Now showing items 1-2 of 2

  • Remazeilles, Mathieu; Banday, AJ; Baccigalupi, C; Basak, S; Bonaldi, A; De Zotti, G; Delabrouille, J; Dickinson, C; Eriksen, Hans Kristian Kamfjord; Errard, J; Fernández-Cobos, R; Fuskeland, Unni; Hervías-Caimapo, C; López-Caniego, M; Martínez-González, E; Roman, M; Vielva, P; Wehus, Ingunn Kathrine; Achucarro, A; Ade, P; Allison, R; Ashdown, M; Ballardini, M; Banerji, Ranajoy; Bartlett, J; Bartolo, N; Baumann, D; Bersanelli, M; Bonato, M; Borrill, J; Bouchet, F; Boulanger, F; Brinckmann, T; Bucher, M; Burigana, C; Buzzelli, A; Cai, Z.-Y.; Calvo, M; Carvalho, C.-S.; Castellano, G; Challinor, A; Chluba, J; Clesse, S; Colantoni, I; Coppolecchia, A; Crook, M; D'Alessandro, G; de Bernardis, P; de Gasperis, G; Diego, J.-M.; Di Valentino, E.; Feeney, S; Ferraro, S; Finelli, F; Forastieri, F; Galli, S; Genova-Santos, R; Gerbino, M; González-Nuevo, J; Grandis, S; Greenslade, J; Hagstotz, S; Hanany, S; Handley, W; Hernández-Monteagudo, C; Hills, M; Hivon, E; Kiiveri, K; Kisner, T; Kitching, T; Kunz, M; Kurki-Suonio, H; Lamagna, L; Lasenby, A; Lattanzi, M; Lesgourgues, J; Lewis, A; Liguori, M; Lindholm, V; Luzzi, G; Maffei, B; Martins, CJAP; Masi, S; Matarrese, S; McCarthy, D; Melin, JB; Melchiorri, A; Molinari, D; Monfardini, A; Natoli, P; Negrello, M; Notari, A; Paiella, A; Paoletti, D; Patanchon, G; Piat, M; Pisano, G; Polastri, L; Polenta, G; Pollo, A; Poulin, V; Quartin, M; Rubino-Martin, JA; Salvati, L; Tartari, A; Tomasi, M; Tramonte, D; Trappe, N; Trombetti, T; Tucker, C; Valiviita, J; Van de Weijgaert, R; van Tent, B; Vennin, V; Vittorio, N; Young, K; Zannoni, M (Journal article / Tidsskriftartikkel / SubmittedVersion, 2018)
    We demonstrate that, for the baseline design of the CORE satellite mission, the polarized foregrounds can be controlled at the level required to allow the detection of the primordial cosmic microwave background (CMB) B-mode ...
  • Aurvik, Ragnhild; Remazeilles, Mathieu; Belkner, Sebastian; Carron, Julien; Delabrouille, Jacques; Eriksen, Hans Kristian Kamfjord; Flauger, Raphael; Fuskeland, Unni; Galloway, Mathew; Górski, Krzysztof M.; Hanany, Shaul; Hensley, Brandon S.; Hill, J. Colin; Lawrence, Charles R.; Pryke, Clement; van Engelen, Alexander; Wehus, Ingunn Kathrine (Journal article / Tidsskriftartikkel / PublishedVersion; Peer reviewed, 2023)
    PICO is a concept for a NASA probe-scale mission aiming to detect or constrain the tensor to scalar ratio r, a parameter that quantifies the amplitude of inflationary gravity waves. We carry out map-based component separation ...