Now showing items 1-20 of 20

  • Karlsen, Joakim; Havgar, Margrethe; Rødsrud, Christian Løchsen (Journal article / Tidsskriftartikkel / PublishedVersion; Peer reviewed, 2023)
    This article examines how collaboration with Public Service Media structures the relationship between archaeologists and the public. To be able to understand such collaborations, we have studied an online news production ...
  • Rødsrud, Christian Løchsen (Journal article / Tidsskriftartikkel / PublishedVersion; Peer reviewed, 2020)
    The point of departure for this article is the excavation of two burial mounds and a trackway system in Bamble, Telemark, Norway. One of the mounds overlay ard marks, which led to speculation as to whether the site was ...
  • Mjærum, Axel; Rødsrud, Christian Løchsen (Chapter / Bokkapittel / PublishedVersion; Peer reviewed, 2020)
    When studying the physical remains from an excavation, focus is naturally at the microscopic level. Fernand Braudel emphasized the necessity to rise above the explanation of individual events and of limited periods, ...
  • Rødsrud, Christian Løchsen (Journal article / Tidsskriftartikkel / PublishedVersion; Peer reviewed, 2017)
    Jeg vil i denne artikkelen legge vekt på tre gjenstandskategorier: romerskproduserte glass med påførte gullbeslag og reparasjoner, keramikkbegre som imiterer glass samt keramikk der glasskår er satt inn i karveggen; såkalte ...
  • Rødsrud, Christian Løchsen; Mjærum, Axel (Chapter / Bokkapittel / PublishedVersion; Peer reviewed, 2020)
    2.8 ABSTRACT: A PAST BORDERLAND – LANDSCAPES, COMMUNICATION ROUTES AND THE ARCHAEOLOGICAL RECORDS OF LØTEN AND ELVERUM IN EASTERN NORWAY The rich soils in the central parts of the region of Hedmarken in the inland region ...
  • Kile-Vesik, Jakob Jan Edvin; Mjærum, Axel; Rødsrud, Christian Løchsen; Linderholm, Johan; Mikkelsen, Peter hambro (Chapter / Bokkapittel / PublishedVersion; Peer reviewed, 2020)
    The entire site at Skillingstad, id 140788, consisted of 109 features. However only the eastern part of the site was directly affected by road construction. 41 cairns and five charcoal pits were excavated during this ...
  • Macphail, Richard; Bill, Jan; Crowther, John; Haitha, Constantin; Linderholm, Johan; Popovici, Dragomir; Rødsrud, Christian Løchsen (Journal article / Tidsskriftartikkel / SubmittedVersion, 2016)
    Specific soil micromorphological, broader geoarchaeological and environmental archaeology signatures of settlement activities and land use have been identified from numerous case studies across Europe – from Romania to ...
  • Stamnes, Arne Anderson; Rødsrud, Christian Løchsen (Chapter / Bokkapittel / PublishedVersion; Peer reviewed, 2020)
    I 2015 gjennomføre Kulturhistorisk museum utgravninger i Løten og Elverum kommuner, region Innlandet. Bakgrunnen var Statens vegvesens planer om å bygge ut riksveiene 3 og 25 for å skape en bedre veiforbindelse mellom ...
  • Rødsrud, Christian Løchsen; Røstad, Ingunn Marit (Chapter / Bokkapittel / PublishedVersion; Peer reviewed, 2020)
    Metal detecting at a cooking pit site at Rømma in Løten, Hedmark (discussed in chapter 7), lead to the discovery of a brooch formed like a bird. The brooch is unusual and has no exact parallels. This paper presents the ...
  • Bill, Jan; Rødsrud, Christian Løchsen (Chapter / Bokkapittel / AcceptedVersion; Peer reviewed, 2017)
    This is an accepted version of a chapter published in the book Viking-Age Transformations: Trade, Craft and Resources in Western Scandinavia. © 2017 Routledge
  • Rødsrud, Christian Løchsen (Doctoral thesis / Doktoravhandling, 2012)
    Dette arbeidet tar sikte på å forstå bruken og den sosiale betydningen av keramikk og andre kar i gravkontekst fra eldre jernalder (500 f.Kr. – 575 e.Kr.) i Øst-Norge. I dette langtidsperspektivet er det særlig én ...
