMaster thesis
dc.creator.authorSalter, Stian
dc.identifier.fulltextFulltext https://www.duo.uio.no/bitstream/handle/10852/42197/11/Masteroppgave--All-Ped--Stian-Salter--Hst-2014.pdf

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