Now showing items 2280-2299 of 3225

  • Bøe, Ane Bjerkestrand; Lillelien, Lisa (Master thesis / Prosjektoppgave, 2011)
    Abstract Background: Oral contraceptives are the most widely used hormonal contraceptive among young Norwegian women, yet the younger age groups demonstrate high rates of unplanned pregnancies and induced abortions. The ...
  • Theepan, Dilanee (Master thesis / Prosjektoppgave, 2011)
    Abstract The birth control pills are medications that prevent pregnancy, they contain a combination of the hormones estrogen and progestin and are also named the combined oral contraceptives (COC). When the birth control ...
  • Gundersen, Sophia Valen (Master thesis / Masteroppgave, 2024)
  • Agøy, Ingebjørg Hagen (Master thesis / Prosjektoppgave, 2016)
    Largely ignored by the global community, paediatric tuberculosis is a major health challenge. The clinical course of disease, presentation and diagnostics of TB in children differs from adults and poses specific obstacles ...
  • Brunsvig-Engemoen, Fredrik (Master thesis / Prosjektoppgave, 2008)
    Palliative therapies in esophageal cancer Esophageal cancer is a lethal malignancy, with a rising incidence worldwide, but still a rare disease in Norway (0,7 % of all newly diagnosed cancers in Norway). Most of the ...
  • Langberg, Helene Borthen (Master thesis / Prosjektoppgave, 2010)
    Abstract In previous literature there is little difference in survival between the classic Whipple procedure and pylorus-preserving pancreaticoduodenectomy. The same goes for survival after regional lymphadenectomy (RLA) ...
  • Lande, Asgeir (Master thesis / Prosjektoppgave, 2007)
    ABSTRACT The outbreaks of Avian Influenza H5N1 the recent years has increased our attention to a possible Pandemic Influenza. Mindful of the last century's pandemics, we fear that changes in the virus' surface antigens ...
  • Skaare, Herborg (Master thesis / Prosjektoppgave, 2010)
    Abstract Background: Panic disorder occurs in 1-2 % of the adult population, and is associated with other psychiatric disorders. There has been a question if there is a higher risk of suicide and attempted suicide in people ...
  • Sahraoui, Afaf (Master thesis / Prosjektoppgave, 2007)
    ABSTRACT. Background. Results in pancreatic islet transplantation have improved during the last decade, but long term results remain disappointing. This is partly due to loss of islets in pre-transplant culture and immediate ...
  • Hjortland, Andreas (Master thesis / Prosjektoppgave, 2011)
    Hensikt: I denne artikkelen undersøker vi om det finnes en sammenheng mellom rødt kjøtt og pankreaskreft. Bakgrunn: Pankreaskreft har en høy mortalitet og det finnes ingen effektiv behandling, siden diagnostiseringen er ...
  • Malde, Aase (Master thesis / Prosjektoppgave, 2020)
    This literature review is an attempt to take a closer look on the existing RCTs on the topic PANS and PANDAS and the child psychiatric investigation and treatment that the participants underwent during submitting to the ...
  • Jahanshahi, Biyda (Master thesis / Prosjektoppgave, 2017)
  • Røsbekk, Stein Helge (Master thesis / Prosjektoppgave, 2007)
    During the last 50 years it has become clear that malignant tumours can induce symptoms unrelated to the mechanical effects of the primary tumour itself or its metastasis. Today, the name Paraneoplastic syndrome is given ...
  • Fahs, Sarah Christine (Master thesis / Prosjektoppgave, 2021)
    According to attachment theory, the quality of the early child-parent bond determines the child’s interpersonal relationships later in life. Utilising data from the First Intervention Study in Transference - In Teenagers ...
  • Kvarven, Daniel Nicolai (Master thesis / Prosjektoppgave, 2021)
    PD is the most common form of parkinsonism, a clinical syndrome characterized by akinesia/bradykinesia, muscle rigidity, and resting tremor. The pathological hallmarks of the disease are loss of dopaminergic neurons, ...
  • Jamal, Zena (Master thesis / Prosjektoppgave, 2021)
    Parkinsons sykdom (PD) er kjent for å være en klinisk heterogen sykdom, og det har vært relativt få nyttige studier som har forsøkt å subtype den, fordi den vil hjelpe til med å estimere prognosen og lengden på progresjonen. ...
  • Grimsrud, Marit Mæhle (Master thesis / Prosjektoppgave, 2015)
    Background: Acute poisonings with prescription drugs is a growing problem. This study aims to describe the poisonings that come in to the Oslo accident and emergency outpatient clinic (OAEOC) with poisonings with prescription ...
  • Brænd, Anja Maria Lyche; Gran, Sarah Eileen Frandsen (Master thesis / Prosjektoppgave, 2006)
    Bakgrunn: Mange medisinstudenter opplever å få for lite tilbakemelding under utplassering i allmennpraksis. Vi ønsket å finne ut om strukturerte tilbakemeldinger fra pasientene var et nyttig hjelpemiddel for studenter og ...
  • Foss, Cecilie (Master thesis / Prosjektoppgave, 2008)
    ABSTRACT Background and objectives Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM) has been used at Ullevål University Hospital (UUS) regularly since 1990. This study aimed to look at the reasons for referral for ABPM, ...