  • Mjærum, Axel; Rødsrud, Christian Løchsen (Chapter / Bokkapittel / PublishedVersion; Peer reviewed, 2020)
    The exploitation of the borderland, where Løten and Elverum represent contact points for the interaction between the agricultural areas Hedmarken and areas of dense forest in inland Norway, is the focus point of this book. ...
  • Rødsrud, Christian Løchsen; Mjærum, Axel; Stamnes, Arne Anderson; Bergstøl, Jostein; Eriksen, Kristin; Gundersen, Ingar M.; Jouttijärvi, Arne; Kile-Vesik, Jakob; Larsen, Jan-Henning; Linderholm, Johan; Mikkelsen, Peter Hambro; Post-Melbye, Julian; Rundberget, Bernt; Røstad, Ingunn M.; Skogheim, Vegard; Melgaard, Hilde Marie Sømme; Winther, Torgeir (Series / Seriehefte, 2020)
    Utgravningsprosjektet rv. 3/25 ble gjennomført i perioden 2015–2019. Statens vegvesen finansierte prosjektet, som er utført av Kulturhistorisk museum ved Universitetet i Oslo. 79 kulturminneområder fra yngre steinalder til ...
  • Gundersen, Ingar Mørkestøl; Rødsrud, Christian Løchsen; Martinsen, Julian Robert Post (Chapter / Bokkapittel / PublishedVersion; Peer reviewed, 2020)
  • Rødsrud, Christian Løchsen; Melgaard, Hilde M Sømme; Skogheim, Vegard; Winther, Torgeir; Mikkelsen, Peter Hambro (Chapter / Bokkapittel / PublishedVersion; Peer reviewed, 2020)
    Excavations at Gjærlu, Rømma, Kroksti and Skramstad were mainly focused on cooking pits. In addition to the 118 cooking pits that have been found, a clearance cairn underneath cultivation layers at Gjærlu and two kilns at ...
  • Rødsrud, Christian Løchsen (Chapter / Bokkapittel / PublishedVersion; Peer reviewed, 2020)
    Man over board – on missing skeletal remains, lack of artefacts and the symbolic meaning behind cairn and mound constructions This paper builds on the results from the excavation of the field of cairns at Skillingstad (see ...
  • Rødsrud, Christian Løchsen; Post-Melbye, Julian R.; Kile-Vesik, Jakob Jan Edvin (Chapter / Bokkapittel / PublishedVersion; Peer reviewed, 2020)
    In 2015, the Museum of Cultural History organized a large excavation project in Løten, Hedmark with over 90 sites. During the project both clearance cairns and cairns interpreted as graves were excavated. The field at ...
  • Rødsrud, Christian Løchsen; Jouttijärvi, Arne (Chapter / Bokkapittel / PublishedVersion; Peer reviewed, 2020)
    In 2016 the Museum of Cultural History set out to excavate a large burial mound on the northern shores of Lake Mjøsa. The site, however, proved to be a smithy from the medieval period, placed on top of a natural mound. In ...
  • Rødsrud, Christian Løchsen; Fredriksen, Per Ditlef Møller (Chapter / Bokkapittel / PublishedVersion; Peer reviewed, 2023)
    This article focuses on the transmission of technological knowledge and social change at Augland in southernmost Norway around AD 200–450/60. In the first 150 years of this period the Augland artisans produced a regionally ...
  • Fredriksen, Per Ditlef; Rødsrud, Christian Løchsen; Caruso, Francesco (Journal article / Tidsskriftartikkel / PublishedVersion; Peer reviewed, 2020)
    The unique ceramic production site at Augland in southernmost Norway thrived for more than 250 years until its demise in the troubled Migration Period. Contrary to previous opinions, we argue that production ended around ...