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dc.contributor.authorSundet, Vilde Schanke
dc.description.abstractThis thesis is a study of how established institutions within the media and telecom industries act in times of change, using the first decade of the 2000s as its time frame. As an emerging field that has inspired high expectations but also much uncertainty, mobile media has been a leading subject of scholarly investigation. Located mainly within the management of technological innovation tradition, this thesis discusses how incumbent institutions, with their legacies from the traditional media and telecom industries, make sense of the mobile device as a media platform, as well as how they translate their perceptions into plans and actions. Furthermore, this thesis connects the development of mobile media to other, more far-reaching developments—technological, cultural and economic—within the media and telecom industries. Hence it considers how mobile-media perceptions and facilitations are related to the more general developments of media convergence, changing audience relations and challenging new-media business models. It concentrates on well-established institutions from the Norwegian media and telecom markets—the incumbent telecom operator Telenor, the public service broadcaster NRK, the tabloid newspaper VG, the commercial television channel TV 2 and the commercial radio channel P4 in particular. This thesis relies upon a multifold definition of the term “strategy” and distinguishes further among strategies as plans, patterns and perspectives. Hence, it analyses not only what these institutions say they plan to do (and what they actually do) regarding mobile media but also the foundation of these decisions—that is, industry perceptions and working notions. The latter term is given particular attention in this thesis, because analyses of strategies as plans or patterns can mislead us into believing that the institution’s decision-making processes are linear and rational and driven by well-documented goals and aims. On the other hand, studies that incorporate working notions - where different working notions compete and where the dominant working notion might even change over time - provide a more chaotic but ultimately more dynamic and realistic representation of reality. This thesis aims to substantiate why, and outline how, this is so.en_US
dc.relation.haspartArticle I. The Dream of Mobile Media. Published in Tanja Storsul & Dagny Stuedahl (eds.) Ambivalence Towards Convergence. Digitalization and Media Change, pp. 87-113. Götenborg: Nordicom (2007).
dc.relation.haspartArticle II. “Because They Deserve It”: Audience Participation as a Strategic Development Area in the Media Industry. Written together with Arnt Maasø and Trine Syvertsen. Published under the title “‘Fordi de fortjener det’. Publikumsdeltakelse som strategisk utviklingsområde i mediebransjen” in Norsk Medietidsskrift, vol. 14:2; 126–154 (2007). Translated by John C. Anthony. http://dx.doi.org/10.18261/issn.0805-9535
dc.relation.haspartArticle III. Working Notions of Active Audiences: Further Research on the Active Participant in Convergent Media Industries Written together with Espen Ytreberg. Published in Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies, vol. 15:4; 383-390 (2009). http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/1354856509342339
dc.relation.haspartArticle IV. Innovation and Creativity at NRK: An Analysis of Platform and Genre in the Rubenmann Project Published with the title “Innovasjon og nyskaping i NRK. En analyse av platform- og sjangerbruk i Rubenmann-prosjektet” in Norsk Medietidsskrift, vol. 15:4; 282–307 (2008). Translated by John C. Anthony. http://dx.doi.org/10.18261/issn.0805-9535
dc.relation.haspartArticle V. Approaching the Mobile Media Market: An Analysis of Strategic Perspectives, Plans and Patterns in Telenor’s Mobile Football and Mobile Music Service. Submitted to The International Journal on Media Management in February 2011, accepted for revision and re-submission.
dc.relation.haspartArticle VI. Established Media and Their Preconditions for Profitability: A comparative analysis of competition conditions in the Norwegian newspaper, radio and television industries. Written together with Arne H. Krumsvik. Published under the title “Etablerte medier og deres forutsetning for fortjeneste: En komparativ analyse av konkurranseforholdene i norsk avis-, radio- og fjernsynsbransje” in Norsk medietidsskrift, vol. 13:3; 188-216 (2011). Translated by Amesto. http://dx.doi.org/10.18261/issn.0805-9535
dc.titleMaking Sense of Mobile Media. Institutional Working Notions, Strategies and Actions in Convergent Media Marketsen_US
dc.typeDoctoral thesis
dc.creator.authorSundet, Vilde Schanke
dc.identifier.fulltextFulltext https://www.duo.uio.no/bitstream/handle/10852/35335/1/MakingSenseofMobileMedia_vildess.pdf

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