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dc.identifier.citationFossum, Solveig. Timing and coordination of DNA replication in Escherichia coli . Doktoravhandling, University of Oslo, 2007en_US
dc.description.abstractInitiation of DNA replication in the bacterium Escherichia coli (E. coli) occurs once per cell cycle at a unique origin site named oriC. The initiator, DnaA, is essential for initiation from oriC. Two control systems have been discovered that prevent re-initiation. One of the control systems involves inactivation of the initiator protein, DnaA, by active replication forks. The other system relies on specific inactivation (sequestration) of newly replicated origins. The SeqA protein plays an important role in sequestration. In the work presented in this thesis we study the role of the SeqA protein in control of replication initiation and in origin and replication fork organization. We show that SeqA binds cooperatively to newly replicated origins and propose a model in which SeqA forms a left-handed helical multimer upon DNA binding. The replication forks originated from the same origin has been suggested to stay in close proximity into a structure called the replication factory. We find support for this model in cells that grow rapidly with multifork DNA replication. We also find that sister origins stay colocalized, increasingly so with increasing growth rate. We show that the SeqA protein is involved in colocalization of sister replication forks and origins in vivo. In agreement, we show that SeqA is capable of paring newly replicated sister DNA molecules in vitro. We also report the development of a bacterial screening assay for discovery of novel antibacterial agents that target the initiator protein, DnaA. So far no drugs that target the essential DNA replication machinery have been discovered. Compounds discovered by this screen will therefore constitute a new group of antibacterial drugs.eng
dc.description.abstractPOPULÆRVITENSKAPELIG SAMMENDRAG (NORSK): TITTEL: Regulering av kromosomkopiering i Escherichia coli I arbeidet som presenteres i denne avhandlingen prøver vi å forstå mer om hvordan en celle regulerer kopieringen av sitt genetiske materiale, eller kromosom. Escherichia coli (E.coli) bakterien som vi har brukt som modell i dette arbeidet er en enkel, encellet organisme. Informasjon fra studier av enkle organismer har vært retningsgivende for studier av mange andre celletyper. Våre resultater kan derfor bidra til videre forståelse av de biologiske prosessene ved kromosomkopiering, i både normale celler og kreftceller. Kopieringen av kromosomet er regulert slik at det skjer kun en gang per celledeling. Både positive og negative faktorer er involvert i denne reguleringen. SeqA proteinet er en slik negativ faktor. Celler som mangler funksjonelt SeqA protein (seqA mutanter) mangler også kontrollert kopiering av arvestoffet sitt. Vi har studert to ulike seqA mutanter og viser at kooperativ binding av SeqA til nysyntetisert DNA er viktig for å hindre uregulert kopiering. Videre finner vi at SeqA danner en venstrehendt spiralformet multimer når den binder til nytt DNA. En modell er blitt foreslått hvor de to protein kompleksene som kopierer kromosomet er samlet i en felles struktur som kalles ”replication factory”. Vi finner at denne modellen stemmer for celler som vokser hurtig med overlappende DNA kopieringssykluser. Vi finner også at nysyntetisert DNA sitter sammen i store deler av cellesyklusen ved hurtig vekst, og at SeqA proteinet er involvert i denne organiseringen. I dette arbeidet presenterer vi også utvikling av en ny screening metode som kan brukes til å lete etter nye antimikrobielle stoffer som har kromosomkopiering som mål. Slike antimikrobielle midler finnes ikke i dag og vil derfor være et viktig bidrag i kampen mot resistente bakterier.nor
dc.relation.haspart1. Fossum S, Crooke E and Skarstad K (2007). Organization of sister origins and replisomes during multifork DNA replication in Escherichia coli. Submitted. The paper is not available in DUO.
dc.relation.haspart2. Fossum S, De Pascale G, Weigel C, Messer W, Donadio S and Skarstad K (2007). A robust screen for novel antibiotics: Specific knockout of the initiator of bacterial DNA replication. Submitted. The paper is not available in DUO.
dc.relation.haspart3. Odsbu I, Klungsøyr HK, Fossum S, Skarstad K (2005). Specific N-terminal interactions of the E.coli SeqA protein are required to form multimers that restrain negative supercoils and form foci. Genes Cells, 10:1039-1049 The paper is not available in DUO. The published version is available at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-2443.2005.00898.x
dc.relation.haspart4. Fossum S, Søreide S, and Skarstad K. (2003). Lack of SeqA focus formation, DNA binding and proper protein multimerization in the Escherichia coli sequestration mutant seqA2. Mol Microbiol, 47(3):619-32 The paper is not available in DUO. The published version is available at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1046/j.1365-2958.2003.t01-1-03329.x
dc.titleTiming and coordination of DNA replication in Escherichia colien_US
dc.typeDoctoral thesisen_US
dc.creator.authorFossum, Solveigen_US
cristin.unitnameMedisinske fakulteten_US
dc.identifier.bibliographiccitationinfo:ofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_ver=Z39.88-2004&rft_val_fmt=info:ofi/fmt:kev:mtx:dissertation&rft.au=Fossum, Solveig&rft.title=Timing and coordination of DNA replication in Escherichia coli &rft.inst=University of Oslo&rft.date=2007&rft.degree=Doktoravhandlingen_US
dc.contributor.supervisorKirsten Skarstaden_US
dc.identifier.fulltextFulltext https://www.duo.uio.no/bitstream/handle/10852/28079/1/DUO_530_Fossum_17x24.pdf

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