Now showing items 1-10 of 10

  • Fagerjord, Anders; Maasø, Arnt; Storsul, Tanja; Syvertsen, Trine (Journal article / Tidsskriftartikkel / PublishedVersion; Peer reviewed, 2010)
    When planning for the future, media managers must balance realism with the need to foresee unexpected changes. This article investigates images of the future in the Norwegian media industry in the early years of the 21st ...
  • Maasø, Arnt; Simonsen, Hanne Gram (Chapter / Bokkapittel / AcceptedVersion; Peer reviewed, 2021)
    Dette kapittelet viser hvordan kollegaveiledning i gruppe har potensial til å bidra til endring og læring i en organisasjon. Vi eksemplifiserer dette med et prosjekt ved Det humanistiske fakultet (HF, UiO) i perioden ...
  • Maasø, Arnt; Hagen, Anja Nylund (Journal article / Tidsskriftartikkel / PublishedVersion; Peer reviewed, 2020)
    Music streaming enables the tracking of listening behavior in more detail than any previous music-distribution format. While it is well known that streaming services collect troves of data, little is known about how ...
  • Maasø, Arnt (Journal article / Tidsskriftartikkel / SubmittedVersion, 2016)
    A key aspect of music-streaming services is the user’s access to their vast libraries and abundant choices anytime and anywhere. This article explores how artists performing at a large music festival in Norway were streamed ...
  • Storsul, Tanja; Arnseth, Hans Christian; Bucher, Taina; Enli, Gunn; Hontvedt, Magnus; Kløvstad, Vibeke; Maasø, Arnt (Research report / Forskningsrapport, 2008)
    Teenagers spend a lot of time on the Internet and social networking sites constitute an important part of their Internet use. Social networking sites are web services that make is easy for the users to create, share and ...
  • Storsul, Tanja; Arnseth, Hans Christian; Bucher, Taina; Enli, Gunn; Hontvedt, Magnus; Kløvstad, Vibeke; Maasø, Arnt (Research report / Forskningsrapport, 2008)
    Ungdom bruker mye tid på Internett, og nettsamfunn er en viktig del av ungdoms Internett-bruk. Nettsamfunn er nettjenester der brukerne enkelt kan skape, dele og distribuere informasjon og medieinnhold. Typiske eksempler ...
  • Maasø, Arnt; Simonsen, Hanne Gram (Chapter / Bokkapittel / SubmittedVersion, 2023)
    This chapter demonstrates how problem-based peer group mentoring in groups can facilitate change and learning in an organisation. This is exemplified by a 5-year project at a humanities faculty at a large, research-based ...
  • Magnotti, John F.; Lado, Anastasia; Zhang, Jue; Maasø, Arnt; Nath, Audrey; Beauchamp, Michael S. (Journal article / Tidsskriftartikkel / PublishedVersion; Peer reviewed, 2024)
    In the McGurk effect, presentation of incongruent auditory and visual speech evokes a fusion percept different than either component modality. We show that repeatedly experiencing the McGurk effect for 14 days induces a ...
  • Maasø, Arnt; Spilker, Hendrik Storstein (Journal article / Tidsskriftartikkel / PublishedVersion; Peer reviewed, 2022)
    Why does music listening in streaming services seem tied to a superstar economy despite the plenitude of digital music? This article explores what we label the streaming paradox: the way in which plenitude at the outset ...
  • Fagerjord, Anders; Karlsen, Faltin; Maasø, Arnt; Storsul, Tanja; Syvertsen, Trine (Journal article / Tidsskriftartikkel / PublishedVersion; Peer reviewed, 2005)